Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1280: I like it with you

Yun Jian knew that Shi Yi didn't like to attend such grand occasions, so she didn't call him together.

So when listening to Si Yi's last sentence, Yun Jian felt only a warm heart. She remained silent for two seconds and said to Si Yi: "I know you don't like to go to such occasions, so you don't have to be with me of."

She knew that Shi Yi didn't like such occasions, so Yun Jian didn't want Si Yi to do things she didn't like.

She now knew her heart very well.

She can even say it aloud, she likes him, likes it very much!

It is precisely because of this, Yun Jian does not want Si Yi to accompany himself to places he does not want to go.

If Si Yi had nothing in her heart, Yun Jian would never say such a thing.

Because in Yun Jian's heart, she actually wanted to stay with her to attend the event.

Yun Jian was staring ahead.

The car was slowly moving forward, the windows were closed tightly, and cold air was driving inside.

After she said this, she did not hear Si Yi's voice for a long time.

Yun Jian paused, when she just wanted to turn her head to see Sidi.

"Here--" An emergency brake sounded, and Yun Jian's eyes lightly touched.

The next moment, the car stopped along the road like a flash of thunder and lightning.

This was done overnight.

The next moment, Yun Jian felt like he was being held in his arms by a strong chest.

Feeling the arms of this strong chest, Yun Jian froze for two seconds.

Si Yi suddenly stretched out his hands from the side of the driver's seat to hold Yun Jian half in his arms. The fresh and smell of his body passed into Yun Jian's nose. Yun Jian unconsciously stretched out his hand and held him back.

She felt only a warm heart, and this strange and touching heartbeat sounded again.

At this time, the magnetic sound of Si Yi came from the top of Yun Jian: "If you don't like it, as long as I am with you, I like it."

These words did not shout out vigorously, nor did they want all people to know their sweetness like the love of adolescent boys and girls.

Only in the right situation, the right situation, like this, just like a normal dialogue, he explained his truest thoughts deep in his heart.

However, it is the most real thought in Si Yi's heart that makes Yun Jian's heart beating.

"You ..." Yun Jian's heart wobbled slightly, and she could feel her heart beating, jumping wildly.

What she said made her throbbing, or moved.

Yun Jian said nothing but ‘you’, and after a few seconds of silence, Yun Jian asked a rather stupid question: “Why are you so good to me ...”

This sentence is quite stupid.

Perhaps because Yun Jian didn't know what to say at the moment, she asked such a word as soon as her head was short-circuited.

As soon as he finished speaking, Yun Jian regretted it.

Was she stupid or something, she was able to ask such a stupid question!

But just after Yun Jian asked this, Sidi suddenly reached out and covered Yun Jian's head. He covered Yun Jian's head with one hand, and his head sank.

Yun Jian could only feel an overwhelming kiss leaning down to her, and her lips were suddenly blocked by a icy cool lip.

Jun lip did not stay on Yun Jian's lips for a long time, and almost wiped like a dragonfly on Yun Jian's lips.

Then Yun Jian saw Sie's handsome face with fair complexion and no flaws.

Staring at him for two seconds, she listened to the stupid voice of Si Yi: "Because of this."

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