Campfire Shelter

Chapter 150 The puppet of

[A sudden call interrupted your plan and reminded you of something, but you are not sure about the authenticity of those things, you made a rational decision]

"Damn it!"

Gao Haiwen cursed lowly, his expression was dazed for a moment, but he gritted his teeth suddenly, raised his left hand, slapped it on his head, pressed his thumb hard on his temple, and dug his temple with his fingertips, blood flowed down his cheek, and the white of his left eye was covered with blood. It was instantly covered with bloodshot eyes and a strong pain hit.

"What's going on? What happened?"

"Come here immediately and take some of my people away. They are the key to our message to the outside world. They are qualified people!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't bother to answer more, and looked at other people around him:


After the words fell, all the people in the car turned to look at him, but their faces were expressionless and their eyes were cold. They did not stop the vehicle and continue driving because of his words.

[You start to wonder when they were controlled. You think this question is very interesting and worth continuing to think about until you understand everything.]


Gao Haiwen stirred the wound on his temple, his eyes were bloodshot, and his head went blank due to the pain.

But this also allowed him to get out of control a little bit.

"Moderate control?"

He met the cold and numb eyes of these people, and immediately discerned the degree to which they were brainwashed by the "narrator"

If they are completely brainwashed, then these people will immediately attack themselves.

The reason for not taking action is simply because once the "narrator" does this, his subordinates will get rid of the puppet directly because of the too "contradictory" content.

However, the moderate influence could no longer be easily shaken off by normal external force, knowing this well, he didn't continue to waste his energy.

In the back, Brother Gou and others were a little confused and didn't quite understand what happened suddenly.

"Be prepared to jump off the bus."

Gao Haiwen didn't wait for others to ask questions, and tried hard to control himself to speak.

"I'm contaminated by the narration."

"As soon as I get down, someone will take over from me and take you out of here."

"Pay attention to the strange things around you, pay attention to unreasonable coincidences, and pay attention to whether your thinking is coherent."

"Next, don't believe my words easily."

"It's trying to control me"

"This is a trap, escape as soon as possible"

"Wish ya'll good luck"

Gao Haiwen's words became increasingly confusing and contradictory, seeming a bit like gibberish. From time to time, a complex expression of half confusion and half ferocity appeared on his pale Chinese face.

He stood in front of everyone, his broad body blocking them, making his teammates afraid to shoot.

Finally, he raised his right hand tremblingly and said something quickly.

Immediately afterwards, the entire speeding bus suddenly slowed down, and the wheel axles seemed to be rusty, making a squeaking and violent friction sound, and sparks flickering along the way.

After sliding for tens of meters, the bus stopped.


Brother Dog had no ink, so he asked the "fishing fairy" to pick up Colin, kick open the newly sewn iron sheet, and jump out of the bus one by one.

[At this moment, you finally remember that there are suspected cultists among the staff of "Bonfire Company". They are suspected of being the people who killed your wife back then. (Cross out this line)]

[You finally remember that they are the cultists, the cultists who killed your wife back then! ! ! 】

[You must capture them alive and sacrifice them to the great Lord in order to resurrect your wife! 】

"Ah! Die! You must pay for what you have done with your life!"

Gao Haiwen's body tensed up, his face became more ferocious, and then he looked at the backs of several people, his eyes filled with anger.

He raised his hand tremblingly and pointed it at them.

[The friction in this area has increased for some reason. 】

"The friction in this area has somehow increased."

After the words fell, Brother Gou and others suddenly felt that the falling speed of the rain had slowed down by 0.5 times, and their breathing was obviously not smooth. Their feet would not slip when they stepped on the ground. It should have been easier, but the rain fell on the raincoat and hung up. It won't slide down either.

For a moment, everything felt wrong

"This man's abilities are really troublesome. Brother Xun, help me carry him."

Brother Gou cursed lowly, handed the blood bag in his hand to his colleague, then took out a dagger and stabbed himself decisively.

His expression narrowed slightly, and he resisted the intense pleasure and climax caused by the dagger cutting open his body. With a thought, the black curtain shrouded several people.

That uncomfortable feeling disappeared immediately

At this time, with a hiss, a howitzer was aimed at them and flew quickly.

"Do not care!"

Seeing that several people were shocked, Brother Gou immediately reminded them that in their current state, those things were not much of a threat to them.

Sure enough, the grenade passed through them like several shadows and exploded in front. The white shock wave spread, but it did not have much impact on them.

It just feels like a gust of wind is blowing in my face

After the howitzer bombing, a large number of firearms and bullets swept in like a rain curtain, but it also had little effect.

"As expected of the purple suit."

Several people looked at Brother Gou's tall figure showing off his power, and they all felt a little envious.

But before he could think about it, a strange cry suddenly came from all around, and some kind of indescribable horrible oppression spread from the direction where the bus was going.

Their hearts clicked at the same time, and they clearly realized one thing——

"Don't let that thing catch up!"

Brother Gou reached out and brushed the hair on his forehead, gritted his teeth, twisted the dagger stuck in his palm, and activated another skill.

"Walking in the spirit world!"

Suddenly, the black curtain became thicker in an instant, completely covering them, and their escape speed increased dramatically. In just ten seconds, they were several kilometers away from the people behind them.

When everyone stopped, his expression was extremely pale, and he looked extremely haggard. His eye sockets and cheeks were slightly sunken, and he was a little unsteady on his feet.

"Why don't you give this thing to us? We are in pretty good shape now. I swear on my blood, I will return it at any time as long as you ask."

Brother Xun held the blood bag and spoke worriedly.

This dagger is strong but a bit useless

They were a little worried that if Brother Gou continued to fight, he might die suddenly.

"I think so too, but this thing has the passivity of a 'specialist'. Under normal circumstances, it would have to wait for a year after I die before it can 'empathize with others' and be able to fall in love again." Let other people use it.”

Brother Dog stood firm with the help of the four-arm people. It wasn't that he didn't want others to use him, but the problem was that he couldn't give it to him.

Otherwise, in this case, wouldn't it be better to stab others than to stab yourself?

"Then what happens next?"

"Be careful with flying heads and wait for them."


Brother Gou didn't speak. He tried to stand still and looked forward with squinted eyes. In the transparent gray world, he saw a number of armored vehicles driving here.

He was not running randomly, he only moved after confirming where someone was.

Ten seconds after he finished speaking, several car headlights appeared in front of the dark city.

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