Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1253: Here comes the mad dragon, leaning over his ear

Seti's words were enough for those present to misunderstand.

After Yun Jian heard Si Yi's words, his cheeks became slightly rosy.

Lin Huiyi and Xiong Yushu also took a fierce snoring, and their faces changed slightly after the reaction.

But most of them are a bit awkward.

At this moment, everyone feels that what Sidi has just said is really shy, and the possessiveness in this statement is full.

What's more, he was righteous, so he seemed to be afraid that others might not know what he and Yunjian were like.

But to be honest, just matching Yun Jian's appearance with Si Yi's looks is enough for Lin Huiyi and Xiong Yushu to envy.

Yun Jian reached out and snatched the spoon from Si Yi's hand. She did not dislike the spoon that Si Yi had eaten, and her face was slightly reddish.

"I won't give it to you." Yun Jian lowered his head and scooped an ice cream, and his cheeks slightly reddish, and he spoke to Si Yi.

Hearing that in Yi Yi's ears, he felt that there was something coquettish in it.

This interpretation could not help but tickle his lips.

"Ahhhhh! Uh, uh, you know what, there will be a surfing competition at the beach later, let's go and see?" Xiong Yushu stood up and said softly in order to ease the embarrassment.

Then, Xiong Elm rubbed his mouth with his hand.

"Surfing? Brother, is surfing the kind of person standing on a wooden board and rushing around in the sea?" Xiao Yunzhu thought for a moment, and he asked very cleverly.

Upon hearing the metaphor of Xiao Yunzhu, Xiong Yushu nodded quickly, "Yes!"

"I'm going, I'm going!" When Xiao Yunzhu heard it, he quickly ran over and shook his hand, and then coquettishly said, "Can my sister take us to watch surfing! Our teacher said surfing in class. I want to check it out ~ "

Xiao Yunzhu said, Yun Jian naturally would not disagree.

She pursed her lips and immediately agreed: "Okay."

Upon hearing Yun Jian's agreement, the three Xiaozhu Zhu were happy again.

After eating ice cream and heading to the beach, the three of them are not as skinny as they were just now.

Maybe it's because of eating a large bowl of ice cream.

Since it was proposed by Xiong Elm, Xiong Elm led the crowd to the beach where the surfing competition was about to take place.

The beach here is not a shallow sea area, so Yun Jian and Si Yi always tightened the hands of Xiao Yunzhu and Duan Li Duan Ya, for fear that their three children would run around.

Due to the upcoming surfing competition on this beach, the traffic is very high.

The beach that was enough for one person to run around and run around, but at the moment was crowded with people and could only walk.

In this way, Yunjian should even tighten Xiao Yunzhu and Duan Li and Duan Ya.

The team leader Xiong Yushu finally found a free place to watch the game. He just called out a few people here, and Yun Jian narrowed his eyes and saw an acquaintance among the crowd.

Yun Jian whispered to Si Yi's body and said, "Crazy Dragon is here."

She had a meeting with Zhoulong on Zhoudao, and just set the location here.

It was only at the beginning that Yunjian didn't expect that the crowd would be so crowded here.

"Well, come and play together." After Lin Huiyi saw this lively scene, she just beckoned to signal Yun Jian and Si Yi to bring the three of them together.

But seeing Yi Yi suddenly leaned down and leaned against Yun Jian's ear.

That posture, the ambiguous Lin Huiyi turned blush instantly.

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