Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1356: Wulin Military Academy, competition between the two schools

The next day, it was still sunny. In the summer, the sun in the south was earlier.

About 4:20 in the morning, a glimmer of morning light had already appeared in the east, and it could be completely lit in less than 20 minutes.

Yunjian woke up at 4:30. At this time, the air was the freshest. Smelling his breath fiercely could give people a sense of coolness.

Opening the tent, Yun Jian came out of the tent, and she stretched her waist slightly.

At this time, the students in the surrounding tent were still sleeping.

6:30 is the time to get up, and at 7 o'clock, students who intend to participate in this field survival activity will be sent to the venue by the school bus.

"Yunjian, get up so early?" Teacher Zhou came from the side at this time. He glanced at Yunjian, and then said with a smile.

"It's not early." Yun Jian grinned, and put on his little white shoes, stood up and walked towards the woods.

"What are you going to do, Yunjian?" Seeing this, Zhou instructor froze.

"Morning exercise." Yun Jian said, stretching his waist, and then jogging towards the woods.

Instructor Zhou stood there for a moment, then smiled, and stood shaking his head and admired: "What a good seed ..."

It's five-thirty when Yunjian returns after the morning run. The students haven't awoken, except for a few instructors who have already awoken and are sitting on the lawn.

Seeing Yun Jian, Instructor Zhou waved to her: "Well, Yun Jian, you're back? Other classmates have an hour to wake up. Come over and talk to us."

When Yun Jian saw this, she wiped the sweat on her forehead and walked over to the instructors, then she sat on the lawn and looked at the instructors side by side.

"Students who do n’t need to participate in today ’s field survival activities ended their military training early, so last night they asked students to hand in small notes about whether they want to participate in field survival activities.

"There are fifteen classes in the whole year. Even if there are no students in one class, how can this be compared with the students from the Wulin Military Academy in Ontario?"

One of the instructors patted a large pile of small notes on the ground, grinning bitterly.

Yun Jian raised her eyebrows slightly. She asked, "This field survival activity, our school will compete with other military school students from other provinces?"

Instructor Zhou went back to Yunjian and said, "Yes, it is more than the number of students who passed this field survival activity. Which I will say later."

Yun Jian pursed his lips and didn't ask again.

Mu Ying woke up at 6 o'clock. At 6:30, all the students got up.

The classmates who did not participate in the field survival activities today are going to return to school and have finished their military training and go home to rest.

As for the students who continue to participate in the field survival activities, they stay.

At 6:30, after sending away the group of students who did not want to participate in the field survival activities, only 30 students stayed in the freshman year.

In other words, thirty students are willing to participate in this field survival activity.

Thirty students were sent to the sea near Min City, and the instructor Zhou mentioned that the students of the Min Military Academy had to compete with the students of the Wulin Military School from Sesame City, Ontario, for a field survival competition.

And the location for comparison is set on an uninhabited island.

This uninhabited island covers a large area with some dangerous animals inside.

And before entering the uninhabited island, Teacher Zhou will send an emergency button to every student.

After pressing this button, the people in the army knew that the classmate had given up the game, and then he immediately sent a helicopter to take the person away.

The game can be stopped halfway.

After Yunjian got out of the car, they were at the seaside in Min City, and met the freshmen who were new to the high school before the uninhabited island.

Seeing that the Minjian Military Academy, that is, Yunjian's group, looked thin and weak, some students at the Wulin Military Academy began to put on display.

One even blew his nose and said, "Well, just like them, there are so many girls here. Do you want to play against the men of our Wulin Military Academy? Don't laugh at me!"

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