Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1232: Are special forces in the army

All the girls present were violently sweating for Yun Jian.

Yun Jian just said that he was just trying to die!

Sure enough, after Yun Jian said the words just now, both Aunt Hong and Boss Jia were stupid.

After chanting, Boss Jia still looked at Yunjian a little bit obsessively, and a spit of water remained in his mouth: "The little beauty is still so beautiful when he is angry, hey! How charming!"

Speaking, Boss Jia stared at Yun Jian more madly for two seconds, then ignored Yun Jian's words directly, and said to Aunt Hong:

"Aunt Hong, since I'm going to spend so much money on this little beauty, this little beauty will be my own sooner or later, so it's okay for me to inspect now?"

The words of Boss Jia immediately made Aunt Hong nod his promise: "Of course, Boss Jia, this is almost going to be yours, whatever you want, even if you want to face her in front of everyone, we will also No objection! "

Aunt Hong's face is really thick, she can't tell what kind of slang words.

After finishing the words of Aunt Hong, Boss Jia felt that she was tight.

Then Mr. Jia sneered loudly and said, "Haha, you're still aunt Hong, so I'll just ..."

Boss Jia said, walking towards Yunjian, while he stretched out his pair of pig's trotters.

The bound Yunjian looks immobile.

That rope tied Yun Jian's body up and down, but at the same time tightened her chest.

In this way, Yun Jian's arrogant figure is presented to the fullest.

So even Aunt Hong was fascinated by Yun Jian's body and appearance.

Just then, Boss Jia had already come to Yunjian, and at the same time, his pig's trotters were close to Yunjian less than one meter away.

Boss Jia looked at Yun Jian's big twin peaks and felt itchy. He wanted to run up and hold her plump!

But when there is still half a meter away from Yunjian.

I saw there was clearly tied Yun Jian suddenly stood up.

The rope that looked at Yunjian's strong binding just now, like a kite with a broken line, was loosened completely.

Boss Jia still stretched out his hand and stopped at the same time.

Everyone's pupils have gradually become tight from the relaxed state.

"You! How did you untie the rope!" The first screamer was Aunt Hong.

Aunt Hong screamed and yelled at this sentence, and when she finished screaming, she stared at Yun Jian in horror, as if she had seen a ghost alive.

When Yun Jian and Ningxia were sent here just now, she tied the ropes on Yun Jian and Ningxia herself.

This rope is tied, not to mention a little girl, even if it is a rude man, never want to break free!

But Yunjian suddenly untied the rope, and this scene scared the whole aunt in shock.

Not only Red Aunt, Boss Jia and all the girls present were frightened by Yun Jian's actions.

How did she untie the rope? When did she untie the ropes!

"This is Aunt Hong ..." Boss Jia looked at Yun Jian. He was frightened to take two steps back, and just wanted to ask Aunt Hong what was happening.

But I saw that Yun Jian over there had rushed over here.

"You ... what do you want to do?" Boss Jia was frightened, he quickly stepped back.

But just two steps back, Yun Jian has stepped on the ground with one foot.

In the next second, she kicked horizontally, hitting the boss's abdomen with a rapid speed, impeaching the entire boss, and then slamming it on a wall in the basement. Fell to the ground.

Yun Jian stood still, but grinned.

She looked at the momentary mess in front of her coldly, and was stunned by her own cowardly, and immediately opened her arms lazily:

"Oh, yes, I forgot to tell you, I am a senior special force in the army."

As soon as this word came out, let alone the girls present, even Aunt Hong straightened her back and stared at Yun Jian with a stun.

The reaction of the people around them was the same unconsciously watching.

"What! You are a high and senior special soldier in the army !?" If it was before, Aunt Hong would definitely not believe it, but Yun Jian's skill made Aunt Hong have to believe, so she was frightened and spoke.

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