Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1210: Dare to push my mother, a way to die

Yun Jian was really hit hard. She groaned, but she didn't shout a word of pain, so she took Qin Yirou's body, and she didn't let Qin Yirou have any signs of injury.

This scene uproared the audience.

What made the people uproar was Yun Jian's speed!

Is she a sports player! Can even come over from such a far place!

The second is that when seeing Qin Yirou in danger, Yun Jian didn't even think about it. What would happen if he took this heavy blow!

So she rushed forward without hesitation, using Qin Yirou as a flesh pad to save Qin Yirou.

How powerful and strong will it be to be able to rush up and accept Qin Yirou with the flesh?

In the horror of everyone, Yun Yi from the car had jumped handsomely from the steps, then jumped out of the car, then came over and shouted and lifted up Qin Yirou who had hit Yun Jian: "Mom Are you hurt? "

Yun Yi has exercised with Yun Jian for so long, and his strength has been greatly improved. Therefore, when he jumped off the bus just now, Yun Yi's skill was very simple.

Just holding up Qin Yirou and glanced twice, Yun Yi quickly rushed to Fu Yunjian.

Although Qin Yirou fell heavily, Yun Qin, who made a meat pad for Qin Yirou, directly suffered a heavy blow.

Yun Yi naturally knew that Yun Jian's situation was worse than Qin Yirou, so after raising Qin Yirou, Yun Yi immediately leaned down to help Yun Jian.

People around looked at Qin Yirou being lifted up by Yun Yi, and they all breathed in relief.

Seeing that Yun Jian overwhelmed by Qin Yirou.

In particular, Yun Jian's thin little body was weighed down by Qin Yirou, who was slightly more plump, shouldn't be able to stand up?

Seeing this scene, Mrs. Yang ran down quickly, and Ge Junjian ran over as soon as possible.

Xiaoyun Zhu's three were so scared they almost didn't cry.

In the buses parked nearby, all the passengers looked at the scene that happened in front of them, and they felt that Yun Jian must have been pressed by this gravity and couldn't stand up.

The moment Yun Yi leaned down and quickly reached out to help Yun Jian.

Yun Jian turned over like a okay person on the ground and stood up handsomely.

The people around them saw this scene for a while and held their breath, their hearts were even covered by shock.

For Yun Jian, a small body, after being pressed down by the person Qin Yirou exerted force, stood up like a okay person?

Open ... open ... what's the joke?

Can this girl be a special soldier?

When the special soldiers in the movie rescued people, they acted like the girl just now!

"Xiao Jian, how are you! Is there any injuries? Let Mom see!" Qin Yirou was startled, and she hurried to Yun Jian to come and go and glanced several times.

But when Yun Jian's eyes were low, she softly said to Qin Yirou, saying, "Mom, I'm fine."

When Qin Yirou repeatedly confirmed that he was okay, Qin Yirou was persuaded by Yun Jian to get in the car.

Just now Qin Yirou didn't realize that it was not an accident to step into the air accidentally.

The passengers on the long-distance buses parked next to each other thought that Yunjian had stepped onto the bus, and they thought it was over.

Just when I thought about it that way, I saw Yun Jian shortly after getting on the bus, and suddenly there was a gorgeous woman dressed in a famous brand on the bus.

Everyone saw that the woman had been sturdy and fell to the ground. The woman had not yet reacted to the pain. Five flying knives flew past the woman's head and sides beside her at a terrifying distance, and then stuck on the ground.

The next second, I saw Yun Jian standing on the bus step. She looked at the woman coldly and said arrogantly: "Dare to push my mother, I now allow you to choose a method of death!"

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