Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1453: The haunted house is scared, calm as her

Even the aunt next to me couldn't stand it anymore. The aunt took a daughter of twelve or three years old, because now it was their turn to go to Sagawa Hospital.

I was already panicked enough, and then I heard Yun Jian's words so easy.

There was nowhere for this sudden anger, and the aunt directly pointed out Yun Jian with the voice of a pretty eighth wife.

It's just that Yunjian ignored him.

"Well, we're meeting again! Haha! Three sisters, it seems we are still quite destined!"

As there were fewer and fewer people in front of the row, there was a sulking male voice behind him.

The male voice was suffocated, Yun Jian could listen to her voice, and she didn't even have to turn her head to know who the sulking male voice was standing behind herself, Lu Feiyan and Wang Cancan.

Isn't this male voice the same boy who met them at the tea shop just now?

Zhou Dongxun looked at the Yunjian trio very happy. He did not expect that he really met the Yunjian trio again so quickly.

Everyone present at the scene said they were slightly panicked about going to the haunted house.

But as an upright man, Zhou Dongxun felt that he should be brave in front of girls.

Especially in such a horrible haunted house, when the girls were scared, they might get into their arms.

This scene is just exciting when you think about it.

Therefore, Zhou Dongxun even more arrogantly met the three of Yunjian:

"I didn't lie to you. The girl here really doesn't allow direct entry. Sagawa Hospital is no better than other haunted houses. Sagawa Hospital is the most scary hospital-themed haunted house in history. I heard that there were people here who were scared to death on the spot! So the girl must go in. Be strong with us. "

Zhou Dongxun did not lie about this.

Yun Jian has seen this from a distant bulletin board.

She pursed her lips.

"Then you can take us in? Would you take us in, and we will be separated after we go in." Wang Cancan looked at Zhou Dongxun and asked.

"Come! We have five people here, three of you, we can go in as a team!" Zhou Dongxun opened his mouth generously, while his eyes glanced at Yunjian.

Yun Jian did not speak this time.

Zhou Dongxun is the school grass of No. 2 Middle School in Longmen City. For boys who look handsome to others like him, girls' pursuit is indispensable.

For example, these two girls who have been following Zhou Dongxun are Zhou Dongxun's suitors.

But unfortunately, the two girls are very ordinary, but they are usually supported by heavy makeup, and they often mix with people like Zhou Dongxun.

Walking outside, boys like Zhou Dongxun who have a very strong self-esteem, always like to bring two girls, even if they don't like this girl, bring a girl, just because they are trying to act in front of the girl at any time.

But now Zhou Dongxun has a better candidate, that is, Yun Jian three.

The three of Yunjian not only look more beautiful than the two girls he brought out, but also a beautiful and attractive girl.

This made Zhou Dongxun germinate immediately to want to be in a haunted house, and when the three of Yunjian were afraid to shrink into the floor, they appeared like a hero to save the beauty.

Huh! That way, Zhou Dongxun just feels stimulating just thinking about it!

Especially show off that you are not afraid of any ghosts in the haunted house to show your masculinity, this should not be too fun!

After all, Zhou Dongxun is the school grass of No. 2 Middle School in Longmen City. Although the two girls who came along did not look very good, they were wearing fashionable clothes and their makeup was very strong.

The two of them wanted to attract the attention of Zhou Dongxun, but Zhou Dongxun actually invited the three of Yun Jian.

This made the jealousy of the two girls instantly swell.

One of the girls with a big red lips and a thick layer of foundation at this time was very unconvinced and said to Zhou Dongxun:

"Dongxun, why are you inviting them to join us? I think they are so brave. I guess they have to scream as soon as they enter. If they are scared to leave in the haunted house, it will weigh us down!"

"Wang Qiaoyu, just say a word and leave alone!" Zhou Dongxun yelled at the girl with a calm face.

"Dongxun, you hum!" The girl named Wang Qiaoyu heard it, and got angry.

Then the girls stopped talking nonsense

Soon it was Yunjian's party to enter the haunted house.

The haunted house here does stipulate that the girl must be accompanied by a strong man to enter.

Let's say that there are five people in this line of Zhou Dongxun, two women and three men. These three men are barely considered strong men.

Admission is generally 4 to 6 people, but Zhou Dongxun and 3 people from Yun Jian, a total of 8 people.

The staff at Sagawa Hospital thought about it and agreed.

Then he sent two groups of tools to Yunjian's group of eight people.

Two flashlights and two shields.

Yunjian took a flashlight. As for this shield, Yunjian gave directly to Lu Feiyan and Wang Cancan.

A group of eight people walked into the gate of the dark haunted house.

The haunted house here occupies a three-story basement, and the entire structure is based on the theme of the hospital.

So as soon as I entered, there was a cold chill.

Zhou Dongxun and others hit a shiver, and then continued slowly forward.

Yun Jian walked extremely lazily, and it looked like a walk in his back garden.

Yun Jian's move surprised Zhou Dongxun, but it aroused Wang Qiaoyu's unconvincing muffled sound: "Hehe! So make mysterious, see when you can hold up!"

The words had just come to an end, and when everyone was approaching, a woman covered with blood suddenly stood up in a large bathtub covered with blood.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" No one expected that a woman covered with blood would stand up in a large bathtub that looked completely empty. At this time, Zhou Dongxun, Wang Qiaoyu and others were scared and screamed by the women who suddenly appeared. Cover your mouth.

When everyone looked up, they saw that Yun Jian over there was not scared by the woman who was covered with blood. Instead, she came to the woman and came and went to look at the woman who was covered with blood. Then, A slight grin:

"There is not enough blood, it is more realistic to flow down from the top of the head. Such a makeup technique can make people see that the staff is posing. Oh, it is best to install a fake kitchen knife on the head, without tools is not perfect.

Important notice about updates! !! !! (Must see !!!)

Already confirmed, July 13th and July 14th, 2018, two days off! The reason is that I received a big notice from my editor, and on July 15th (0:00 am on Sunday) it was changed to 30,000 words! Because it was very sudden, and then I was totally unprepared. In addition, I am still in Shenzhen to take a class, and the time is really not enough. I only have two days to save the manuscript. It is too sudden. Even if it is more than two days off, I guess I must save the manuscript overnight. I hope I can come back alive ~~~ ┭┮﹏┭┮

In addition, on July 14th, which is Saturday, this day will be free for one day, which means everyone can watch it for free! muah! I'm going to save the paper and love you ~~

In the end, you have to redeem the results after the exemption, so can you subscribe to these chapters with book currency ~~ Please, please! If it ’s limited for the next time, I ’ll definitely update it if I do n’t hurry, oh oh, I originally wanted to keep changing until 365 days, but the result was two days off and I wanted to cry!

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