Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1150: She was arrested. Go and rescue her.

Several gangsters in the surrounding area saw Yun Jian kill the grabbed gangster and all leaned back, seemingly planning to evacuate.

At this moment, the two gangsters who first caught Lin Xiaochu and Elisa heard that the situation was not right, and they had already gone with the gangsters who had responded to the door.

Because Lin Xiaochu and Alyssa were taken away by the gangsters, they were planning to wait for the gangsters in the house to leave together.

But when they saw three gangsters dead inside the house, the gangsters retreated when they saw that the situation was not good.

Lin Xiaochu and Alyssa both covered their mouths fiercely and were caught by the gangsters. They saw the horrible scene just before, and couldn't hum out even a few words.

Especially Lin Xiaochu, she covered her mouth with a hairy gangster and almost vomited without disgusting.

But she still saw the amazing means just now.

That cruel!

Lin Xiaochu has always been proud of her and Hu Qirui and others as members of the university Taekwondo community.

Therefore, she was not afraid of being robbed on this trip.

In the end, because they know Taekwondo, Lin Xiaochu thinks that he is not weak, and that Hu Qirui's Taekwondo level has reached the third stage of the black section!

These two reasons are purely because Lin Xiaochu believes that no matter how chaotic this place is, it is absolutely impossible for gangsters to appear.

But Lin Xiaochu not only miscalculated, she even thought that Yun Jian was a little girl who could not do anything.

But the method just revealed by Yunjian ...

Lin Xiaochu was panic-stricken.

She murdered as if she had just done a very ordinary thing.

Is this still what a teenage girl should have?

When Lin Xiaochu was shocked, all the people standing in the house couldn't shut up.

Especially Hu Qirui and others.

He originally thought that Yun Jian would avoid bullets or grab a pistol that had just been used to grab a gangster.

But who would have thought, she kicked the gangster's wrist with one foot, and let the gangster's own bullets bear fruit directly!

"Xiao Chu, let go of Xiao Chu!" Before returning to God, the gangsters had begun to retreat.

Several gangsters outside have captured Lin Xiaochu and Alyssa in a van.

The van also started the body at the same time.

Several gangsters who stayed behind the mat saw Yun Jian's skills and all wanted to retreat to the gate quickly.

They don't want to die! This little girl is terrible!

She is simply not human!

But the next second, Yun Jian's voice that sounded like **** came from behind, blurted out: "I said, don't want to leave here alive."

Along with Yunjian's voice was a series of gunshots that resembled machine guns:

"Bang bang bang bang!"

There were five gangsters left in the room. Yun Jian killed the five gangsters in the house with a few seconds of the pistol he just grabbed, and even had no time to make them react.

These five shots, Yun Jian fired without even looking.

However, each shot hits the temple of a gangster!

Perhaps it was because Yun Jian's move was too horrifying, and Hu Qirui and others in the house were stupid again.

Unable to be shaken by Yun Jian's pistol.

However, at this moment, the van outside the house had fled and fled.

Yun Jian lowered her eyes, she turned around, and the pistol slid down to the ground with her hand. She went upstairs and stretched out her hand and yawned.

"Adam, take care of the scene." Yun Jian said, going upstairs, obviously not planning on the next thing.

One of Hu Qirui's four was relatively short and looked the ugliest of the three boys. He watched Yun Jian go upstairs, and he was anxious.

"Xiao Chu was taken away by those gangsters. Go and save her!"

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