Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1235: Follow the Snow Eagle, the girl wow

Wu Wei just helped Xueying kill Red Aunt by the way. When Red Aunt fell to the ground, her eyes widened. She didn't believe she was killed like that.

Her great years have not yet come, and her years of support have not yet come, but she has forever disappeared into this world.

However, there was no shame at the moment when Aunt Hong was dying.

She has been a trafficker for a lifetime, how many young girls have been abducted and how many families have been killed.

It also hurt how many young girls were ruined by countless 50- or 60-year-old men, and finally lost their lives.

Some even couldn't stand that kind of life. Under the last painful torture, they chose to end themselves in the most miserable way.

Damn Red! Sin should be dead!

A series of things happened at Aunt Hong, Snow Eagle didn't manage it anymore.

Aunt Hong just smashed a young girl onto Xueying, the reason was to make Xueying distract her.

A shrewd person like Snow Eagle would not have been fooled at all.

But Aunt Hong smashed over this young girl, and the young girl was tied up, her feet didn't stand firmly, so she almost slipped.

Xueying didn't know what was going on with him, and he caught the girl by hand.

Originally, Xueying encountered such a thing, even if the other party was a **** woman with **** and big ass, he would avoid it directly.

I don't know if it is influenced by Steve, he has no interest in those **** beauties at all.

But this time the young girl who smashed at him on his body seemed to be wearing a scent of perfume.

The scent was like mint, fresh and elegant, giving a feeling of unconsciously wanting to put the girl into her arms.

So Snow Eagle took the girl into her arms.

In this dimly lit basement, Snow Eagle still thoroughly looked at the girl's appearance.

This is a beautiful girl like a doll, about sixteen or seventeen years old. Her narrow eyelashes flickered up and down, and she just couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

Not to mention men.

Snow Eagle was the first time she saw a delicate girl like a doll. The body of the girl was still scented with a hint of mint. The taste was very light, but it was enough to keep Snow Eagle dull.

Just as Xueying was in a daze, Si Yi had come to Yun Jian. Although his facial expression was as usual, Yun Jian could feel that Si Yi was really angry this time.

Yun Jian stood up from the wooden bench. She just stood up and was embraced by Si Yi.

Even if she knew she would be fine, he knew that the moment Yun Jian disappeared, he would still worry.

"Small note ..." What should I do with you? I wish I could rub you into my bone marrow and let you follow me all my life and never leave me half a step! Si Yi rubbed Yun Jian's long black hair, and he spoke softly.

Yun Jian felt a touch.

She was a solitary person when she was on a mission in the previous life. Now, the words of Yi Yi made Yun Jian's heart warm and warm.

She reached out and hugged Sidi

The matter was handled by the three of them.

Ningxia hasn't woke up since being locked up here with Yunjian.

Of course, this is very lucky, because in this way, Ningxia's life also has some bad memories.

In the end, Moson directly contacted the local police in Ning and arrested all the traffickers led by Aunt Hong.

These innocent girls were rescued!

On the way back to Ning's house, Snow Eagle, Mo Sen and Yun Wei.

Snow Eagle took two steps, and he turned to look at the girl who followed him all the way.

The girl was holding an old cardboard box in her hand. When she saw him turning around and looking at herself, the girl stopped and kept following it at a distance of five meters, and looked at the Snow Eagle with innocent eyes.

Xueying stroked his forehead, and he turned around and asked her, "What do you want?"

This girl is the one who was caught in the arms by Snow Eagle just now.

The girl blinked in fear, but she desperately courageously looked at Xueying and said the voice softly, "Can I keep me if I don't have a home?"

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