Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1401: There are piranhas, the consequences of unbelief

As soon as Yun Jian's words were finished, Dan Chengjie and Ren Zongwei both looked up at her, and they said in unison: "Really? Are you really willing to join us?"

Before Yun Jian's attitude was too cold-hearted, so that both Cheng Chengjie and Ren Zongwei had an unknown illusion. They both felt that Yun Jian would not join them.

So when I heard Yun Jian's words, Dan Chengjie and Ren Zongwei both had the illusion that they heard wrong.

"Lead the way." At this time, he listened to Yun Jian's voice

Although Mu Ying was very puzzled why Yunjian had to join the group midway, after all, following the group was a waste of time and inconvenient for them.

But Mu Ying didn't ask Yun Jian.

Just joined Ren Zongwei and Dan Chengjie's team, Yunjian and Muying met four other Z nationals besides Ren Zongwei and Dan Chengjie.

Of the four Z nationals, three came with Ren Zongwei and Dan Chengjie.

As for the other mature woman who came here alone, she was also a one-way Jie who had just met after joining the tour group.

This mature woman saw Yun Jian and Mu Ying, and she greeted Yun Jian and Mu Ying first: "Here is my little friend again? Hey, my name is He Liqing, you can call me Qingqing, you don't have to be restrained Oh."

The mature woman who claims to be He Liqing is obviously a beautiful and gentle elder sister, but she also has a lot of Yujie's style in her tenderness.

At least Yun Jian had a good opinion of this woman named He Liqing.

"I'm Muying." Muying said briefly to He Liqing.

"Yunjian." Yunjian's self-introduction was even shorter.

"Welcome you to join, my little sister ~" An eighteen-year-old, a group of students from Shan Chengjie, greeted Yun Jian and Mu Ying.

The girl painted a big heavy makeup and looked very beautiful. When she greeted Yun Jian and Mu Ying, she did not show any unwelcome look.

But I would like to ask the girls how much they welcome Yun Jian and Mu Ying's participation, and there is no extreme performance. You can see that it is a kind of superficial welcome, but they feel dispensable.

The girl's name is Liu Yun.

Among the group of Z people, except He Liqing and Liu Yun are girls, excluding Yun Jian and Mu Ying, the rest are boys.

Eventually the numbers came together, and a group was ready to go.

Yun Jian let Si Yi bring Kuanglong Wan and Mu Ying to catch up with him about a day.

Si Yi had already sent the crazy dragon back home, but Yun Jian asked Si Yi to bring the crazy dragon, and when Yi Yi listened to Yun Jian so much, she had to satisfy her even if she was so jealous.

Just entering the Amazon forest, the surrounding scene is just like the fairy tale world.

Several people in the crowd came with a camera, so taking photos all the way, they walked slowly.

"Wow! There is a river here, the river is so big, spacious and clear!" At this time, a foreigner pronounced in English and said a sigh of exclamation.

There are fish flowing in the river, so a few foreigners are already excited to roll up their sleeves, take off their shoes and go fishing.

"Let's go and play!" Liu Yun was very excited, took off her shoes and ran to the river. She stepped on the shallow sand and stones in the river, posing a 'yeah' to one of the boys with a camera Expression.

This river is very wide and the water is turbulent. Liu Yun is standing in the river and posing for a boy with a camera to slap her desperately.

When she accidentally stepped on it, Liu Yun's feet were suddenly scratched by stones. When she was about to raise her feet to see what was going on, she heard the sound of Yun Jian in the distance:

"There are piranhas in this river, you must go ashore immediately."

Yun Jian's words frowned Liu Yun a little bit, but Liu Yun was the kind of girl who didn't usually show up in her heart.

To put it bluntly, I care very much about my image. Even if I don't like a certain person very much, Liu Yun will not show it on the face, but a person who will speak coldly.

Yun Jian's words were in English, so everyone present was very sincere.

"Where is there a piranha? I have to take a picture!" Liu Yun frowned slightly, her voice chilled, but she didn't say anything slightly unpleasant to Yun Jian.

Some of the foreigners in the surrounding area went to the shore after listening to Yun Jian's words.

Although Liu Yun did not say aloud to Yun Jian, she was indifferent to Yun Jian.

Just now, a few foreigners heard Yun Jian's words and went ashore with doubt.

Because even the tour guide said that there should be no piranhas in this place, but it is not ruled out.

However, at this moment, Liu Yun suddenly screamed "ah".

In the next second, everyone saw a fish with a length of about 30 cm, opened its mouth, grabbed Liu Yun's leg with a sharp tooth, and bite and cut like a surgeon's scalpel, biting Liu Yun's foot. After biting the flesh, he twisted his body and twisted Liu Yun's feet, so he bit them in front of everyone!

"Ah!" Liu Yun's scream that broke the sky came the next second.

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