Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1446: It ’s very similar to my deceased person.

I thought it was discovered just after entering Glen Base Camp, and Yun Jian's strength was just that.

Even if Yunjian knew the back door of Glen's Base Camp and brought everyone into Glen's Base Camp in just ten minutes, they were found after a while.

This is why Hei Mei has repeatedly believed in Yun Jian and questioned Yun Jian's strength.

However, just now Yu Shaoluo asked Yunjian if he knew they had been discovered by Glen, so he only went out at the entrance of the stairs at that time, and was intentionally caught by Glen and others and sent to the dungeon.

And Yun Jian answered that all of this was not only in her plan, but even that they could be found by Glen, they were deliberately done by Yun Jian.

Yunjian deliberately let Glen find them and caught them all to the dungeon!

"Yunjian, what do you mean by this? You actually intentionally let Glen find out our whereabouts and seize us! In such a dangerous place in the dungeon, you didn't even discuss it with us, and said that you should let Glen get us in!

"Have you ever thought about it, if we can't get out after we go in? You want to save Dad's heart, and I can understand it, but you can't let us all follow you in the danger! Just now we all almost came close Did you kill you? "

The black girl suddenly reacted, and they could be caught in the dungeon, all because of Yun Jian, thinking of the scenes in the dungeon, thinking of the former prison boss Wu Wang looking at women as a venting tool

Hei Mei had a lingering fear, and immediately uttered to Yun Jian.

"In my world, without the word if, you say a little more nonsense, I will kill you now and let you shut your mouth completely."

Yun Jian said, she grabbed Mu Ying's pistol, loaded the pistol with one hand, and arrived directly next to herself, always talking about the position of the black girl's temple.

Yun Jian's eyes did not look at Hei Mei, she frowned slightly and looked ahead.

The black girl who was held against the temple by the pistol shuddered. Yun Jian's forefinger caught the pistol. The gun was already loaded. If Yun Jian slightly ticked, she would end

In addition, Yun Jian just grabbed a machine gun from the enemy with his bare hands and annihilated all the enemies. The killing force was not blinking.

Heimei just felt like she was being followed by death at the moment, and this feeling made her have a suffocating fear.

"Well, Yunjian, Yunjian, don't be rough, have something to say! Have something to say!"

An Zhengliang hurried over to stop, at the same time he begged to look towards Ge Junjian, hoping that Ge Junjian would help him to say a few words.

"Small note, put down the gun ..." Ge Junjian also helped.

Just now Ge Junjian said, Yun Jian immediately put down his hand against the black girl's temple with a gun.

Hei Mei was relieved.

When everyone thought that Yun Jian had let go because he was persuaded by Ge Junjian, they saw a red arc on Yun Jian, and she cried out strangely, "Come."

"What? What's coming?" After hearing Yun Jian's words, the people around him were ignorant for a while.

At this time, everyone had stepped out of the gate of the dungeon and stood directly in front of the gate of the dungeon.

Everyone present, except Mu Ying, heard Yun Jian's words, and they were all very surprised.

I saw Yun Jian over there throwing a pistol from Mu Ying's hand back into Mu Ying's hand, and then went to the corner of the corner where she turned. The next second, she made a red arc and said, "Grid Lun, come out, haven't you seen it for so long? "

Glen? Where is Glen?

After everyone listened to Yun Jian's words, their whole hearts were tense.

Everyone now can't help but tremble when they hear the word Glen.

"Yunjian, don't scare us, okay! How can there be Glen? If Glen is really here, how could it never stay out? Otherwise, we would have been discovered long ago ..." Heimei This time I felt that my judgment was correct, she had just spoken, and she had not finished speaking.

"Papapa!" Applause came.

The next second, at the dead corner where Yun Jian looked, an ordinary old man who was 50 or 60 years old and slightly shorter came out.

Isn't this old man with a sullen body, Glen?

At the sight of everyone, they were frightened.

But listening to Glen suddenly speaking out, he said to Yun Jian:

"Let ’s just go into the dungeon for less than half a day, and you cracked these two combination locks made with the most sophisticated high-tech technology in the world. Little girl, you are like an old person I met before! It ’s the first moment in the international agent ranking! "

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