Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1250: If it weren't for her

The man who came over didn't care about other things at all, and when he came over, he criticized Yunjian, and he even looked a little unhurried.

It didn't look like it was for the sake of Master Hang.

And this person came over and looked at Yun Jian slowly, and there was a look that he could not wait to see Master Hang's accident.

And when speaking to Yun Jian, this person's tone was very bad.

However, this person deliberately used the good words for Master Hang, and the people around him really thought that Yun Jian intentionally wanted to hurt Master Hang.

So everyone around them blamed Yun Jian.

"What's the situation with your little girl? Do you wish that our Master Hang had an accident?"

"Yeah! How good is Master Hang, this little girl is so wicked, come here! Hurry to bring Master Hang back to the hospital to see!"

Master Hang's colleagues began to blame Yun Jian. Some even said that Yunjian was vicious.

All these words were spoken in an instant. Yun Jian narrowed her eyes at the moment, and she just made an arc coldly.

After sneer Yunjian interface said:

"He was a myocardial infarction and immediately called for an ambulance. You are not medical staff. After the onset of myocardial infarction, if you are not rescued in time, patients often die within 2 hours of onset.

"Do not move or support the patient to walk, otherwise the condition will only worsen faster, and if something happens, no one of you can afford it!"

Yun Jian's cold words came quickly, and then very successfully stopped the group of people who wanted to reach out to touch Master Hang.

Yes, Yun Jian is right.

If there are other accidents when moving or helping the patient to walk, no one can afford it!

"I'll call the doctor!" Someone hurried to the hospital near the beach.

Fortunately, this is not far from the hospital.

After the doctor came back, completed a series of safeguard measures, and finally sent Master Hang An to the hospital safely, the doctor raised his hand and wiped out the cold sweat.

Seeing that the medical staff had escorted Master Hang to his hospital, the doctor waved the cold sweat on his eyebrows and said to everyone: "Hoo, as long as you take the medicine to the hospital on time, there will be no problem.

"The patient's condition was very serious just now. Fortunately, you called us over, but did not reach out to help him or touched his body. Otherwise, he might die suddenly on the spot."

Even the doctor gave a fluke sigh, let alone others.

Especially the colleague who just reprimanded Master Yun Jian with exaggerated words.

Although the man was unreasonable, he never wanted Master Hang to die or dare to do so.

At this moment, after listening to the doctor's words, this person still couldn't believe looking at the doctor and asked the words with a trembling tone: "Doctor, really the situation of Lao Hang just couldn't move?"

As soon as you hear it, you know that this person does not understand medicine.

The doctor glanced at the man, and then said, "Yes, in plain words, if you move his body, it is likely to cause the sudden death of the patient who is suffering from myocardial infarction, that is, death on the spot."

"So the little girl just really understands medicine!" Then someone opened her mouth and looked at Yun Jian, looking at Yun Jian with a slightly surprised look.

At this time, the people turned their attention to Yun Jian.

When they saw that Yunjian was only sixteen or seventeen years old, even before they were adolescents, everyone lived in horror.

This little girl knows medicine so much when she is so young? If it was n’t for her just now, Master Hang might have already

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