Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1258: Classmates' eve

When Xueying said this, it wasn't just the few people present who were sitting there, even Snowying himself was taking a nap.

But Snow Eagle is different from others.

If someone else accidentally says such awkward words, they will definitely try to change the subject.

However, when he changed to Snow Eagle, he took a nap, then grasped Slo's hand and leaned on the back of Slo's seat. He continued to explain to the glaze in front of the entire car on the bus:

"She came back with me at the time. Even if she wanted to keep it, I should keep it. Who are you going to grab from me?"

This was quite righteous. After speaking, Xueying paused and added: "Besides, the person who asked me to keep her is her, and I don't believe you to ask yourself."

Snow Eagle got cheap and sold well, not only did he have to grab people, but he also had to make Slo acknowledge that she wanted to follow him.

Talking, Snow Eagle also pulled Raslow's wrist, intending to let Silo speak.

"I ..." Shi Luo felt that Yunjian was the biggest here, so she glanced over Yunjian sideways.

The reason why Siluo thinks Yunjian is the biggest is because Sidi has to listen to Yunjian here.

Yun Jian is afraid to go west if he wants to go east.

After looking at Yunjian, she saw Yunjian grinning at her, and Sluonu nodded, and finally moved her head back. She shrank her neck and looked at the scar on Xueying's neck. , And then shifted the eyes back to Celadon.

"Let's live with the blue glaze ..." Shi Luo grasped her wrist fiercely by Xueying. She was scared, but she boldly expressed her thoughts.

As soon as Slow's words were finished, she narrowed her neck for fear that Xueying would scold her.

The scars on Snow Eagle's neck were very scary, and Selo had to say that she was really scared.

If she were to see Snow Eagle at night in the Snow Eagle's house, it would really be ...

But Celadon is not the same. Celadon looks so beautiful and will protect her. More importantly, Celadon said that she has a silly girl named Gu Nian at home.

You won't be bored by staying at the Celadon House like this.

So she chose ...

"I'm going, do you intend to follow her? No, this is not possible! You are coming back with me, and you must be with me!" Xueying's strength was a little harder.

At last.

If you want to ask the final result, it is that Snow Eagle directly took Siluo to his house.

Snow Eagle stayed in Longmen City for a day after returning, and then rushed back to the Dark Soul organization.

Xueying originally left with Long Wei when he left Longmen City, but he is different today. He was pulling Siluo away.

Silo originally wanted to live in Longmen City, but Xueying pulled her, but she didn't dare to resist, she could only shrink her neck and follow Xueying away with the glazed and Yunjian farewell.

"Oh my god, Silo is so pathetic. Sister Jian said, didn't you?" Qinglan shook her head, at this time she was standing at the bus station to send Snow Eagles to the airport.

"I think it's okay." Yun Jian smiled sideways at Celadon, and then walked towards Si Yi who was not far away.

The next few days were very ordinary.

These days have been accompanied by Si Yi, so for Yun Jian, life is not ordinary.

In a few days, the third underground refreshment party in the world will be held. To put it plainly, it is the gathering of underground agents and killers in the world.

Until the three days before the underground refreshment party, Yunjian had a calm summer vacation for a month.

It was almost August, and three days before the refreshment party, Yun Jian was called to hold the graduation ceremony of the third grade A class.

The graduation ceremony is on July 29th.

Because it was organized by classmates temporarily, it was a bit late.

When Yunjian rushed to the hotel to meet her classmates, she saw Zhang Shaofeng and Chen Xinyi beckoning to her one after another: "Here here! Jianjian here!"

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