Blue Star.


A student apartment in Kunlun Province.

Qian Xiaoye's figure appeared on the seat in the living room.

He looked at the familiar scene around him, and did not rush to summon the rabbit master, but calmly stood up and walked towards the refrigerator.

He took out two bottles of chilled white peach soda, one on the table, and the other bottle was opened by him and drank.



Qian Xiaoye put down the white peach soda in his hand comfortably, and with a wave of his small hand, a summoning magic array began to quickly generate on the ground.

A second later, Rabbit Ye opened his eyes and shouted at Qian Xiaoye: "Open the treasure chest? "

Five days, the cooldown time of Xiao Yezi's miracle hand is good.

"Not on." Qian Xiaoye ruthlessly refused, and handed over the cold white peach soda.

"Why?" Rabbit Ye took the white peach soda, banged, opened it, and took a sip in bewilderment.

"Just kidding." Qian Xiaoye looked at the puzzled rabbit master, smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and walked towards the sofa.

As he walked, he continued: "The red and orange ones are not open, everything else is open." "

He currently has 2 Red Random Summon Skill Chests, 2 Orange Random Summon Skill Chests, and 21 Orange Chests.

In addition to these 25 chests, there are only random summoning skill chests of other qualities, and the chests he hit when he was alone before.

Not much, it adds up to 100.

"Why don't red and orange open?" Rabbit Ye wondered.

"The miracle hand must be saved once and used to save your life." Qian Xiaoye sat down on the sofa.

"Yes! We have to stay for a lifetime! Rabbit Ye suddenly realized.

Immediately afterwards, Rabbit Ye jumped onto the coffee table in front of Qian Xiaoye and continued, "Open? "

Open!" Qian Xiaoye nodded, took a sip of the white peach soda, and after placing the white peach soda on the coffee table, he began to take out the treasure chests in the backpack in turn.

Take a pile, open a bunch.

Half an hour later, Qian Xiaoye received 71 summoning skill books.

Random summoning skill chests below the yellow quality are 100% open to summon skill books with the same quality as themselves.

As for yellow, yellow is a 75% chance.

75% yellow, 50% purple, for Qian Xiaoye, it is basically 100%.

So the 50 random summoning skill chests he bought opened 50 summoning skill books of the same quality as his own treasure chest.

In addition to these 50 books, the remaining 21 books were opened by him from the treasure chests dropped by those elites and leaders.

Of these 21 books, he was lucky enough to open the two brothers.

In addition to Kusen and Kumo, he also opened two unique summoning skill books, which are yellow quality and the body is the ghost crow; Blue quality, the body is also the yin two of the ghost crow.

Yin Crow and Yin Er are the two brothers who came with their boss Yin Ghost to support Kusen.

The boss didn't drive out, but they were driven out.

Except for these four unique summoning skill books, the others are normal new beast summoning skill books.

These new beast summoning skill books, Qian Xiaoye looked at them and found that there were 60 books that could be learned, and 10 were duplicated.

After finishing sorting out the items, Rabbit Ye looked at Qian Xiaoye, who was studying the summoning skill book, and grinned: "We have gained a lot this time!"

"It's really big!" Qian Xiaoye nodded vigorously.

A thousand treasure chests in Qiu Annuo, it's no joke.

With that thousand treasure chests, he opened 136 summoning skill books naked.

Among the 136 summoning skill books, there are 20 unique summoning skill books, and their quality is 3 purple, 5 yellow, 10 blue and 2 blue.

These 20 unique summoning skill books, he gave Qiu Anno 1 purple, 1 yellow, 3 blue and 1 blue, so he was happy to get 2 purple, 4 yellow, 7 blue and 1 blue.

In addition to these 20, he took 81 of the remaining 116.

This wave of unboxing, he just wants to say, come again! The more the merrier!

As for the treasure chest of the swordbearer, he has never encountered the swordbearer in the entire secret realm, and it is not easy to trade in the preparation space, so he can only wait for the next time.

Summary, not counting others, only counting the only summoning skill book, he obtained a total of 1 red, 1 orange, 3 purple, 7 yellow, 9 blue and 1 blue in the secret realm this time, a total of 22 unique summoning skill books!

In the days when Qiu Annuo brushed points, he did not open the only summoning skill book.

Before the secret realm, he only had 15 coexistence beasts, and after the secret realm, he had a total of 37 coexistence beasts, and the rabbit master suddenly had more than half of his younger brother.

After Qian Xiaoye finished learning the four unique summoning skill books, he looked up at Rabbit Ye, "Take it out."

"Take what?" Rabbit Ye was stunned.

"Something taken out of them." Qian Xiaoye was puzzled: "Don't tell me, you didn't pay this time?"

"Yes!" Rabbit Ye suddenly raised his head and said with a smile: "You don't say that I forgot."

"I'll take it!"

Rabbit Ye smiled and took out two items from the space.

An elaborate little puppet, and a worn, somewhat yellowed book.

"The good stuff is just these two, the rest is rubbish." Rabbit Ye said with some disgust: "They are too poor. "

Hmm!" Qian Xiaoye picked up the puppet and took a look, and knew that it was a stand-in puppet.

"This is something on Xiao Taozi's body, I took it out when I beat her." Rabbit Ye asked curiously, "What effect does this puppet have?"

"This is a stand-in puppet that can teleport a hundred kilometers away when attacked by lethality." Qian Xiaoye looked at the panel in front of him, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

This stand-in puppet, the quality is red!

"Groove! That's a good thing! Rabbit Ye was instantly shocked.

"It's a good thing." Qian Xiaoye put it into his backpack and continued: "This is the red quality, one ten million points, counting this one, I have three on me."

"There is also a purple quality one, purple can only teleport ten kilometers."

The rabbit master opened his mouth, and then said excitedly: "Where did it come from?" "


"Ah! Yes! You can change! "

In addition to these three, I also changed..." After

listening to Qian Xiaoye's words, Rabbit Ye said excitedly again: "You don't open an orange treasure chest?"

"Not on." Qian Xiaoye responded calmly: "When the red color opens, pad a few." "

Okay~" Rabbit Ye sat sadly on the coffee table.

But after seeing Qian Xiaoye pick up the book, he stood up again and explained, "This is taken out of Ghost Hao.

Qian Xiaoye looked at it and said with a smile: "This is the experience, the ghost hao's knife skills."

"That's true." Rabbit Ye did not feel surprised, and when he took it out, he thought about it.

After Qian Xiaoye put the books into his backpack, he praised Rabbit Ye: "Good job, these two are good things."

"I haven't missed a shot." Rabbit Ye continued proudly: "It's a pity that the others are too poor and take out some garbage. "

I'll show you."

After speaking, he took out a few small things from the empty space.

Qian Xiaoye glanced at it and said with a smile: "You ask Gongsun Zhi if he wants it, if not, just sell it."

"Good." Rabbit Ye nodded, took out his mobile phone and began to take photos.

After shooting, he sent the photo to their guild group.

While they were sorting out their items, one after another late voices sounded in Qian Xiaoye's mind.

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