This girl is extremely hot.

She saw her mother fell to the ground, her forehead split, and blood leaped out, while her mother was still desperately shouting, "It hurts, it's going to die, it's going to die."

No matter who is right or wrong, this girl does n’t care if her mother did something wrong.

This girl is in her youth, and she is also good at school, so she fooled around with boys and talked with boys from society.

As soon as the boys from the mixed society boasted of their greatness, the girl thought that she was really covered by some awesome role, so whether it was at school or out of society.

Girls feel that even if they provoked others, they could be sheltered by the boys.

So girls develop a arrogant character.

Even the girls in the school dare to say that they are not, even if it is a joke, she also immediately turned her face and hit and beat, and sometimes even surrounded a group of girls with a group of people to carry out group fights.

However, in the concept of girls, this kind of behavior is not shameful to think that she attracts the attention of boys like this.

Growing up in such an environment, the girl just saw her mother fell to the ground, her head bleeding.

She didn't care who was right or wrong at all, rushed to the side, picked up a mop, and rushed towards Yunjian.

At this moment, the girl had reached for Yunjian with a mop, and she ran, screaming a series of screams like: "Go to death! You dare hit my mother, you will die for me!" "

Roaring, the girl was already holding Yun Mo standing in front of Yun Jian.

At the same time, in the case of a group of onlookers from the surrounding supermarkets who were expecting and afraid of seeing some **** scenes, the girls had dragged the mop to the top of Yunjian's head.

In the first few seconds before, the female staff member who just ran out and called someone had hurried back with a few security guards, but just saw the scene where the girl dragged a mop onto Yunjian.

The crowd around the theater took a breath and someone exclaimed in the first few seconds:

"That little girl is finished! Oops, that mop, unless she has the skill of a special agent killer in the movie, it is a pity that pretty face ..."

Someone just said something out there, and someone spoke with an exclaimed voice behind them, pointing their fingers at the cloud note over there: "Look, that ..."

Everyone around them looked up.

But I saw Yun Jian standing still.

The mop on the girl's hand had been slammed hard against Yun Jian's head.

Seeing that mop was about to be centered above Yunjian's head, the moment he slammed his head toward the forehead.

Yun Jian looked in front of her, and suddenly she stretched out her left hand, not even looking at the track of the mop dropped on her head.

She was in front of everyone in this way, and her head seemed to have eyes, and she accurately extended her left hand, so she caught the mop that hit her with a very strong inertia.

The mop waved and the force was very great, but Yun Jian didn't even look at the mop, so she just blindly reached out and took the mop.

This behavior made the customers standing around watching the show and the female staff member who called out several security guards to hold back the gods.

However, just before everyone was stunned, Yun Jian had already pulled the mop, and directly held the girl who was dumbfounded by holding the mop, and pulled the girl towards herself.

The girl did not stand firmly and was so pulled by Yun Jian that the whole person shook back and forth and flew directly to the ground.

At this moment, Yunjian has stepped on the mop stick.

"Kacha" only listened for one second, and the mop lever was easily broken in half by Yun Jian.

The girl's hand was held under the mop on that end, and Yun Jian stepped on it as if she had tortured the girl.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at the girl who wants to retract her hand, Yun Jian is so strong, she ca n’t pull back at all, and the screams spread all over the room.

Yun Jian's coldness and strong strength made everyone present suddenly surprised.

"So, that's what the agent killers in the movie can do! This little girl, too, is too powerful ..." Someone couldn't help exclaiming.

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