Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1291: Could it be that she is somebody

Yun Jian didn't speak, and she quietly listened to the people in front of her in front of her and talked about what Doya had saved herself.

After listening to everyone's conversation, Yun Jian can initially conclude that Doya's heart is the kindest among these people.

But a kind character is not appropriate in this way.

If Doya continues to maintain her kind heart, Yun Jian dares to one day that she will lose her life because of her kindness!

"Doya, we don't want to see any killings and deaths, but your behavior just now almost put you in danger. If Hina shots, we will all be killed here!

"It's true that you saved this little girl, but you should think about it. We are killers, not charities!"

The big-breasted girl who couldn't be wrapped up in the big breasted swimsuit just now said very solemnly to Doya.

She is not aiming at Yun Jian, but to let Doya see the truth.

They are not strong enough to save anyone now!

If Maggie didn't owe Dooya's affection just now, it's because of Dooya's noisy behavior just now, let alone Dooya, even the friends of Dooya must die here!

Doya was stunned, and she couldn't speak for a long time.

At last Doya was silent for a while, and she just planned to say this sentence: "I promise, this is my last time ..."

"Say well." A clear female voice interrupted Doya's words and passed to Doya and Doya's friends.

When Doya and Doya's friends turned to look for their voices, they just saw Yun Jian leaning on the shore of the hot spring leisurely. She closed her eyes and said the three words lightly.

The people present were stupid for a while.

Did they hear me right? This little girl said, "Good?"

Say what the big breasted girl said just now, right?

You know, everyone who was present was accusing Doya to save Yunjian!

As a result, the little girl even agreed with the statement of the big breasted woman?

Everyone was dumbfounded.

If you change to any other person, it is estimated that you will be angry after hearing the words of the big breasted woman and the woman in a bikini.

After all, big breasted women and women in bikinis meant that Doya could not save Yun Jian, and let Yun Jian be killed by the group of Maggie.

In the eyes of big breasted women and women in bikinis, if Doya didn't save Yun Jian just now, Yun Jian would definitely die.

Because of Yun Jian's age, coupled with her picture that seemed to understand nothing, everyone around her felt that she must be a newbie from a killer organization or an agent organization.

But Yun Jian's words surprised everyone.

How could she help a big breasted woman and a woman in a bikini? Is she stupid?

When everyone thought this way, they heard Yun Jian's voice again.

Yun Jian said to Doya: "From my perspective, I should thank you.

"But from a killer's point of view, your kind behavior just now will one day bring you death. She is very correct. You are killers, not charities!"

Yun Jian's simple words made everyone in the presence take a deep breath.

No one had thought that this teenage girl in front of her would be so deeply aware?

Yun Jian doesn't feel like a novice killer or agent who just debuted, it feels like ...

At the moment Doya and Doya's friends touched their hearts tightly, and everyone instantly had an unknown illusion.

The little girl in front of Mo Fei is some big man in the world! ?

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