The contract was the same as before, and it turned into a puff of smoke and entered the bodies of Yan Feichen and Mr. Owl, which meant that the two of them had been bound by the contract.

Next, Yan Feichen needs to create enough infected people to introduce them after the people in the hunting ground find the eaters. As for other times, he can act at will.

In order to ensure that Yan Feichen was within their monitoring range at all times, Mr. Owl specially gave him a watch.

It wasn't until Yan Feichen put the watch on his hand that Mr. Owl turned and left.

Just when he was about to step out of the room, Yan Feichen seemed to think of something and asked.

"I don't know if the records of the last round of hunting are still kept in the hunting lodge?"

Mr. Owl turned his head and gave Yan Feichen a weird look. Several feathers on his face overlapped together. He didn't understand why Yan Feichen suddenly started to care about what happened in the last hunting.

But because they are still cooperating, Mr. Owl chose to tell Yan Feichen.

"The information from the last time is kept in the archives. If you need it, you can check it yourself, but I hope that you just want to check the last hunting record... I have other things to deal with. Go first."

Taking a meaningful look at Yan Feichen, Mr. Owl quickly left the room.

For some reason, Yan Feichen could feel that Mr. Owl was a little different this time from before. The other party seemed to be very urgent, without the sense of calm he had before.

After I lost my mind, something must have happened...

Yan Feichen turned his attention to the witty remarks aside, if there is one person who can tell him the cause and effect now, it is estimated that he can only find the other party.

Fortunately, the punchline has now been switched to the nanny personality, so basically he won't hide too much from him.

"Can you tell me what happened in the second half of the siege? I must have lost my mind..." Yan Feichen looked at the witty words and said softly.

"It's like this..." Qiao Yu was about to speak, but suddenly she frowned, showing a painful look.

Obviously, this is another personality, which is robbing her of control of the body.

This symptom only lasted for a few seconds, and the nanny personality regained control of the body. It seemed that the nanny personality was the real master personality.

Think about it, even when another personality is controlling the body, it can still hear the voice of the nanny personality.

After the personality stabilized, the punch line began to tell Yan Feichen carefully what happened after he lost his mind.

After listening to the other party's narration, I once again understood how dangerous it is to lose my mind.

How outrageous that he actually became the one who charged ahead...

If the electric field erupted from the ghost's near-death, if it wasn't for the witty words to make up for it by switching his personality in time, even with the potion bullets from the hunting ground, he would inevitably die.

Although the final result is that he is still alive and has received kill rewards, but Yan Feichen would rather not have these than lose his mind in the battle.

Whether it was the last time or this time, he had already stepped on the door of hell.

In addition, there was the crow that Uriel dealt with cautiously. Yan Feichen sounded more and more like the one he had encountered before, and it seemed that it still carried some kind of secret.

The owl's urgency must have something to do with the crow.

Now that the ins and outs of his loss of sanity are known, and there is no serious physical problem, Yan Feichen immediately turned over and fell off the bed.

Now the hunting ground has not sent him any news, and the rest is his free time. He plans to go to the underground forge first.

The rock knot sleep egg obtained from the last world is still on his body. When he was in the disaster space, Yan Feichen planned to find a blacksmith to help him make suitable equipment.

As a result, installing 'Gorefiend Lord's Spine' and strengthening his skills has wiped out all his wealth, and the rest of the money is used to buy healing potions, and the money for forging equipment is worth every penny. not come out.

Now that there is a ready-made blacksmith, Yan Feichen naturally wants to see if he can complete the forging of the sleeping rock egg.

Item name: Rock knot sleep egg (material)

Item description: The product born after the precipitation and crystallization of underground ore. It is an excellent material for forging equipment. It has special effects on some creatures. This item is only produced in the world of Dawn.

"I'm going to a place next, do you want to come with me, or stay here?" Yan Feichen asked.

"Ah?!" The sudden question overwhelmed Miaoyu, she thought for a moment, and chose to follow Yan Feichen.

Relying on the route in memory, Yan Feichen walked to the underground of the hunting ground with a punch line.

Just when he walked to the familiar bathroom, Yan Feichen heard a crisp sound of ping-pong, no doubt it was the sound of iron objects colliding and beating.

He couldn't help but be a little happy when he heard this voice, which meant that Monton was awake at the moment, and the forging of the rock knot sleeping egg would be settled.

He immediately ran towards the source of the voice, leaving the witticisms far behind.

The heat wave in the tunnel was much hotter than before, Yan Feichen's head was covered with some sweat.


The reminder of the calamity space sounded suddenly, but before it finished speaking, it stopped abruptly, and the sound produced by the forging room gradually weakened, and finally fell silent.

With doubts in mind, Yan Feichen came to the door of the forging room, where a gap has been opened for people to walk through.

The heavy snoring sound is echoing rhythmically inside, and it can be seen that the owner who released this sound is sleeping very peacefully at the moment.

Entering the forging room, feeling the surrounding temperature that had not yet dropped, Yan Feichen was sure that Monton had definitely just fallen asleep.

The strange thing is that the time when Monton fell asleep is so consistent with the time when the disaster space terminates the reminder, it is difficult for Yan Feichen to connect the relationship between the two.

"What's going on... Could it be that the escapee is..." Staring at the sleeping Monton, Yan Feichen made a bold guess.

But after thinking about it carefully, Yan Feichen felt that his conjecture was untenable.

Taking another look at the sleeping Monton, Yan Feichen slowly exited the room. Next, he needs two things to prove his conjecture.

"Aren't we going down there?" Seeing Yan Feichen walking towards him, Qiao Yu asked curiously.

"No, let's go to the archives!"

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