Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1371: Yunjian shot like ghosts

Yang said, unable to stop pushing her daughter, she tried to make her daughter lean on Leng Hanzhe.

The status of the Leng Hanzhe family is not comparable to that of the Mu family.

Although the Leng family and the Mu family are close friends, the Leng family is not only stronger than the Mu family in military affairs, but more importantly, the Leng family is also a white-bath business, and it has developed extremely rapidly in commerce.

Its baidao business power can even be famous in country Z.

Yang is not a fool. She understands that she also desperately wants her daughter to attach the cold mountain of Leng Hanzhe.

As for Mu Ying, Yang always looked at her unpleasantly, and even Yun Jian brought back with Mu Ying also used evil words.

Mu Rou is Mu Ying's current cousin, but he is not in harmony with Mu Ying.

After listening to her mother Yang's words, Mu Rou gave Mu Ying a fierce glance, and then she leaned over to Leng Hanzhe.

"Brother Hanzhe ~ You haven't come to see me in such a long time. Sister Rou misses you so much ~" Mu Rou said in a whispered voice, and at the same time she wanted to pounce on him.

It was just that Mu Rou had escaped to Leng Hanzhe before falling on him.

"Mu Rou, please take care of yourself," Leng Hanzhe said coldly.

Only when confronted with Mu Ying will his expression change.

Mu Rou stood awkwardly in this way, and Yang's face couldn't stop instantly.

"Yun Jian, go to the backyard." Mu Ying didn't look at Yang and Mu Rou's faces, she planned to take Yun Jian directly to the backyard of the villa.

Mu Ying has never seen Yang's and Mu Rou directly.

For this auntie and cousin in the name, Mu Ying is not interested and has no intention to play with them.

If it wasn't for her current grandparents who treat her well, Mu Ying would have moved out of here.

"Backyard? Muying, stand by me! How dare you take an outsider to the backyard? Are you crazy? The backyard is where our Mu family trains! You ..."

As soon as Yang's words were heard by Mu Ying, her face changed suddenly, and she rushed in and stopped Mu Ying and Yun Jian in front of Mu Ying and Yun Jian to continue to the back door of the villa.

"No outsider is allowed in? Why haven't I heard this statement? Doesn't Leng Hanzhe often go? He is not surnamed Mu." Mu Ying heard Yang's words and said the words quietly.

Leng Hanzhe was still a little lost when he heard Mu Ying call himself by name, but he was also glad that his Ying Ying mentioned himself again.

Compared to Leng Hanzhe's loss, Yang's face turned dark.

Yes, Mu's backyard is a dedicated training ground.

The Mu family was originally from the military family. The males of the Mu family were all soldiers, and women accounted for half of them.

As the leader of the military family, Mr. Mu has long established such a special training ground, in order to give Mu people a special place to practice defending the country from the army.

This simple training ground is also in Mu's backyard.

Yang's blocking Yun Jian was purely unpleasant, so he found a random reason to stop Yun Jian.

Ke Muying's words, however, made Yang's daze.

Indeed, Yang blocked Yun Jian because the Yun Jian was not from Mu family.

But Leng Hanzhe is not a Mu family member, but has entered the backyard training ground more than once.

Yang was speechless for a while, and at this moment, Mu Ying had pulled Yunjian to the back door, and opened the back door to the backyard.

"Yeah! Yeah! Be careful of the fans!" The moment the back door opened, a girl who was training in the backyard couldn't hold the fan that was being fiddled with, and flung it straight towards Yunjian.

The girl screamed in fright.

Mu Ying's eyes moved.

The Mu Yang Yang standing in the distance saw a look of glee and happiness.

However, at the moment when the fan was about to flutter to Yunjian's delicate face, she suddenly reached out her hand, and even looked up to see the fan's trajectory disappeared, so she steadily caught the fan.

In this scene, Yang's and Mu Rou were shocked.

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