Campfire Shelter

Chapter 403 is a bit too urban.

"The mission requires that at one o'clock in the morning tonight, no, one o'clock in the morning tomorrow, use projection to enter the hiding place of the followers of the Dawn Star, and use them as much as possible to collect intelligence on other abnormal forces."

"Then, let them gather together and deal with them in a unified and harmless way."

"The upper limit of time is half a month."

After briefly reading the mission, Colin could only sigh with emotion. The "Daughter of Starlight" surrendered quite transparently.

The entire "Dawn Star" follower organization is afraid that it will be completely sold out.

It is estimated that it will not be long before they are removed from this world.

"The only difficulty in the mission is that the secret cannot be revealed. At the very least, the secret cannot be revealed casually before all members of this organization return to their hidden holy place."

"With some assistance from the 'Daughter of Starlight', the problem won't be that big."

"And if the secret is exposed when they come back, I just need to deal with it in time. As long as no one finds out, I will still be able to infiltrate perfectly."

After a brief look, Colin roughly understood the difficulty of this task.

When a "god messenger" deceives people, he can be considered a "professional counterpart", so he doesn't have to worry about stage fright.

However, the believers of "Dawn Star" are somewhat abstract, and I don't know if they can pretend it well.

After shaking his head slightly, Colin looked up at the clock on the wall. It was now around five o'clock in the afternoon, which meant he had quite a bit of time.

Then, he opened the parchment trial mission and took a look.

There are currently about 1,700 users, of which more than 1,400 are team entries and less than 300 are single players.

"To give you a rough idea, the team mode is 20 points at a time, and there are more than 1,200 people. Rounding up is 1,400. After deducting the company's share, I can get 14 points each time, a total of more than 19,000. Rounding up for a single player He is three hundred, which is about more than 23,000."

"It's not bad. Not long after it opened, more than 40,000 points have been credited to my account, which is almost equivalent to me working my ass off to complete a relatively troublesome large-scale task."

"With these points, we can consider continuing to repair high-end props. However, the number of people clearing the level seems to have slowed down a lot now."

Colin grunted, opened the internal group chat, and after ten minutes of simple observation, he quickly determined the specific reason.

Most of the people who experienced it at the beginning were F-level employees.

However, although this copy has rewards, its more significance lies in improving one's own foundation.

As for F-level employees, once they get in, even if the C-level guy wants to give some guidance, he can easily be killed by accident.

After all, the other party is in a semi-out of control state, not a normal state.

So after they experienced being killed once or twice, they lost their curiosity. In their opinion, the original copy of "World Number-13" was difficult to return, but there was still a chance to hang out, and maybe they were lucky. Can you pass the customs clearance?

This requires hard power, and if you don’t have the chance to mix, there’s nothing you can do.

Everyone in the company shouted out like crazy, "D-class personnel can't resist for three minutes, E-class personnel can't resist for one minute, F-class personnel can't resist for three seconds. Who else in the company can resist such a strong person? Who else in the company can resist?" What can I do to resist?" Desperate remarks like this.

Then there are the E-class personnel. Some of them are relatively powerful, but they can barely learn something from being beaten.

However, not many people can learn anything.

They're better than F-class personnel, but not much better

To be honest, the most suitable people for this task are the current group of D-class personnel who are a bit messed up.

Moreover, they are also responsible for the vast majority of single-person purchases.

"I estimate that in the future, when everyone's strength increases, this task can really make money. Now, although it is not bad, it is somewhat uninteresting. Well, the official group of dual-employees are saving money. I feel that there are not many participating, which is a loss. "

Not paying too much attention to this, Colin ordered a takeaway and took a look at the group of "pseudo-humans" as usual.

During this period, he barely gained a foothold in the group and had a certain say.


Having the right to speak seems to be of no use.

So far, Colin has seen almost no effective information about this race in the group.

What these guys discuss all day long is how to imitate humans, and they don't do anything else.

"There was no discussion of plotting to replace humans, no extraordinary means other than replacing human corpses as adults, and no movement of belief in any existence."

