Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1481: Did you grow up in gunpowder?

Such a young girl is still a professional to pry the door lock?

Brother Xiong was dumbfounded on the spot, and the whole person was in situ, completely unable to respond to the kind.

Brother Xiong watched Yun Jian open the door and waited until the response came.

"Stop! You stand for me!" Brother Xiong and others only reacted at this time. Yun Jian had already walked into the door. He sang loudly, and then chased Yun Jian's foot tightly into the door.

Five minutes ago, Room 319 was inside the house.

Wang Cancan just woke up and found himself lying flat on the hotel's big bed.

"Master Duan Ming? Senior Duan Ming?" Wang Cancan shouted twice and found her mouth dry. She raised her hand and gently placed her hand on her forehead, but felt that the posture of raising her hand was quite heavy.

"Yo, the little beauty has woke up?" At this time the sound of a shower in the toilet stopped, and a plump body came out of the hotel toilet.

This fat figure weighs 160 pounds, and it is fat and heavy, which makes people feel cold. This person is the edamae from the population like Brother Xiong just now.

Mao Douer looked at Wang Cancan stupidly, as if he had seen something delicious, and he wished to pounce on it immediately.

But at this moment, Wang Cancan could not escape anyway, so Maodouer had no plans to pounce.

Well, you must taste the meat slowly to enjoy it.

Fat Dum's edamae rubbed those hands with black hand hair on the back of both hands and walked towards Wang Cancan.

"Who ... who are you? Where is Duan Ming?" Wang Cancan held up and turned up, but she suddenly felt that her body was soft and lying like a pool of mud, how could she not stand up? .

"Hey hey, little beauty, you can't escape, who you said, Duan Ming's kid? Haha, he's right at the door, he bought you your first night to our brother a dozen people! I'm the first Enjoy yours!

"Just stay in the same place and don't move, my brother will hurt you now!" Madou rubbed his hands, and then rushed to Wang Cancan's side.

"What? It's impossible, Master Duan Ming!" Wang Cancan's face was pale and weak. She looked at Maodouer and yelled in a positive tone.

Her senior student Duan Ming will not betray her, not even take her to such a place, just to sell her ...

But the glass of drink passed to her by the mentor before the coma ...

Then she woke up and became weak ...

Wang Cancan shook her head unbelievably, but in fact she already had the bottom of her heart.

Who did it ...

She just didn't want to admit it.

"Well, little sister, man, you do n’t have a good product, you are deceived, you blame you for being stupid! Haha, come over now and let your brother hurt you!"

Maodouer giggled two times, and then he rushed forward toward Wang Cancan, who had fallen weakly on the floor beside the bed.

"Ah! Get off! Get off!" Wang Cancan didn't even think that she would encounter such a thing, she screamed loudly, waving her hands at the same time, trying to wave off the pair of edamames to be disgusting and full Black hair hand.

If a girl is compared with a man's strength, there is no doubt that this man has more strength.

What's more, now that Wang Cancan has taken the drug, his hand is completely stiff and cannot be lifted at all.

Mao Dou'er's dirty hands have caught Wang Cancan's clothes, just as Mao Douer intends to tear up Wang Cancan's shirt.

Edamor suddenly fell to the hanger on the left by the whole person who gave it to him.

Wang Cancan had already thought of suicide in despair just now, and she even reached out and caught a glass on the bedside, intending to break the glass and swallow the glass to commit suicide.

However, Maodouer was suddenly taken off. This scene made Wang Cancan's eyes widen. The next beautiful thing was Yun Jian's beautiful face.

As soon as Yun Jian entered the door, he flew a total of 160 kilograms of edamame with a weight of 160 pounds. This scene put the group of brothers Xiong who followed later in the air.

Edouard's weight, even the most physically strong one in the group of bear brothers, can not lift him.

The results of it? As soon as the little girl entered the house, she kicked the edamae, and she kicked it!

Huh! Did the little girl grow up with gunpowder now? It's so fierce!

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