Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1139: Who dares to report is the protagonist (seven more, plus more)

Maier snored on the spot when he saw Yun Jian. He didn't expect Yun Jian to be here, so the tone of the speech just now was a little shocked and blurted out of inertia.

The tone also came out of mouth, but in general, Maier's surprise at the moment was also on his face.

"Myer, what are you talking about?" Mad is indeed a good businessman. He quickly responded, frowning, and asked his son in a relatively shocked tone.

However, Zhang Jiangui and his aunt, as well as Ge Xuan and his two other roommates, including the board of directors and the major shareholders were all stupid eyes.

In front of this teenage girl, a young girl ...

She turned out to be ...

She turned out to be Rongyao, one of the top ten multinational corporations. In terms of status and strength, she has to be the chairman of Rongyao alongside Haji Company?

"Are you kidding? Ge Xuan, your sister, she is the chairman of Rong Rong Yao Company?" Zhang Jiangui was all stupid. He looked at Yun Jian with a stunned look, and was amazed to speechlessness. The self-contained tone asked Ge Xuan.

But his tone was still full of unbelief.

When Zhang Jiangui spoke the last sentence, he suddenly remembered.

By the way, when I just entered the gate and saw Mayer, the president of Haji Company, Ge Xuan said that.

It is said that Maier, the president of Haji Company, is so familiar. Was it the guest invited by Yunjian to the wedding when their parents got married last time?

The sentence that Ge Xuan just said was directly rejected by Zhang Jiangui with a mockery and a smile.

Zhang Jiangui didn't want to believe this because he was a ghost.


Maier, the president of the company Haji, went to Longmen City of Z to attend the wedding of someone like Ge Xuan's parents who did not know which ravine came out.

This is just like the earth people can take a spaceship to walk above the sun, which is impossible at all!

But this time, Mayr, the president of Haji Company, personally acknowledged that he could not tolerate Zhang Jiangui's unbelief.

So Zhang Jiangui was completely stuck in place.

At this moment, Zhang Jiangui was really ashamed of his previous behavior to the point where he wanted to find a hole in it.

And in the beginning, he deliberately showed off Haji in front of Yun Jian and Ge Xuan.

Now that I think of it, my skin is big enough.

Showing off these things in front of the chairman of Rongyao Company is like showing off in front of a tiger that you have caught a little tiger.

Zhang Jiangui and his aunt turned pale instantly.

"Chairman, she is the chairman of Rongyao Company." Maier glanced at his father, and then said rustly.

In the company, Maier never called Mader's father, and Mader always called his son by his first name.

"My God! The chairman of Rongyao turned out to be a young girl with a bad smell!"

"The news is so shocking. If this news goes out, it will definitely become the headline of international newspapers!"

"Hurry up and call the journalists to report! This news is so shocking!"

The board of directors and the major shareholders took out their mobile phones and tried to call the headquarters of the International Press Conference.

Yun Jian heard the words of the board of directors and major shareholders early in the morning.

She suddenly raised her hand and threw it.

This throw, dozens of blades appeared in Yun Jian's hand.

Everyone was shocked to return to the gods. The dozen or so blades had been pierced on the rectangular table in front of the board of directors and the major shareholders. Each person had a blade in front of them, which was a three-pointer!

This exquisite hand-shaking blade technology has made these old urchins who know only business but can't do any work have stopped their steps and become pale with fright.

However, at this time, Yun Jian's words suddenly rose:

"Who dares to report, there will be no headlines tomorrow, you are the protagonist!"

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