Campus Extreme Madman

Chapter 403: Master loneliness

"Hehe!", Senior Yang smiled, "Okay, the top five genius teenagers, how easy it is, I am satisfied with your goal, being able to squeeze into the top eight, I am satisfied!"

"Ah!", Ximenyu felt very dissatisfied. Did Senior Yang look down on himself too much? Or are you too arrogant? .

Senior Yang saw the disobedience in Ximenyu's eyes! Say: "Why? Not convinced? The top five young geniuses are not so easy to reach. This is not just the current strength. Let me give you a simple example. Those who can be ranked fifth in the young genius, at least two. Before reaching the age of ten, you must reach Tier 7! Ximenyu, you are already 18 years old this year, and you have Tier 4 potential. It’s really hard to say if you have a chance!"

"Ah!", Ximen Yu was shocked. He could reach the fifth place before reaching the seventh level of potential before he was twenty.

Senior Yang also said: "If you want to enter the third place of the talented boy, at least 18 years old, you must reach the eighth level of potential! Even nineth level! You are now 18 years old, ha ha ha!"

"Ah!" Simon Yu felt very disappointed, that is to say, he never had the opportunity to enter the top three talented youngsters? .

Zong Sui said: "Ximenyu, when you are at least 18 years old, you are now just 18 years old, and you still have one year to go! However, in one year you want to step from potential 4th step to potential 8th step, this is not Probably! Therefore, Senior Yang did not look down on you, but the most accurate estimate of you!"

"Oh!", Ximen Yu felt dissatisfied! , Secretly swearing: "I must enter the top five, or even the top three, I want to show Senior Yang, he is wrong about me!"

Senior Yang smiled and seemed to see what Ximen Yu thought! At this time, everyone will want to prove themselves, but unfortunately, there are a few people who can prove it! .

"Okay, okay, Ximenyu, don’t look too high! You are in the 13th place now, it’s already pretty good, it’s already a big dream to be in the top 8! Don’t be so tall, top 5 Mingna needs real peerless genius before it can be achieved!"

"Well!" Ximen Yu nodded helplessly, but he was still not convinced! , Cao, is it possible that Lao Tzu can only be ranked in this position? .

"Master, rest assured, I must be as strong as Senior Yang in the future!"

"Well!" Zong Deng nodded when the masters waited.

Senior Yang sighed, "It's not good to be a strong man. It's hard to stand tall!"

When Ximenyu was startled, it felt for the first time that Senior Yang felt lonely inside! , Ximenyu suddenly came up with a question. I wonder if Senior Yang, do you have a boyfriend? If so, what kind of man would it be worth her? Maybe she is really lonely! Although there are a lot of younger brothers calling her boss, none of them are worthy of her! .

Ximenyu vowed secretly in his heart, "I must become stronger. I will be a man worthy of Yang Qian. When I am worthy of her, I will chase her and let her be my girlfriend!"

Ximenyu was frightened by this idea. If the master knew that he would definitely be killed, their boss would dare to make up his mind.

Dongfang Wan'er also sat aside, secretly swearing: "I want to be a strong like Senior Yang! Let the younger brother fall in love with me! I can do it, my mother-in-law is so strong, I can do it! I also I want to squeeze into the top ten of the list of young geniuses. At that time, maybe I can take down the heart of Brother Pervert and become his favorite person!"

At this time, Zong Dai said to Ximenyu and Dongfang Wan'er: "Ximenyu, Waner, you go out first, we have something to talk about!"

"Well!" Wan'er nodded, "Little Brother, let's go, I will take you to the Oriental Park of the Oriental Family!"

"Good!" Ximen Yu happily went out with Dongfang Wan'er! There is a big park in the city of the East called the Oriental Park.

After Ximenyu and Wan'er left, the master sighed: "Sixmen Yu, this apprentice, seems to be a bit too big!"

Yang Qian nodded, "Well, I can see that he always wants to squeeze into the top five at the fastest speed, but in reality, with his qualifications and conditions, there is no chance, so continue, for him, Not a good thing!"

Master II also sighed: "Yeah, he has just beat Zhuge by one knife, and he has defeated two fifth-order stages. His inner self-confidence is rapidly expanding. It is inevitable that there is such an expanded ** in my heart!"

Master Three said: "This inflated ** is unrealistic for him! He is already 18 years old, where could he step into the seventh level of potential before he is 20 years old. But he has this in his heart* *Here, in case the future does not become a reality, this will be a fatal blow to his spirit, and from then on, his existing talents will be greatly affected! Many geniuses, and finally become ordinary, most of them are This is the reason!"

"Ah!" Four Masters sighed.

Senior Yang narrowed his eyes and said, "Zongdie, your female disciple, Dongfang Wan'er, seems very mysterious!"

"Ah? It's very mysterious?" The four masters were startled and didn't see anything mysterious about Wan'er? .

"Oh, don't you see it? Your female disciple is already a third-order potential, but it is hidden deep, and it looks like it has the potential to lock the stage!"

"What?, Wan'er already has the potential for Tier 3?" Zong was surprised, he didn't find out, Wan'er's means of hiding power was too clever! .

"Oh, it seems that you female disciples have some adventures that belong to her. They are now in the stage of rising secretly. It won't be long before. I am afraid that she will also emerge! Every genius has its own adventures! , I feel that we are old and already the future of their younger generation!"

"Boss, you are still young, only a few decades old, and the appearance is the same as a girl in her twenties, where is she old!" Zong said lightly.

"Hehe!" Yang Qian raised her head and smiled, revealing a peerless smile.

Zong Die said to Master 23, 4: "Wan'er must have her own adventures. Although her secrets have been seen by the boss, don't tell them for now! Let her grow up secretly!"


"it is good!"

Yang Qian stood up, not interested in continuing to talk about Master Zong's apprentice, and said in a lonely way: "Okay, I'm going!"

"Congratulations to the boss!"

Yang Qian stood up, walked out the door, and soon disappeared outside.

Zong Dui also felt it and secretly said: "The boss is powerful, after all, he is a woman, and the height is very cold. The boss may really feel lonely! Hope the boss finds a man she loves early, but it is a pity that the boss looks too Gao Taigao, her heart is like a thousand years of ice, I am afraid that no one in the world can melt her heart, alas, it is a pity that she is in her youth!"

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