Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1437: From now on it's mine

What Yun Jian said made the men standing in front of her stunned.

Obviously, Yun Jian is so smart that he is only about sixteen or seventeen years old, but he can say such things.

This not only surprised a few men standing on the opposite side of Yunjian, but Yu Shaoluo, An Zhengliang, and Hei Mei were also shocked.

It even attracted all the prisoners sitting next to the dungeon prison.

Only Ge Junjian knew why Yun Jian dared to say so.

Ge Junjian knew the identity of Yun Jiansha, but just now I saw the men's idea of ​​playing Yun Jian with three girls. Ge Jun Jian forgot about Yun Jian's identity for a while. Human.

"Yo yo yo! This little girl is going to challenge our prison boss?" At this time, after Yun Jian's words were finished, a very bad male voice came.

It's a busy man watching from the side.

"Hey, this little girl is purely looking for death! Dare to say that the prison boss is garbage? She doesn't know the identity of our prison boss before entering the dungeon! Before our prison boss entered the dungeon, it was the tenth in the international killer list. Oh King!

"If it weren't for being trapped here, the figures on the international killer list, those of us, don't even want to see the King of War! Hehehe!"

There was another male voice, and it sounded as lazy as it sounded.

Most of the people here have the mentality of ‘I ca n’t get out of the dungeon anyway’. They are here to steal a living, and they can live one more day.

There is nothing to talk about, so people here always like to talk about what they used to do outside.

When I heard that the prison boss here was someone who was once on the international killer list, An Zhengliang, Hei Mei, Yu Shaoluo and others all showed a worried expression.

Even after being challenged by people in various prisons these days, Lin Wei, who was the strongest but could not stand up, jumped with double eyelids, his eyes filled with despair.

The title of the boss of the prison is not empty. The King Wu has stayed in the prison these years, and the number of people killed can not be measured by the number. He is the boss of the prison, and no one in the prison is disapproved!

Because the king ’s fist is hard enough!

"Wang Wang?" Yun Jian narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard the name.

The tenth time of the King of Fighters on the international killer rankings is even older than before Yun Jian's debut, but the name of King Wu Jian has indeed been heard.

It is a pity that many years ago, the King of Wu disappeared like nothing had evaporated.

There is an unwritten rule in the international ranking of killer agents, that is, a killer or agent who disappeared for six months is automatically considered dead, and other people will naturally take the place of this.

It turned out that the original King of War was not dead, but was detained in a dungeon.

No wonder the King of War would disappear.

Yun Jian's eyes moved slightly, standing not far away. Just now, a few men who called the king of the military thought that Yun Jian was scared. They looked at Yun Jian and said again, in a tone of arrogance:

"Yes, the tenth king of the killer list was our boss. Is the younger sister afraid? Come here if you are afraid, otherwise ..."

These men have just said here, a figure suddenly passed in front of them, and Yun Jian's feet were flying around, and then they grabbed the collar of the man who had been speaking so badly and went to one place.

Ge Junjian and Yu Shaoluo saw the situation for a while, but also followed each other ...

In a certain corner, a man had just got up from an unconscious woman, he pulled his belt, had to leave, and threw a heavy figure in front of him.

This man is the king of war.

The figure that was dropped on the ground was the man who just said nothing to Yun Jian.

King Wu suddenly looked up. When he saw Yunjian on that end, his brows were slightly tightened.

"Who are you?" Wu Wang's vigilance was still very high, he looked at Yun Jian the first time he spoke.

Although this little girl is very young, but look at this look, it is not ordinary people!

After the King Wu asked, but a short while later Zhang Yun's crazy words came from Yun Jian:

"I'm who you are. As for now, I'm here to tell you that the seat of your prison boss will be mine from now on."

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