Campus Extreme Madman

Chapter 746: Sir William

Blair was blushing and angry, and he was so angry that he almost couldn't help but went up to fight with Ximen Yu. He suddenly thought that he couldn't beat Ximen Yu at all.


"Humph, arrogant!" Sir Brown sneered coldly.

Bana next to him saw that Ximenyu's quarrel had the upper hand, and she squinted involuntarily.


"Bang!" Sir William heard Ximen Yu teasing him Blair, turning around and scolding him as Xi Menyu's son, and he was very angry, breaking the coffee cup he was drinking leisurely.


"Okay, Ximenyu, you have many people, I can't quarrel with you. Say, what do you want to negotiate!"

Simon Yudao: "Blair, you hurt my friend for no reason. I will give you a chance now, you say, how to compensate!"

Blair sneered: "Okay, I will compensate, otherwise, I will compensate you with a shit! What do you think?"

Ximen Yudao: "Well, I will say, first, apologize to Zhang Yunjing and compensate him 10 billion US dollars; second, post apology letters in various places of the college and promise to never commit again."

"Hahaha, Ximenyu, I laugh at your innocence, are you qualified to talk to me about the conditions? In my eyes, you are just a pile of garbage, I still say that, I am willing to compensate you for shit, if you don’t If satisfied, I will add more urine."

Ximen Yu frowned, saying: "So, then there is no need to talk?"

"Isn't this obvious? I didn't take you into my eyes at all. What are you talking about?"

"Okay, that's what you said, Blair, I'm afraid you will regret it!"

"I regret your sister, threaten me? Funny, do you have the strength to threaten me? Could you dare to kill me? I admit that you can't beat you alone, but unfortunately, I can bully you, and you are called Astan. Come out and see if he is a father or not, and will help you wipe your ass. Boy, I will give you a lesson. On other people’s sites, it’s best to be respectful and respectful, not so arrogant. This is America, not China."

Sarah said: "Okay, Blair, you won, so what do you want? Ximenyu doesn't even know you, what do you hate him for doing so?"

Blair thought of Bana and said with anger: "Because he stained my favorite person."

Sarah said: "As far as I know, you and Bana just met each other. When Ximenyu and Bana were together, you still don't know where!"

"Everyone's behavior is to be blamed for Ximenyu's behavior. In a word, I will not give up, unless, Ximenyu is in the palace and becomes eunuch."

"Hahaha! Naive childish." Ximen Yu sneered.

"Then you can enjoy my bullying. I will scrap the friends around you one by one. Zhang Yunjing is just the beginning. Next time, the two people around you called Chang Yu and Sima Sheng."

Ximen Yudao: "Do you know why Bana's skin is so shiny? That's my moisturizing."

"Ximenyu, you are shameless!"

"When Bana is high, her toes will numb!"


"Bana's ears are very sensitive, but when doing it, she will be more sensitive and more likely to reach **** by touching her back!"

"Ah!" Blair shouted angrily.

Ximenyu continued: "Bana's first time, it hurts, her mask is thicker than the average woman, when I broke it, she had a lot of blood!"

"Yeah, Ximenyu, try again!"

Ximenyu said with a smile: "Bana is really good, there is no hair below, light, red inside the cave!"

Blair's eyes were red with blood. The most uncomfortable thing for him was that whenever he remembered that Simon Yu was entangled with Bana, Xi Menyu actually said it deliberately as if he had cut a knife on him.

Ximen Yudao: "Do you know what I like the most about Bana? ​​Tell you, when Bana is at high tide, there will be a sharp contraction underneath, tweeting, calling my big brother a cool guy Ah! So during those three months, I had at least one hour a day, at least seven or eight times per hour of the dynasty. During these three months, Bana had enjoyed my dynasty a hundred times."

"Ah!" Blair shuddered all over his body, eyes red.

Ximenyu wanted to anger him and make him lose his mind.

Ximenyu said again: "You dwarf, gnome, are you worthy of Bana? ​​Don't pour urine to take photos, and use cow dung to describe you have insulted cow dung. Under your dwarf's body, I am afraid Hidden is a toothpick. Are you satisfied with Bana? ​​Did you marry Bana and gave her sex? Fortunately? Your small toothpick is not enough for her to pick her teeth. But I understand that I can’t blame you, after all. It’s genetic!"

Xi Menyu said "genetic", and then cursed Sir William again.


Astan said in secret: "Oops, Ximenyu will continue to scold like this, and sooner or later he will anger Sir William in secret."

Heather said: "I'm afraid Blair will lose his mind first!"


"Vile and shameless!" said the Dean in anger.

Bana was flushed and embarrassed.

Sir Brown glanced at Bana, feeling agitated for a while.


Sir William seemed unable to bear to go out and kill Ximen Yu, seeing his son's heart so traumatized.

More importantly, Ximenyu's scolding ‘toothpicks’ made him very angry, because the underside of his son was really small, only five centimeters after he got up, the size of his little finger. What's more sad is that Ximenyu scolded the phrase'hereditary'.

Because, Blair's joke is really hereditary like the little thumb. His own joke, only three centimeters after he started, half of the little thumb.

Therefore, Sir William himself would be mad, as if stepped on a sore spot.


"Ximenyu, I'll fight with you!" The irrational Blair rushed towards Ximenyu again.

"Okay, come on, fight with me!"


Ximen Yu rushed up and blinked.

"I thunder your mother!"


"Click!" Blair William suddenly made a clicking sound all over his body, and every joint in his bones was dislocated instantly.

Blair flew out.

"Ximenyu, you are looking for death!" Sir William couldn't help it anymore, quickly flew out, caught Blair flying backwards, and then roared into the Shengjun Tower, killing Ximenyu.

Ximenyu felt that the whole body's blood was frozen, and no matter how great the magical power was, this moment seemed to disappear.

At this time, Astan's voice came and only heard Astan smile: "Sir William, this is not your style. The two juniors will fight. As long as they don't kill people, the elders will be angry and angry!"

Xi Menyu's sensation of blood freezing in his body disappeared after Astan made a sound, as if his body had become his own again.

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