Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1296: The more silent, the other way around

At first, Doya and Charlotte could pretend not to know Mei Yana, as they did two days ago.

But it is not so simple now.

Meyana, she was killed by Mira!

Meyana is dead!

The reason is that just now Mila took the hand of a man standing beside her and accidentally met them. The man looked at Mei Yena's **** as much as before!

Because of this, Mira had just made people publicly humiliate Meyena and cut her breast.

Meyana died on the spot!

This is the end of a powerless person against a powerful person.

The people around me looked at Mei Yena's puppet that had not been cut off, and she also watched it with interest.

No one will sympathize with Meyena, and she will even think she deserves it.

Because Mei Yena is weak! She's weak, so **** it.

"Ah! Ah! You vicious woman! You must not die! Na! Na! Ah !!!"

Except for the indifference and indifference of others, Doya and Charlotte and Mei Yana have the deepest feelings. At this moment Doya and Charlotte have yelled madly to rush to Mira, but were killed by their other friends. Dead hold.

Here, Mira's strength is the strongest, so if Doya and Charlotte rushed to Mira in an unreasonable way, they could only sacrifice for nothing!

In this **** world, you have no right or power, as long as you are strong enough, powerful enough, and powerful enough to kill each other.

But if you can't, and you have no power or power, you will be so desolate with Meyena, or there will be someone miserable than Meyena.

"Yo, do you want to be killed by me like this woman?"

Milla looked at the big breast that had been cut off by herself. She glanced at Doya and Charlotte and said to Doya and Charlotte in a rather ironic tone.

Mira didn't even know what she had done wrong. She lifted her foot and stepped on the slashed chest of Mei Yena with a provocative kick.


That breast was trampled by Mila in front of everyone.

He took away the last shame in Mei Yena's life.

Blood splatter.

The cry of Doya and Charlotte grew louder.

However, the people around the theater were laughing, as if they saw a perfect show.

Some men even sighed with a smirk on their heads: "Oh, such a beautiful woman, how good it would be for us to kill each other in turn, but unfortunately the pair of **** ... . "

Then, the evil man reached out and gestured.

In a world without law, Meyana is dead and humiliated by words.

But no one can help her.

Just when Yun Jian turned away from the crowd and walked in, he saw such a scene. Mira and Charlotte were hugged by a few friends who were also crying but sane, and howling in pain, but could not avenge Meyena Look like.

When she saw the scene just now, although her expression was unchanged, her heart touched hard.

In this way, Yun Jian turned the crowd away and came to Doya and Charlotte. She looked at them and said nothing else, and asked blandly: "Tell me what just happened."

The more Yun Jian was silent, the other way around.

She still remembered that she had a good friend when she was taken away by her organization in her previous life.

She didn't remember the little girl's name, she just knew that every night when she was just taken away, the little girl would hold her and comfort her not to be afraid.

The little girl once said, "Don't be afraid of me, we will all be well, we will be able to go home!"

There, the word home is harder than climbing.

Yun Jian was not born to be a murderer, she was also weak and afraid.

Later, the little girl died, and several other girls in the organization joined forces to cut off the limbs of her whole body, dug her heart alive and died.

In the end, the little girl was thrown into the wolfdog group, not even a bone was left.

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