"Tsk, it seems that there are some people who believe in Buddhism and Jesus Christ, but they just believe in it purely for imitation."

"Why do two of them have the same mentality as playing games? It's weird. These people are experiencing this and that every day, and they keep imitating human beings. What on earth do they want to do?"

Colin couldn't help but shake his head.

After watching it for so long, if there is any gain, it will not be like now with no gain at all.

At present, it is only known that they will replace some dying humans, attach to them as if they are dead, and take over their original daily lives. The number has been increasing steadily, about one person per day.

The first problem for every new "pseudo-human" who joins the group is basically all kinds of daily minor troubles.

Colin could clearly feel that they seemed to really want to become humans, but he didn't know what prompted them to have this idea.

Then, the only thing they fear is the "Extraordinary Sliver". They are afraid that they will be caught and sliced ​​into pieces if they are discovered one day.

“It feels like the so-called ‘Mr. C’ found the joke from who knows which website and used it to intimidate these guys.”

As his eyes passed over the messages one by one, Colin became more and more confused.

He has gotten to know a little bit about the highly respected "Mr. C" among this "pseudo-human" group these days.

Know that this seems to be the first humanoid creature to come to the human world.

Among them, beings like pioneers have taught many "pseudo-humans" common sense in life.

But, that's all.

"Forget it, let's continue to observe. If there is any problem, the company should also issue corresponding tasks."

At the end of the daily observation, Colin immediately withdrew his attention.

Then, seeing that there was still some time left, he played a few more rounds in the "optional trial event".

It wasn't until late at night that Colin lay back on the window, waiting for the incident to begin.

"The moon is so bright tonight."

The bright and pale moonlight poured in from the window. Colin turned his head and saw it. He couldn't help but sigh and realized that tonight seemed to be a full moon.

The cold radiance seems to cast a vague veil over the world

And the moon hanging in the sky.

Colin suddenly frowned, feeling a little uncomfortable?

However, before he could think too much, when the mission time arrived, a transparent vortex appeared in the room, and then from the vortex, a little starlight overflowed and reflected on his body.

That is this moment.

I don't know how many kilometers away, there is an independent space city that can only be entered through a specific time and a specific place.

Thousands of "Dawn Star" followers knelt on the ancient altar, whipping themselves with spiked whips. They were whipped every few words of prayer, leaving their bodies covered in blood and flesh.

The stink of blood spread throughout the town.

However, although this method seems quite strange, it makes their will more unified.

And this is also their atonement for losing the "Daughter of Starlight".

"Great 'Star of Dawn', I beg you to give us another chance, a chance to redeem our sins. For this, we are willing to sacrifice everything."

A high priest said fearfully.

The ceremony not long ago was a complete failure. Not only did a large number of high-level personnel within the organization die in battle, but even the whereabouts of the most important divine vessel, the "Daughter of Starlight", were also missing.

Then, the Lord's response was completely cut off shortly after the "Daughter of Starlight" disappeared.

If not, you can still use some blessings related to it

They even thought that they and others had been abandoned by the "Dawn Star".

No, maybe it was abandoned.

The current power may just be that the great being is too lazy to recycle it.

When this believer thought that he would never be able to experience the wonderful feeling of being penetrated by invisible tentacles again, he couldn't help but despair.

In this case, what's the point of living?

However, at this moment, the eyes of the desperate followers of the "Dawn Star" suddenly lit up and they saw countless stars falling from the black curtain of the dome.

Then, soon, a vague shadow of starlight intertwined among the altar.

"It's the breath of the 'Lord'!"

"Great! I knew it, I knew it, we would not be abandoned."

"Praise the great will, praise the messenger of God!"


When a follower named "Dawn Star" saw this, his eyes turned red and his lips couldn't stop trembling.

And just when they were moved, Colin also took the opportunity to turn his attention to this place, this weird space hidden outside reality.

The space is not very large, probably less than 150,000 square meters in total, and it is pitch black outside the edges.

The limited land is filled with various modern buildings.

