"It turned out that she gave the gangsters to her uniform, huh? Huh, what is she Rui, are you right? She gave the gangsters to her uniform !?

Xu Liao didn't respond at first. He kept following Yun Jian's eyes tightly, and then suddenly heard Hu Qirui say, Xu Liao was almost frightened.

Suddenly heard that Yun Jian was the very amazing girl Hu Qirui passed on a few days ago, and Xu Liao almost did not faint.

You should know that a few days ago, Hu Qirui boasted of Yun Jian's ability to kill a gangster with a knife, but he was shocked by Xu Liao.

Suddenly I heard that Yun Jian was the protagonist, but Xu Liao also imagined Yun Jian very weak just now.

One can imagine how shocking Xu Liao was at this moment.

"Hey, okay, let's go to the beach." Ningxia suddenly suggested, then she turned to look at Yun Jian, and continued to explain:

"The best beach on our side is on Zhoudao. Let's go by big steamer tomorrow morning. The water on that beach is particularly clean. Then I can swim in the water in a bathing suit!

"Today we will walk to the sea. There are also beaches here, but the beaches on this side are not very clean. Walk past today. Tomorrow I will take you to clean beaches to swim!"

Ningxia originally brought a few people from Yunjian to the shopping world of Ningxia, but she immediately remembered that there was a sea near the shopping world.

So she quickly proposed.

Everyone agreed, no opinion.

After all, it's not unusual to find any city in the shopping world.

Since Yunjian came from Longmen City, he naturally wanted to see the sea.

When I heard that I was going to the seaside of Ningshi, the glaze of the glaze blinked slightly.

Celadon avoided Yun Yi without a trace, and then watched Ningxia and Hu Qirui take the lead in moving forward.

She then held Yunjian, and gently approached Yunjian's ear, and said, "Sister Jian, I got the news before. There will be an international big man on a seaside in Ningshi to conduct an arms trade today. I don't know if we are going. The sea ... "

Celadon always pays attention to international events. Usually, she can know the details of some secret arms deals.

"No problem, let's go." Yun Jian was relieved.

However, just after Yun Jian and Celadon whispered two whispers, Xu Liao, who had been walking in front of the two little beauties, suddenly turned around and saw Yun Jian and Celadon whispering something.

"Hey, what whisper are you talking about, so mysterious?" Xu Liao asked curiously.

"Nothing." Yun Jian answered coldly.

Then the group came to the beach.

This beach is often full of people, and the crowd is quite crowded.

Ningxia spit out her tongue slightly, and then she turned to look at Yunjian, and said to the crowd again, "I know there is no sea near here. Just a short distance away, I will take you there."

The crowds in this place are too crowded, so everyone listened to Ningxia's opinions and followed Ningxia's guidance to another sea.

Obviously there are not many people in this place. Looking around, only dozens of individuals are walking around the sea.

This is just near the beach. I haven't even walked to the beach. Not far away, I came over a few 20-year-old local hooligans who looked at Yunjian and Celadon for a while.

The lead lunatic saw Yunjian, his eyes straightened.

These hooligans want to make fun of them when they see the beauties.

The leader of this little **** was one step ahead of Yunjian. The man was still shirtless with a tattoo on his chest that he thought was very cool and manly.

Looking at Yun Jian, Xiao Lu frowned his hair, and then teased Yun Jian: "Hey, beautiful girl, what's your name? I haven't seen you here before. Is this your first time?"

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