Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1353: Eat you without it

Tell everyone in front of others that Yunjian is already his own woman, legal!

This feeling makes Shi Yi feel great.

If Adam or Snow Eagle were standing here, they might have to say something again: It turns out that you are such a young master.

But neither Adam nor Snow Eagle knew it.

Adam was in the Royal Dragon Continent, while Snow Eagle was left by the Dark Soul Organization to take his place.

"Have you seen enough?" Sidi sees that the instructor is still looking at his and his family's marriage certificate, and he says something.

The instructor was stunned by Si Yiyan, then stretched out his hand and threw this big book back to Si Yi.

The marriage certificate in country R is not called a marriage certificate, but a marriage term.

There are many styles of marriage in country R, ​​but they are generally similar. It is not like a marriage certificate in country Z. It is a small red book.

And in country R, ​​the woman can get married as long as she is 16 years old.

Si Yi raised his hand to catch the big book thrown back by the instructor without seeing it, and then put it back in his pants pocket. During that time, his deep eyes kept looking at Yun Jian, and he couldn't even move his eyes.

Before taking Yunjian to the woods, Sidi left a very imaginative sentence: "On board the boat, you have to make up for the ticket."

When Yun Yi said this, Yun Jian still reached out and gave a handful of flesh that was not fat on his waist.

Yun Jian's move was seen in the eyes of everyone, it was simply a show of affection in public.

Oh, yes, it's still legal.

"Oh my god, Yun Jian already has such a handsome boyfriend, isn't it? It's her husband! It's so sweet, so envious! And just now Yun Jian's husband caught the marriage certificate without looking, presumably Definitely not weak! This is a man and woman! It's a good match! "

This incident was enough to be enviable enough, but Lin Ying shouted out in the end, even if the people around him didn't want to listen, there was nothing they could do.

Especially those girls, one and two are envying fast.

Lin Shuya's envious fingertips were already in her palms.

"Shuya, come here for a moment." Just then, a small follower of Lin Shuya suddenly put her head to Lin Shuya's ears and said something.

Lin Shuya's young class is also a student in Yunjian class, named Xiangchi Poem.

Xiang Chishi was envious of her death, but she didn't dare to take it herself, so Lin Shuya quietly talked to him a lot.

At the end, Lin Shuya smiled, then she nodded, and gently said something that only Xiangchi poetry and herself could hear: "Well, what does she like, man, who doesn't like old and new!" "

At the grove, Si Yi hugged Yun Jian for a while before releasing, and then he said, "I will return to the Dark Soul Organization in a moment. This time, I will not be able to pull away for a long time, so you come to me if you want . "

Not a plea, but a certain tone.

"Who would miss you." Yun Jian gave a small push to Si Yi, and just when he wanted to turn around and left, he grabbed his wrist and banged him on the tree.

"Small note, what about the ring?" After finishing the kiss, he found that the ring Yun Jian brought back by Yulong Continent was not worn on his hand.

Jewelry cannot be worn during military training, so Yunjian was put away.

"In the schoolbag," Yun Jian said with lips pursed.

"Um." Si Yi gave a dull reply, and then he suddenly made a radian: "If I don't wear it next time, I will eat you."

Speaking, Si Yi hooked his lips, and reached out to steal a tofu in a soft place.

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