Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1264: I do n’t wear makeup

Yun Jian did not talk nonsense with Qi Xiaoxiao and Lin Zihang.

She had no intention of paying attention.

Not to mention that Chen Xinyi is still squatting in the toilet waiting for her.

After Yun Jian said what he said just now, he was just as if nothing was happening, and he walked downstairs with his hands in his pockets.

Qi Xiaoxiao was startled, and just now he was unstable, and accidentally dropped Lin Zihang's phone on the ground.

But at this moment, neither Qi Xiaoxiao nor Lin Zihang's concerns are here.

What they are concerned about is, would Yunjian say what she just said?

Seeing Yun Jian walking down the stairs and going to the front desk on the first floor, Qi Xiaoxiao and Lin Zihang were silent.

After half a ring, Lin Zihang yelled at Xiao Xiao angrily: "You can't help me up! I'm in pain! Damn it!"

Qi Xiaoxiao was horrified to run over to help Lin Zihang.

After all, Xiao Zhi said now, coax Lin Zihang, her admirable days will last long.

Raising Lin Zihang, Qi Xiaoxiao and Lin Zihang hurried to the room where the classmates were.

Although afraid that Yun Jian would say what he saw just now, Qi Xiaoxiao and Lin Zihang were even more afraid that Yun Jian would go back first.

Because at least they went back first, even if Yun Jian was going to talk nonsense, she was dead without proof.

For the next period, Qi Xiaoxiao and Lin Zihang were in a state of tension. When they talked to Qi Xiaoxiao and Lin Zihang, they could clearly feel that Qi Xiaoxiao and Lin Zihang were attentive.

The students didn't care because they didn't know what was going on.

Until Yunjian and Chen Xinyi returned from the toilet, Qi Xiaoxiao and Lin Zihang didn't even bother to talk with their classmates. The eyes were always on Yunjian's side.

As soon as Yunjian and Chen Xinyi returned to their seats, Zhang Shaofeng's blame sounded: "Oh, I go, Xinyi, you have been in the toilet for so long, I almost thought you were in the pit!"

"No more bullshit, I'll beat you!" When Chen Xinyi heard it, she was a bit stingy, and now she clenched her pink fist and smashed her mouth gently towards Zhang Shaofeng.

Zhang Shaofeng laughed and grasped Chen Xinyi's fan fist smashed by herself, then continued to tease:

"Come on, I am not the same as before! I am now, but I have a lifelong mastery taught by a master! Drink and drink!"

Talking, Zhang Shaofeng also waved his hand, pretending to be very domineering.

Of course, Zhang Shaofeng was just kidding.

The kind of playfulness between acquaintances and acquaintances.

Chen Xinyi was directly amused by Zhang Shaofeng's move.

Even Yunjian pulled out a corner.

"Xiaoxiao, what are you looking at Yunjian over there?" A girl asked strangely from the next table.

Just listening to the sound of chopsticks accidentally falling to the ground over there, followed by the clutter of Qi Xiaoxiao's hands and feet: "No, no, I just watch her look beautiful today, I don't know what foundation she applied today, haha. "

Hearing this voice can be inferred, Qi Xiaoxiao panic at this time.

The more Yun Jian pretended to be okay, the more Qi Xiaoxiao and Lin Zihang feared her purpose.

But in fact Yun Jian didn't want to care about what happened just now.

"I don't wear makeup." Yun Jian's cold voice came, and the voice was cold and cold, making people feel coldness from the bottom of his heart.

Qi Xiaoxiao and Lin Zihang hit a shiver at the same time.

Fortunately, at this time, the study committee member Lin Yaqian stood up and said, "Are you all finished? Let's go to the racecourse immediately after eating. I think it's already more than 12 o'clock. It's a little late if we don't go."

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