Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1009: Drag away and move your head

Originally, this tea cup smashed directly onto Yun Jian along the path, but Yun Jian's high leg just now, she straightly hit the tea cup, and kicked the water without tilting the water in the tea cup. Kick back and kick at Minnie.

When Minnie was hit by the tea cup, not only her whole body was wet with the cold tea water in the tea cup, it was sticky, and more importantly, a big bag swelled when her forehead was hit.

For a young lady like Minnie, she has never experienced such severe pain.

The tears that were hit at the moment were almost coming out, and at the same time, the deep hatred of Yun Jian was at the same time.

The psychology that could not wait to kill Yun Jian on the spot took root in Minnie.

"Ahhhhhh! Go to death!" Mai Ni shouted at Yun Jian, covering her forehead struck by the tea cup.

After talking about half, Mai Ni said to Maier with pain and said that she could not wait to break Yunjian into pieces: "Brother, this dead woman dared to hit me, you will kill this woman! I want her to die! Ah Ah! "

However, at this moment, Yun Jian who retracted her legs just hugged her chest, looked at Minnie with contemptuous eyes, and continued to sneer softly: "Demon girl, when can such crazy dogs come into my Rongyao company, it's not time to hurry up Go out? "

Yun Jian said this to the demon girl, but she focused her eyes on Minnie naked.

At this moment, Minnie was like a little beggar who was unreasonable. She was ridiculous and funny.

"Sister Jian, I'll kick these two crazy dogs out right away!" The demon girl lip smiled, and then she walked up to Maier.

Seeing Maier holding Mai Ni with a look of embarrassment, the demon girl now sneered and provoked Maier:

"Not ready to take your sister out of my place!"

Maier touched the cheek, which was already impatient with his cheek. He touched the bottom of his heart tightly, but he was also explaining his sister's move:

"Little demon girl, don't be mad, my sister she just ..."

"Brother! Who the **** are you helping! It hurts! I'm going to die!" Mai Ni shouted directly, crying loudly.

Seeing that Minnie was still shouting and roaring, Yun Jian frowned slightly. She couldn't stand it anymore, so she walked up and dragged Minnie's collar to drag people out of the office.

"You won't go, I'll help you." Yun Jian simply didn't care if Minnie was still struggling, she dragged people all the way from the 25th floor to the first floor.

Yun Jian's move frightened Maier and Minnie, but Maier was stopped by the demon girl, so she could only watch her sister dragged by Yun Jian to the first floor.

Obviously, the demon girl stopped in front of herself, and Maier was afraid of hurting her, so she did not dare to act on the demon girl ...

Many staff on the first floor are working overtime, especially those female staff members who just discussed Yun Jian. When they saw Yun Jian holding a collar in their hands, and then dragged a stack of things out of the elevator, People are terrified.

Although the group of female staff members suspected that Yunjian was the chairman of their Rongyao company, they did not have sufficient evidence.

Not to mention how big Yunjian is?

So this suspicion was quickly ruled out.

But when they saw Yun Jian dragging Minnie, dragging people out of the elevator, and finally throwing them outside the gate, the staff all looked dumbfounded.

Why is this little girl so tough!

And who is she dragging?

That's Minnie! Ms. Qian Jin, Chairman of Haji Company! How dare she ...

"I advise you not to step into the company half a step, otherwise I will let your head move!"

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