Calamity Game: Cleanup Man? No I'm The Villain

Chapter 242 Hybrid Mode, Attribute Barriers

"Every time a disaster game is played, it will generally only be matched with survivors of the same class. Even if the world you enter is far beyond the class of the survivors, your spine should be taken from the high-level world. right?"

Yan Feichen nodded when he heard the words, "The spine of the blood demon lord" is indeed the equipment obtained from the third-order world.

"This kind of direct access to the high-level world has an advantage. As long as you have the ability, you can get benefits and equipment far beyond the current level, provided that you can meet its equipment requirements.

But whether you enter a high-level world or a world that matches your own class, you will only encounter survivors of the same class. The blendable modes are different...

In the hybrid mode, all the survivors from the first rank to the high rank may appear in it, and even the tasks of the low rank survivors may be exactly the same as those of the high rank survivors! "

When Ting Sha said this, Yan Feichen couldn't help but fell into deep thought. If the other party really made enemies with him, then he must be careful when encountering a mixed mode.

"But you don't have to worry too much. I said I will help you stop here, and I will definitely do what I say. It's just that I have pity on my future income..."

"Are you going to join that union?"

"Fart! Even if I die in a disaster game, I won't join any union. At most, I will help their union members to install or repair it for free a few times. Tsk, I'm so sorry!!!"

When helping Yan Feichen install the spine, Sha took away at least 80,000 disaster points. This was only because his spine was only a third-level spine, and he himself was only a first-level spine, so it was more convenient to install.

But once it reaches the fourth level, the price will increase several times, and the loss of the brake is conservatively estimated to be more than a million points.

It is not difficult to see how important it is to her that the next thing that needs Yan Feichen's cooperation is needed, otherwise she would not have made such a decision.

"Damn it, it's too bad... Forget it, let's not talk about this embarrassing topic, let me tell you some other news. What is your current attribute? How many items have reached the full value?"

Yan Feichen couldn't help being stunned when he heard this question, and after thinking for a moment, he said: "Two items are full, two items are okay, and one item is missing."

Even if the two signed a contract, Yan Feichen would not be so stupid as to report his own strength to the other party, and proper reservations could bring him some potential advantages.

"It seems that you are quite suitable for this have to remember what I say next."

Sha suddenly turned his head, looked directly into Yan Feichen's eyes, and said to him with a serious expression.

"In addition to the normal situation where class restricts the growth of attributes, there is another situation that restricts the growth of attributes, and that is attribute barriers.

Once your attribute is about to reach the stage of 49, you will encounter the first barrier. If you want to break through, you can only do special difficult tasks.

Similarly, the more attributes you choose to break through barriers, the more difficult the tasks you get.

Of course, the corresponding difficulty also means the corresponding reward. After you complete the breakthrough of the attribute barrier, you can get the corresponding reward.

But you need to remember that only if you choose the attribute for barrier breakthrough, can you get the reward after the breakthrough, otherwise you will get nothing.

At the same time, once you choose a certain attribute to break through the barrier, after you complete it, although you can get the corresponding reward for this attribute, and you can also remove the restriction of the attribute barrier, but you cannot get the reward for the rest of the attributes reaching 50 points .

So if you want to get the most benefits, it is best to keep the attributes at 48 points, and then break through the barriers. In this way, even if you have just entered the third level, it may be better than many people who have experienced the third level once or twice. Survivors need to be stronger.

Promotion assessment and attribute barriers are two major difficulties for all survivors, but they are also the embodiment of benefits. How to do it depends on yourself.

Another point is that once you trigger the barrier assessment, whether you want it or not, it will be assessed in the third disaster game after the trigger. "

After listening to Sha's narration, Yan Feichen nodded, but he immediately asked a question.

"How many barriers did you break through at that time?"

"Well... you can guess."

After Sha replied, he silently turned around and led the way ahead.

Although Sha didn't say it clearly, Yan Feichen could more or less guess that the attributes chosen by the opponent to break through the barrier would definitely not be less than three.

After all, as an investee, he must have some advantages over other survivors in some aspects. For Yan Feichen, it is his bloodline and the talent that mutates because of his bloodline.

As for Sha... the strength of the necromantic system is well known. Apart from burning money, this profession also has a characteristic of rarity.

Since the other party can get the support of bystanders, the talent must be S-level. As for the profession... Yan Feichen can fully doubt that Sha's profession is definitely the top group, and it may even be better than his 'scarlet curse master' more powerful.

Of course, this is also based on Yan Feichen's current understanding of the 'Scarlet Curse Master', and he has only accepted this direct first inheritance.

With their own ideas, the two shuttled through the alleys of Liangdu, and finally, under Sha's guidance, the two stopped in front of a narrow door.

"This is my secret studio. Besides me, you are the first person to come here. How do you feel?"

"The entrance is too narrow, the view is not wide enough, the environment is dark and humid, and the nearby drainage system is not good enough. I suggest you raise the threshold to prevent water seepage when it rains."

"Good suggestion, I'll go buy some materials when I get back."

While talking, Sha pushed open the door in front of him, and a strong smell of disinfectant suddenly gushed out from the room, even Yan Feichen felt a little uncomfortable.

"Remember the slippers when you come in." Leaving this sentence behind, Sha ignored Yan Feichen and walked into the room instead.

Yan Feichen stood at the door and looked at the internal structure, which can be said to be a replica of the original studio in the disaster space.

When he walked into it, he saw that Sha was moving her materials onto the operating table, and then quickly changed into a suit of surgical clothes, and started the disinfection work.

"When I finish dissecting this material, I will help you arrange an appointment with the person you want to meet. Before that, come and help me?"

Sha held the scalpel in one hand, and pointed to another suit of clothes with the other.

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