Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1237: It's my apprentice.

Sloe said, her skeletal hands clasped the carton, and she looked down, looking a little scared.

Yun Jian narrowed her eyes. She stared at Shi Luo again, looked around on Shi Luo, and then gently pursed her lips, "Aren't you going home?"

As he spoke, Yun Jian's eyes flashed a sharp luster.

She seemed to have a new idea.

Siluo didn't look up after hearing Yun Jian's words. She shrank and shook her head and said, "I don't have a home ..."

"Then you would like to follow me?" Yun Jian said quickly.

Yun Jian's words made Slo suddenly look up.

Anyone willing to keep themselves? Is this true?

Silo held the carton, and she sent the carton to her arms, then stared at the cloud-like eyes closely, with a tremor in her voice: "You can Keep me? Can you really keep me? "

Sluo seemed to be unable to believe that Yun Jian was really willing to keep herself. She widened her eyes, and those eyes seemed to speak.

Yun Jian nodded, then she squinted. "Yes, but I have a condition."

"I promise! I promise! As long as you can feed me and let me survive, I can do anything!" Shi Luo almost knelt down, not grateful.

At this moment, if you look closely, you can clearly see that the clothes on Slo's body are torn and ragged, and they are no longer dirty.

Her face was also covered with dirt, and the whole person looked like a little beggar.

If it weren't for the face that looked like a doll, and her dirty clothes could not cover the natural mint smell of her body, it would really be like a refugee who escaped from the beggar's den.

Seeing Shi Luo, Yun Jian just squinted slightly.

Naturally, she can't collect people for nothing, but ...

"Wait!" A sudden male voice broke what Yun Jian wanted to say next.

Yun Jian raised an eyebrow. She looked at Sidi, who was standing next to herself and looked at herself, and turned to see the snow eagle who had just hid behind the door and watched everything happening here. Come back.

"Madam, cough!" Xueying coughed after realizing that he had stepped out recklessly.

Yun Jian narrowed his eyes, but heard Xueying continue: "Mrs. Young, she followed me back."

As soon as Xueying said this, Yun Jian immediately realized the meaning of Xueying: "Do you want to keep her?"

Obviously, Yun Jian just saw Sila.

Not to mention, although Sluo looks thin and weak on the surface, Yun Jian can see that although she looks weak, she is a good seed!

The person who can be seen by Yun Jian at first glance naturally has her own excellence.

Just like Slo, Yun Jian dare to guarantee that if she is trained by herself, in time, a good seed like Slo will be able to become a high-ranking member of the ancient mercenary regiment!

Even after a long time, it is possible to surpass the snake lizard!

But Snow Eagle suddenly jumped out at this time.

"Yes, Madam!" Snow Eagle didn't hesitate at this time.

"Okay." Yun Jian was not reluctant.

After agreeing, Yun Jian also looked sideways at Shi Luo, then she narrowed her eyes and said to Shi Luo: "If you feel that it is not good to follow him, please come to me at any time."

With that said, Yun Jian rarely changed his former arrogance like today, blinking at Slow.

Shi Luo shrank with the cardboard box, but she nodded desperately.

"Little girl, you'll be my apprentice in the future, don't come in yet!" Xueying was hooking his finger at Sluo at the door.

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