Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1367: Vulnerabilities are too big to be difficult to find

Instructor Zhou's original calm look became uneasy. He was the first to run in the direction of Yunjian.

Look at Lin Shuya who passed out. Teacher Zhou helped her forehead.

A group of classmates around them couldn't close their mouths in surprise.

However, Han Ming took two steps backwards, and then screamed in shock: "Shu, Shuya? No, no, Shuya is already a ghost? Ah! Ghost!"

Han Ming was frightened to take two steps backwards, with inexplicable excitement.

However, some people have found that Lin Shuya, supported by a few friends of Leng Hanzhe, has a temperature, which proves that she is alive.

"Lin Shuya isn't dead! She still has breathing!" Several girls who observed slightly discovered that although Lin Shuya was still in a faint state, the collar under her nostril was still floating slightly, which means she was breathing.

"What, what is this? How was it possible that I saw Lin Shuya's body clearly at that time?" The first boy who found Lin Shuya's body stood up and ate.

"You mean the simulated corpse? At that time, if you look closely, you can easily see that it is fake. Although it was pinched to look like Lin Shuya, its essential characteristics will not change.

"At that time, you were only concerned about the fear, because Lin Shuya disappeared one day, so when you saw the body, you instinctively thought that this was Lin Shuya, and she did not even see whether she was true or false.

Mu Ying stood next to Yun Jian, explaining the confusion to Yun Jian for everyone.

Mu Ying's words broke everything.

Indeed, after the incident, everyone was not thinking about carefully observing the corpse, and even Leng Hanzhe was close to the corpse and was afraid to look directly at the corpse.

This also means that everyone missed the opportunity to discover the truth.

"Being a spy, isn't it fun?" Suddenly Yun Jian turned to look at Wen Peiling, she hugged her chest and squinted.

Wen Peiling, who was called to the name, froze.

Instructor Zhou stunned again.

The original motivation was originally arranged by Teacher Zhou, who wanted to measure the standard of this freshman.

In fact, there are many flaws.

For example, if the classmate who exclaimed at that time took a closer look and found that Lin Shuya's body was not real, then not so many students would withdraw from the competition.

This can be regarded as an assessment of a person's psychological quality.

However, Teacher Zhou didn't think of it all, and Yun Jian saw it all.

The instructor was the founder of the game development master this week, but why did he think that at this moment, he was a confused passer by Yun Jian playing with his palm?

"Yun Jian, what do you mean? Did Lingling Xuejie provoke you to mess with you? Did you even call her a spy?" Han Ming had some favors with Wen Peiling, so when he heard Yun Jian's words, he shouted back now. .

"Ha, I really can't hide you at all, then I won't pretend, but I have to say that you are really amazing, girl!"

When Wen Peiling heard Yun Jian's words, she stumbled several times, and then smiled at Yun Jian after responding.

In order to pretend to be real, she even secretly went to see Leng Hanzhe with conscience and made a look of admiration for Leng Hanzhe.

Han Ming originally thought that Yun Jian was abusive, but he didn't expect it ...

Wen Peiling is really ...

"Ahem, okay, it's time to tell you, um, Shuya, I did call out for faint, but the positioning mask was not installed by me, and I have been with you for that time.

"As for Shuya, you won't find it when I faint her. Xuemei, I'm really curious. How did you find out that I was a group with Teacher Zhou?"

Wen Peiling smiled generously. She changed her pretending to be a bit pretentious and asked Yun Jian a generously.

Yun Jian raised her eyes and faced Wen Peiling. Just when Wen Peiling and Teacher Zhou and all the classmates looked at Yun Jian straight, she saw Yun Jian's red lips tick, she smiled slightly. Road:

"The loopholes are too big to find out."

This word made everyone around him a little ashamed.

All of them believed that it was true. Is this too big a loophole? Everyone was dismayed.

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