Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1321: You are injured, don't tell me

Lily, she's in control!

Because Lili had helped her, Yun Jian was always someone who had revenge and had repayment.

Besides, it was just a hand for her, but for Lily, it was a lifelong event.

Thinking of Yunjian here, his eyes were down.

Ya was still standing in front of Yun Jian. She saw Yun Jian sinking into her eyes, and her heart was a little scared.

It doesn't matter if Yunjian really knows their adult President of Country B.

In case this is true, she can't afford to have a hundred heads.

Yun Jian turned around and wanted to enter the house, but she paused twice before finally turning her face to look at Ya, her red lips slightly hooked, her smile was a little weird:

"I hope I won't have the chance to see the scene just now, otherwise, I'll catch the old guy from Peel tomorrow and make a theory with you."

After speaking, Yun Jian knew that these words were fatal to the head of the village, or to Ya.

In other words, they are all afraid that they really invited the president of Country B here.

So for the time being Lily will not be in danger.

As for her and Si Yi, they are leaving the village.

Yun Jian believes that after she lost contact with Si Yi, the snake lizard and Snow Eagle will definitely find the place where the plane crashed and will find it soon.

That's why Yun Jian said he would stay here for about two days.

After Yun Jian entered the room, he closed the door. The village chief Lu Dama saw him there. Not only was he not obstructed, he even breathed a sigh of relief.

Then Mr. Lu Madah took his own people, and even the money for the gift did not ask Ya to return, and fled.

Lily was also relieved, and Ya never dared to embarrass her ...

After Yun Jian entered the room, she saw Si Yi sitting on the bed watching her enter the room.

When Yun Jian saw this, she walked over and sat next to Si Yi, then she stared at him for two seconds, shifted to the back of his bare shoulders, the scars, and the red lips froze. Ask gently:

"Does it still hurt?"

On the back of Si Yi, the debris that had been plunged by the plane had been removed by Yun Jian.

But his back was still scarred and he couldn't bear to look straight.

Si Yi has also been injured before, but this time, he was purely broken and did not want Yun Jian to have any abrasions, so he only got his own serious injuries.

Listening to Yun Jian's voice was a little husky, and Si Yi's naked and strong chest put Yun Jian into her arms.

"It doesn't hurt." He said to Yun Jian gently, his voice was not at all like that of Si Yi.

He is always different from Yunjian.

"Don't do this in the future, you could have been fine, I ..." Yun Jian still wanted to say something.

Si Yi blocked her little mouth in time.

"Yi" Yun Jian held her hands in front of Si Yi's undressed upper chest. She was afraid of touching her back, so she didn't dare to hug him.

Although the injury of Si Yi's back did not touch the heart and other organs in the human body, the skin trauma was the most painful.

If ordinary people are injured in this way, it is estimated that they will not dare to move even if they move, it will be unbearable.

Si Yi did not care at all.

His favorite note is right in front of him. Where can he bear it, that's called ...

Si Yi kissed Yun Jian's small mouth.

After a while the two unknowingly shed their clothes.

In particular, Si Yi also reached out and removed the cloud jeans.

This time just removed Yun Jian's jeans, Sidi saw Yun Jian's lower body, a little blood stained on the inside.

Seeing this, Si Yi's eyebrows were raised deep, with no emotion. He put his hand on the blood spot in Yunjian Xiaonian, and then reached out to try to pick it up, while still saying:

"Xiao Jian, were you hurt? Was it hurt yesterday? Why didn't you tell me!"

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