Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1390: Cloud-loaded, scared to death

Just accidentally

At first Liu Shan heard Yun Jian said the word, she thought Yun Jian would say a low unintelligible grade, so she already pursed her lips and prepared to laugh out when Yun Jian reported her grade.

But Yun Jian said

‘I just accidentally took a city first’?

No. 1 in the city? No. 1 in Quanlongmen? This result is just that?

Liu Shan froze, and kept her posture of wanting to use chopsticks to clamp a piece of pork trotter. The whole person stumbled on the spot.

"My God! No. 1 in the city? Yirou, your daughter has passed the No. 1 in the city?" Liu Shan's shock had not passed yet. A woman who was also a flower shop employee stood up in surprise. Shouted at Qin Yirou.

"Yirou, you said your girl took the first place in the city! Why haven't you heard of it?

"And there is more! Your daughter is studying so well, why did you let your daughter go to the military school? Why not let your daughter apply for the first high school? Our first high school score in Longmen City is so high, but your daughter can Ah! Your daughter is in! The city is number one! "

Someone immediately stood up and said to Qin Yirou.

The first high school is the key high school run by Longmen City, with a high score line and the best high school in Longmen.

This is only an objective aspect. If we say it in general, the students who graduated from the first high school are the most promising students in the eyes of parents.

Yun Yi is a student of the first high school.

So when the people here heard that Yunjian score line was so high, their first thought was that their grades were so good. Why didn't they apply for the first high school?

No one noticed that Liu Shan's face was a little pale, and she was ashamed to speechless.

"My family has a lot of talent to want to go to the military academy, so I support the children to choose what they want to do." Qin Yirou covered her mouth and smiled, in response to everyone present.

Qin Yirou is very low-key and also kind to others. She is very kind to others and does not admire vanity. Although she has such an excellent daughter, she never brags.

Being able to do this has to say that people like Qin Yirou are very rare.

The surrounding women all sighed, and everyone felt that Yun Jian did not go to the first high school, but it was a pity.

Liu Shan, still a little bit ashamed, looked up suddenly.

Yes, even if Yunjian had passed the first place, it was the first place in Longmen City. She was stupid and chose a military school. It was just once.

Liu Shan instantly looked up at Yun Jian, and then she said to Yun Jian with a little confidence: "You are a girl going to the military academy and you do n’t want to go to a key high school. Isn't this foolish?"

Liu Shan raised Yun Jian's eyebrows.

"Bottom?" Yun Jian raised an eyebrow, almost couldn't help chuckling.

When did she say she was at the bottom of the military academy?

"Isn't it? You go to military training as a girl and compare strength with a boy? Can you compare?" Liu Shan said in succession, with a strong sense of self-confidence.

Does a girl have more strength than a boy? Of course, it must be the boy's strength!

Just after Liu Shan finished speaking, Yun Jian took out a certificate from her trouser bag and put it in front of Qin Yirou. She didn't bother Liu Shan directly, but said to Qin Yirou:

"Mom, I was first in the first year of military training for the freshman in high school. Three of the freshmen in the high school went directly to the elite class. I was one of them and the other two were my friends. This certificate was specially issued to me by the school as the first. I will be able to take leave from school at any time during the class without any reason. "

Having said that, Yun Jian hadn't waited for Liu Shan to digest, and she spoke out in the presence of everyone:

"By the way, my brother participated in the language competition on behalf of the first high school and won the first prize of the province. He asked me to wait for your birthday and tell you. I will tell you now secretly, but don't tell my brother."

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