Campus Extreme Madman

Chapter 879: Press conference

"Ah!" The two women's bodyguards sighed. There was no way to face this little man.

Ximenyu watched TV, and the news on the TV broadcast almost the same news.

Almost all cities in the United States are now engaged in demonstrations, asking the government to account for nearly 30,000 dead, asking the government to find a way to punish the culprit Ximenyu, and demanding that the American strongmen stand up for justice.

Seeing tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands of people demonstrating in the news, Ximenyu said with a lip: "A group of ignorant people, you think that the strong in the cultivation world will care about your ordinary people's ideas!"

However, the US government does feel a lot of pressure.

At noon, the one-eyed captain got things done.

Hundreds of mainstream media in the United States came to the first floor lobby of the XX building.

Moreover, President Otma also brought a dozen top leaders to hold a press conference on the disaster of this war.

Ottmar said to many reporters: "Good afternoon, friends and journalists. Today, this is the first official appearance of the US government since the war, and today we invite multimedia friends to discuss about this war. Difficult event."

A reporter asked: "Mr. Otma, now countless people march, demanding the punishment of his servant Ximenyu. This time we hold a press conference. Is there any news about Ximenyu?"

Otto said: "Please don't worry, this is inevitable. The strongman of the American Avengers has caught Ximenyu and asked Ximenyu to make an apology and pay compensation for this matter, but Ximenyu refused."

A reporter said angrily: "Well, what right does he have to refuse, why not let the Avengers kill him!"

Otto said: "We have a lot of things we don't understand about the practice world. It's not necessary to kill Ximenyu directly. Fortunately, however, a strong man finally came forward. He is the holy man of the Temple of God, Kronick!"

"Ah, Kronick? God Saint?"

"Yes, he is going to challenge Ximen Yu for life and death to get justice for the deceased. Next, please welcome the arrival of God Saint Male with warm applause!"


God the Holy Man came in from the door and waved to everyone, the flash struck desperately on him.

Ximen Yu also followed from behind, the one-eyed captain brought Ximen Yu.

Divine Saint male said with a microphone: "Hello everyone, journalist friends, I'm Divine Saint Male Krunick. This time, nearly 30,000 soldiers were killed by Simon Simon. As an American, I also feel very painful. However, The grandson didn’t regret it at all, and I really couldn’t see it. So, I decided to send him a decisive battle against life and death in the face of the national media. I want to cut him out in public, give all American people an account, and give three Ten thousand deceased are a consolation."

"Papapap!" The applause continued for a long time, and everyone raised the image of the **** saint as a national hero.

A reporter asked: "Hello, Holy Man, this is after all a decisive battle between two people. Are you sure you can kill Ximenyu?"

God’s holy man gritted his teeth and said: “Please have a little confidence in your fellow citizens. I’ve sent me personally this time to the Lord’s Temple. Let me pretend to be fair to everyone and kill Ximenyu. Even the elders of my temple are right I am full of confidence, can I still do it!"


The Holy Man took out two pieces of paper, showed it to everyone, and said: "This is two life and death agreements with the seal of the US government. Now, I have signed my names on these two, which means I agree with what was written in the agreement, I am proud of my life and death!"

After speaking, the Holy Man bit his finger and signed his name on it with his own blood.

The flash is flashing desperately, and the camera is constantly recording. After it is broadcast, it will definitely become a big news in the United States.

The Holy Man of God gave the two life and death agreements to Ximen Yudao: "Ximen Yu, if you dare to accept my life and death challenge, please sign it! If you refuse to do so, just respect the media, respectfully Respectfully give the deceased and the families of the deceased 30,000 loud sounds."

"Humph!" Ximen Yu hummed, and bit his finger, signing his name: Ximenyu.

The Holy Man again showed the two life and death agreements to everyone.

At this time, a reporter interviewed Ximenyu: "Ximenyu, you killed so many innocent US troops, how do you feel at the moment?"

Ximen Yu said with a lip: "Innocent? Where is innocent? In my opinion, it's all **** it!"

Otma frowned when he heard Ximenyu.

Many reporters on the scene obviously felt very angry.

The reporter said: "You say this, are you right in your own conscience? Are you worthy of Jesus' deity?"

Ximenyu laughed: "Sorry, I don't believe in **** or anything. As for my conscience, I think I'm doing very well. Those American forces that don't manage to provoke me. Of course, I try to destroy them as much as possible. So that I can feel happy inside."

The reporters shouted: "Ximenyu, you are a demon, so many living lives are dead, you actually don't have any remorse, is your heart made of stone!"

"Ha ha ha, ha ha ha, I regret your mom, your sister, your aunt, your aunt, your sister, the women of your family!" Xi Menyu laughed in the media, without any regrets, Xi Menyu didn't die those dead The lost US military is serious and talks to him about regret and neurosis.

Ximenyu's remarks made all the reporters very angry. If he had beaten Ximenyu, he would have rushed to tear Ximenyu.

Reporter: "Ximenyu, the wicked will definitely be punished, you just wait to be slain by God Saint Man!"

Xi Menyu disdainfully said: "I can't count the people who have fought my life and death, but I am still alive and well!"

Reporter: "Ximenyu, are you really so crazy?"

Ximen Yudao: "Brother has never been mad, what is mad, what is mad, what is mad, what is mad!"

Reporter: "So, are you confident in a decisive battle with the Holy Man?"

Simon Yudao: "If I'm afraid, why should I sign this life and death agreement so readily!"

Reporter: "You will be beaten to death by the saint, you wait and see, thirty thousand innocent souls are watching in the sky!"

"Ha ha ha, ha ha ha, it should be 30,000 souls killed by me."

"You! You, are you Huaxia people of this quality?" a reporter asked.

Ximenyu was furious. Ximenyu hated a foreigner the most. Because of the personal behavior of a Chinese person, he immediately said how the whole Chinese person was.

"Are you hell!" Ximen Yu rushed over and arrested the reporter.

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