"If this place were like a castle, the atmosphere would probably be full, but as it is now, it doesn't have enough mystery."

Colin simply commented in his mind that it felt a bit too urban.

Then, without any further thought, he saw a high priest walking up with his naked upper body covered in blood, surrounded by starlight spots, and exuding a faint divinity.

"I am High Priest Ramil. Are you the new 'God Envoy'?" the High Priest asked tremblingly.

‘It’s not very strong. If you’re serious, I can probably kill you within a few minutes. If you use a gold card, it won’t be a problem to kill you instantly. But, is he taking the initiative to assign an identity to me? It’s good, I don’t need to make excuses anymore.’

Colin looked at him in the starlight projection state, nodded slowly, and said "yes".

Hearing this, thousands of believers burst into tears.

"Praise the great Lord, thank you for not abandoning us!" A follower happily grabbed a handful of plant leaves that had an effect similar to urticaria and rubbed it frantically on his ulcerated scalp.

"Ask the great 'God Envoy' to whip us severely"

In addition, other followers also went crazy and performed various incomprehensible behaviors.

'Although I have been mentally prepared for it, looking at it now, it still feels strange.'

Colin couldn't help but complain in his heart that these guys, even among the heretical forces, were outstanding.

Of course, referring to their special behavior.

But this time, Colin noticed that when these heavy-tasting monsters and monsters tortured themselves, a certain mental intensity would continue to increase.

Finally, the spiritual power of a large group of people gathered together to connect with the "starlight" in him.

However, after the madness lasted for more than a minute, they saw that the "God Envoy" remained silent and did not ravage them with invisible tentacles like the "Starlight Daughter" did.

So one by one, as if a basin of cold water was suddenly poured on them, they all became quiet.

"Apostles of the Lord, may I ask, what do we need to do?" The high priest who spoke before asked cautiously.

They did not doubt Colin's identity. After all, the other party had the power of an authentic "Dawn Star" and could not be faked.

If they want to fake it, it is impossible unless the great existence they believe in has died.

But how is this possible?

How could the "Dawn Star" die!

You must know that great existence is immortal and will last forever!

Therefore, there is absolutely no way that the "divine messenger" who comes with the blessing of the power of the "Dawn Star" is fake!

"I came here only to do three things."

Colin looked at the other party and said calmly: "First, collect as much intelligence as possible on other pagan forces. The last operation had setbacks because the intelligence work was not sufficient.

“Second, after gathering the intelligence, call all believers here.

"Third, when everything is completed, our Lord will come to this world in the near future!

"Everyone here can get the opportunity to ascend, return to the side of the 'Lord', and enjoy eternal glory!"

Hearing this, the followers in the field were stunned, and then burst into cheers again.

"We will definitely fulfill your request! Within seven days, we will get all the information we can receive on the pagan forces," the priest quickly promised.

After saying that, he seemed to have thought of something, and asked in a slightly lower voice:

"Honorable God's envoy, the holy Lady of Starlight, the current situation"

It voted, and it is probably much more comfortable than you. With a change of thought in his heart, Colin's expression remained unchanged, and he said indifferently: "This is not something you should understand."

As he spoke, a pressure spread from him.

Feeling the power, the follower suddenly felt a chill in his heart and quickly lowered his head to pray for atonement.

But at this time, he heard the "God Envoy" return in a low voice in a calm tone:

"If everything goes well, the 'Lord' may return from it."

Hearing this, he was overjoyed and quickly praised and said with promise: "Three days, only three days, we will do everything you ask!"

He had heard before that the "Daughter of Starlight" was missing and that a follower of "Red Moon" was involved at the scene. He thought that the other party might have been captured by "Red Moon" and was tortured severely.

Unexpectedly, I guessed based on the words of this divine messenger.

At this moment, it can be said that everything has turned around, and everything is safe and sound!

A new era for them is coming!

Feeling the devout faith from this priest, Colin suddenly felt that the benefits of just using them to collect some information and then directly disposing of them harmlessly felt a bit too small.

After thinking about it, he opened his mouth and added some small requests of his to the other party.

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