Campus Extreme Madman

Chapter 521: Code Sofia

"What the king said is what, come on!"

"no, do not want."

The seventh-order girl, code-named Xiaobaiyang, struggled desperately.

Xi Menyu didn't care, and still made his own.

However, Ximenyu did not use a brutal method this time, and used a gentle method to let gentleness resolve.

"Ah!" Xiao Baiyang felt pain, but found that there was some unspeakable feeling in the pain.

After more than ten minutes, the little white poplar finally stopped crying and replaced it with another voice.

Looking at her intoxicated expression, she wondered whether she had forgotten where she was. She narrowed her eyes and held Ximenyu tightly, as if to integrate Ximenyu into her body.

Yes, at this moment, Xiaobaiyang's consciousness has long been forgotten by Ximenyu's powerful kung fu fans, forgotten the time, forgotten everything, only knowing this moment, I really like the Black Snow King.

If it is someone else, I am afraid that you will feel pain in the first three or four times, and only Ximenyu is so strong that she has the ability to charm her like a drug.

Twenty minutes later, the little white poplar fluttered even more, and sometimes the novel said in his mouth: "King, I love you."

Ximenyu is proud of himself, and under his great effort, no matter how hard a woman is, he will surely fall.

Half an hour later, Xiaobaiyang even forgot what his surname was, let alone what Zhu Ao, and left it behind. He had only the king in his heart, and he looked forward to the stormy occupation by the king again and again.

An hour later, Ximen Yu thought she was the first time, and the outbreak ended.

"Ah!" Xiaobaiyang took a long breath and reached the peak of the peak of the peak. The peak of the peak of this peak is like opium. No matter what woman gets once, she will become addicted.

Ximen Yu laughed and said: "Three Princesses, how?"

"Ah" Xiaobaiyang remembered everything now.

"I, I turned out, whine" Xiaobaiyang whimpered.

"Three Princesses, what are you crying for, do I just make you happy enough?" Ximen Yu asked with a smile.

"Don't say it" Xiaobaiyang stared at Ximenyu, but he didn't have the kind of maddening expression he was looking for to find Ximenyu, more shame.

Ximenyu hugged Xiaobaiyang and laughed: "Okay, you are like this now, so you can be my third princess in peace!"

"You bastard."

"Did you forget what happened just now? You are very loud, if you still want to experience the happiness just now, you'd better be honestly my third princess. I will ask you one last time, you Are you willing to be my third princess?"


Xiao Bai Yang hesitated and secretly said: "I am no longer young, I am sorry Zhu Ao, what else can I do? Forget it, when his princess is the princess, anyway, it is also infringed by the King Black Snow once, ten. It’s the same for the second hundred times, and what’s the difference? Besides, the original thing was so comfortable. I’m sorry, dear Zhu Ao, I can’t help it.”

"Speak, you want me to go!"

"Me, me, okay, can I still do it?" Xiao Bai Yang bowed his head in shame, and felt depressed in his heart: "I was so fiercely opposed, why did I agree to her now? How could I agree? What about him?"

"Hahaha, well, my three princesses, these two months, followed this king, this king will definitely make you happy."


"Please treat me with the king's etiquette in the future."

"Huh, yes, king, this is all right" Xiaobai Yang rolled his eyes.

Ximen Yu proudly said: "What about your Zhu Ao? He is your favorite person."

Xiaobaiyang said: "I am just code-named Xiaobaiyang, but your three princesses have nothing to do with your true identity. You don't know any Zhu Ao or boyfriend."

"Hahaha" Ximenyu was satisfied with Xiaobaiyang's answer.

"Then I will officially enclose you as the third princess now."

"Thank you King!"

Ximen Yu Chunfeng walked proudly out of the room of the third princess.

It is estimated that Zhu Ao knows, and he will definitely be angry. Nor can he blame his girlfriend for chaos, after all, she has strongly resisted, and blame Ximenyu for being too powerful, so that Xiao Baiyang can’t resist the courage to refuse to be Princess Ximenyu.

"King, is that woman done?" a few Tier 7 men asked.

Ximen Yudao: "It's done. She is now my third princess. Our kingdom of gods now has nine Tier 7 masters. Hahaha, I don't have to be afraid of what the Mayan King is coming."

Blue said: "Your Majesty, we are a kingdom that has not been notarized yet. When will you approve it?"

Ximen Yudao: "Go now, whoever can find a place, take me."

"King, I know." A Tier 7 woman came out. The Tier 7 woman was a Tier 7 master in the group of Park Yuner before. Of course, she was also a part because all six women in Park Yuner's group.

Ximenyu looked at the woman and said, "Okay, let's go now, the rest of you are here."

"Yes, King"

Ximenyu and the woman who led the way left.

The leading seventh-tier woman, code-named Sofia, has fair-skinned skin and a tall, **** body.

She is now just a subordinate under Ximenyu's hands, not a captive of Ximenyu, nor a princess of Ximenyu.

After walking a while, Ximen Yu asked, "How old is Sofia?"

"Back to the king, I am sixteen years old."

"Oh, at the age of sixteen, he has entered the seventh order, genius."

"Thank you King for compliment, compared to you, it's a far cry!"

"Oh, King Ben is eighteen, but you are still sixteen."

Xi Menyu looked at Sofia's figure and said in secret: "It's only sixteen years old that is so bumpy, okay, but it's a pity that she's not my captive, it's my men, and I can't just be a strong man. "

"Sophia, you are only sixteen, a little unbelievable."

"Uh, why the king said so, I'm really only sixteen."

"Oh, really, sixteen is such a good figure!"

Sophia blushed and did not speak. She walked aside two steps away from Ximen Yu, as if she was defending something.

"Hehe!" Ximenyu knew why Sofia was two steps away from him. She must be afraid of what Ximenyu did to her. The first reason why Sofia is so hard to serve Ximenyu now is that she is still a young woman, not a captive. It is not a princess, you can keep yourself well.

"The king laughed, we still don't want to talk about this topic."

"It's okay, there is nothing to say to the king."

(Two changes at night)

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