Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1106: Who dares to come and send it to Xitian

Yun Jian suddenly thought that when he entered Beiguang Modeling Company to rescue Chen Xinyi, Chen Xinyi was lying on the ground like that helpless, staring at one place hopelessly.

But her wrist was cut and she was shed with red blood, which was shocking but stubborn.

Li Ye is also an actor at Beiguang Modeling Company.

Because the original Beiguang model company caused Yunjian, the Beiguang model company has now closed down.

Li Ye's contract with Beiguang Modeling Company naturally stopped halfway.

And a big star like Li Ye, without Beiguang model company, he was immediately dug up by another entertainment company, and now the resources are even better than in Beiguang model company.

In the final analysis, Li Ye is an actor from Beiguang Modeling Company, so when he saw Li Ye, Yun Jian saw Chen Xinyi who was lying in a pool of blood.

This feeling is as if Li Ye was also the mastermind involved in the original Chen Xinyi incident.

At this moment, Yun Jian had an urge to let Li Yan shed his blood to die in front of himself.

Of course, if Li Li was obedient today, Yun Jian would naturally not do anything to him.

But it ’s so undead, Li Ye is killing now and he doesn't want to let go. He is the only figure that has surfaced in his mind in recent months!

The feeling that the world is too big to find the person you are looking for makes Li Yan crazy.

After listening to Yun Jian's words, the fans around him were shocked.

If you change to any of the fans present, if you are followed by Li Ye, it is estimated that you will be fainted.

But how about Yunjian? Instead of being flattered, she also said such a thing to the star Li Li?

Li Yan himself was also a stunner, but he quickly reacted.

He thought that Yun Jian was joking with himself, so Li Li smiled, and then pretended to be very soft to Yun Jian:

"Beauty, you do n’t speak the way you look, you look so pretty, this joke does n’t go with you!”

Li Li said, he shook his head again, pretending to be handsome.

He had just finished speaking, and Yun Jian's icy, cold-to-free temperature word came again: "I don't believe it."

Yun Jian's words had just sounded, Li Li felt a brutal energy speeding towards himself.

The next second everyone saw Yun Jian stretch out her foot, and when she kicked it horizontally, she struck Li's abdomen and fell Li to the ground.

At the same time, her figure swayed, people followed closely, and her feet slammed on Li's abdomen.

"Ah! My family!" When fans saw their idol stepped under Yun Jian, fans started screaming and tried to rush over.

But the fans just rushed two steps here, and they were frightened by the dangling thing on Yun Jian's hand.

However, I saw Yun Jian holding a butterfly knife that I didn't know where to change from, and she threw it twice easily.

These fans were frightened, and they all stopped.

"You ... you dare to treat my family like this ..." Li Yan's female agent was startled, she just wanted to stand up and threaten Yun Jian.

Before this threatening word was spoken, Yun Jian chuckled, "I don't dare!"

With that said, she threw a butterfly knife, and the blade of the butterfly knife stabbed her stern wrist fiercely, the cut was deep and blood rushed out.

At the same time, she lifted her foot, moved it from Li's abdomen to the wound on his wrist, and stomped it down.

The painful whole person was tumbling.

Seeing Li Ye's blood leaping from his wrist, everyone present was frightened and pale.

Li Yan's bodyguards wanted to come forward to stop.

But when Yun Jian leaned down slightly, she put the knife on Li's neck and drank softly, "Who dares to come, I will send him to Xitian now!"

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