Call of the Legion

Chapter 47: Combat and manipulation training

Personal combat skills training, each pass can get 10-100 training experience, personal combat skills are divided into ABCDEFG seven levels, the lowest G, each level is divided into 10 stages, G1 lowest, A10 highest.

升级 G-level combat skills require 100 points of training experience for each stage upgrade. The training experience is determined based on the clearance score. Each point is equal to 10 experience. You only need to complete the customs once to complete the level. Players who want to gain combat experience will only increase if they enter the same training stage as their combat skills. For example, when players reach G10, they can only gain experience by entering the G10 training space.

Each time the player level is upgraded, they can get a free combat skills training and awareness training opportunities, and after the customs clearance, the combat skills experience doubles.

提升 The increase in combat skill level and consciousness control level can also bring very practical attribute improvements to players.

G-level combat skills, each small stage, can increase the maximum attack power bonus of player 1, when reaching the G-level highest stage, that is, G10, in addition to the maximum attack of 10 points, you can also get a white passive skill, skills One of three options, the onslaught of the power department, the sensitive attack of the agile department, and the wisdom of the intelligence department.

Combat techniques have limited reinforcement of players in the early stages, but some career transitions, skills learning, and even equipment requirements need to reach the corresponding combat skill level, so everyone's combat skill experience must be brushed.

The same is true for conscious control. Manipulation training can increase the command value, which is currently the only known way to increase the command value, and it also rewards the mental cap.

The level of consciousness control is the same as that of combat skills, and the promotion method is the same. The only difference is that the value and spirit of the small stage bonus of each level are directly related to the clearance score, which is also the lowest 1 point and the highest 10 points. In the G level, the customs clearance reward system score is 1-5 points +1, the spirit is +1, the customs clearance rate value is 6-2, the spirit is +1, and the full score is 10 points, the standard score is +2, and the spirit is +2.

通 Clear the current stage multiple times to get the best results.

In this way, the score of conscious control becomes more important. Whether it is full score or not directly determines your command value and mental level.

At the same time, neither the individual combat skills nor the number of control stages can exceed the player level.

Compared with the improvement of combat skills, both command value and spirit are more valuable.

Now Fang Huan's level reaches level 10. The upper limit can be upgraded to the G10 stage, with 10 free training opportunities each.

This also means that Fang Huan needs to upgrade to 20 first to meet the requirements of the battle master to reach F10.

It's better to take a look at the manipulation training first.

The Siege King retreated from the combat skills training, and the noise in the Legion Hall immediately gathered.

Unfortunately shook his head. The King of Kings is now at level 10. The upgrade speed barely keeps up with the first echelon, but there is a second trial of the experience of customs clearance rewards, otherwise the level has been pulled away.

Maybe really old ...

The king of the siege world booed, maybe soon, his level could not keep up with the first echelon, the leveling efficiency was too slow, and the task did not receive any good tasks. The level was already a bit unable to move, and the king of the world was suddenly confused.

"Pharaoh, what are you thinking? So fascinated?"

The master of the domain, the **** brothers who have played with the King from Destiny to the present day, the two are friends in reality and have always been together in the game. Now they are also the little leaders of the Heavenly Guild, and they carry an elite group.

"Oh, I still can't get through the G3 training, I'm thinking about the strategy, and don't call me Pharaoh, call me by name."

The king of the realm pushed away the domain master, opened combat training, and was about to go in, but was stopped by the domain master.

"Hey, come on, you, team up with your buddies to kill a mission blame, Grandma's, a broken mission, has been destroyed three times, this game is no more difficult!"

The domain master dragged the king to leave.

The domain master received the task. He knows that it seems to help the mayor remove some of the quagmire gathered outside the town. The quagmire is a level 8 monster. Players are sure to be single opponents, so the mayor will arrange A team of militiamen helped, but the domain master tried three times, and each time it was completely destroyed.

"Did you give orders to the militia and stop operating?"

Wang Jie Wang glanced directly at the point of the problem.

Domain owner: "Of course, I'm panicked when I control myself. You don't know how disgusting those quagmire monsters are, a wave of muddy water baths when you get near, it hurts when hitting me. I can take care of myself. Still able to control the militia? Anyway, it's not yours, you die. "

"The militia died too quickly, and ghosts can only complete the task!" Jie Wang rolled his eyes and said, "The mayor has given you so many militia, apparently let you cooperate with the militia to complete the task, you directly release them, let them automatically During the battle, all of them were dragged into the swamp. It's no wonder that they aren't extinguished! You can still practice the operation well, it is useful. "


Wang Yiyi, why is this last sentence so familiar?

Rest assured, the kid from Miyako said! !!

Lu Yuzhu said, "This game plan is almost NC. It is now in the era of virtual reality games. What kind of operation interface is still too retro? It is too old to adapt!"

The king of the world patted him, "Is the interface operation troublesome?"

"Well, of course."

"Then practice the stream of consciousness, it is useful."

Ouch, 呸呸呸, how can I learn from Yufang again? !!

The domain owner was shocked, "I'm going! Are you okay? Stream of consciousness, that's what older people like us can learn? I've tried it once, my head is going to explode, the dual vision is too uncomfortable! Wait a minute! ! "

似乎 He seemed to be aware of it, and suddenly asked: "You said you've been stuck at ~ ~ Isn't it talking about combat skills training, but conscious manipulation?"

"Yes, the combat skills are not urgent, the attack power bonus is not important, the command value is the key."

Yu claims to have a big mouth, like the first time to know the little friends in front of him. The conscious manipulation has been disclosed by the great gods on the forum. Nowadays, it has almost been pushed to the altar. Some people even think that there are only high-end talents with great talents Players dare to try. Ordinary players still have good control of the honest interface.

The words of the "Big God" in the forum naturally won't convince everyone, but the unconvinced players quickly recognized after trying conscious manipulation. Most people played for a while, either There is a feeling of dizziness and vomiting, even in the game, it is difficult to avoid.

Therefore, the conscious manipulation was labeled as a god-level operation by the player. It is considered a watershed between ordinary players and high-end players. Only high-end operations can be used by talented players and great gods!

The domain master suddenly realized a very important question, "Have you cleared both G1 and G2?"

"Well, unfortunately it's the lowest point."

Domain: ...

King of Kings: I just saw that after all the G-level control skills are cleared, they will get a white strategic skill. All of your own arms attack +1. It is very powerful. As long as you have this skill, go to the mayor's and hire a few lowest-level ones. Militia, leveling is definitely faster than your own!

The domain owner's eyes shook, and he looked at him like a fairy. "Boss! Do you know that now you can clear the first two levels? Only a few big guys can do it. Salty fish like me have no entry level. Yeah! You see on the rankings, there aren't even five hundred people now! Well, you're actually the last one, big brother, is there a pendant on your leg ?! "

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