Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1287: Head to country B before the party

Yun Yi's words moved Yun Jian for a while.

It was an experience she had never experienced before.

"Huh!" Looking at Yun Yi, Yun Jian nodded heavily.

She did not expect Yun Yi to say such touching things.

Yun Jian never shed tears, but at the moment there was a tear in his eyes.

Of course, just flashing, even if Yunjian shakes again, he will never cry in front of people.

"Okay, Xiaojian, aren't you going to set out where? Now it's time to set off." After everything was said, Yun Yi was not so hesitant as before.

Although the whereabouts of his sister was unknown, he had no other choice, but fortunately he let it go, but he never gave up.

"Yeah." Yun Jian saw Yun Yi suddenly opened her mouth and smiled at her, trying to laugh at her to ease the tension, so she also restored her usual mood.

"Brother, I'll go first." Yun Jian walked outside the flower garden at this time. Before leaving, she turned around and said to Yun Yi.

"Okay." Yun Yi nodded, and then Yun Yi suddenly thought of something, he stopped Yun Jian directly:

"Small note, where do you want to go, brother doesn't object, but brother only asks one thing, that is, you must go in peace and come back intact!"

Yun Yi's words made Yun Jian a touch in his heart.

Yun Yi is not worried about other things, he only cares about their safety.

Yun Jian was moved by this, so she nodded while watching Yun Yi: "Brother, I promise you, no matter what happens in the future, I will come back alive!"

Yun Yi doesn't ask her where to go, what she does, and never asks about these, but he and Qin Yirou are the same in essence. They only need Yun Jian to be safe and secure.

When Yun Jian came out of the flowerbed, Si Yi was wearing a Lamborghini sports car with his back on his back. He was leaning against a short Lamborghini sports car with his legs short. The long and thin figure looked great from any angle.

He just watched Yunjian here and walked towards him.

"Why did it take so long." It wasn't until Yun Jian came to himself, that Yi Yi spoke softly, and he even pulled Yun Jian's little hand while talking.

"I talked to my brother for a while." Yun Jian narrowed his eyes and smiled at Si Yi.

Now her family and love are both harvested, and this is exactly the life she longed for in her previous life.

"Yeah." Si Yi didn't ask much. He stretched out a big boned palm and gently twirled Yun Jian's head, then pulled Yun Jian into the car.

In addition to those who went with Si Yi and Yun Jian, they also had Snow Eagle and Celadon.

Xueying reluctantly settled on the Qin Yirou's house, and when he left, he told him so much that he would take Silo when he returned.

He was afraid that Siloray would not leave at Qin Yirou's house.

Every international underground refreshment party is very dangerous. Even if it is not a powerful agent killer who rushes to participate, it is also a well-known figure in the world.

Some small killers and small agents will also participate, of course, these people have no status.

They are often ignored directly.

After arriving at the airport, Sidi parked the Lamborghini sports car in the escrow area, and then the four of them got on the plane ticket to country B.

Every year, the refreshment meeting place is arranged in one of the countries with the world's worst economy.

And that kind of country can have war at any time.

Of course, if you ask why, it's because in a prosperous country, the party between the killer and the agent always has something unpleasant.

At that time, if someone kills people directly, or someone directly kills people with explosives on their backs, the puppet cannons will be fired directly, and no one will manage them in the down country, which is just what they want.

Country B is such a dismal country, and Country B is basically black.

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