Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1513: Do n’t shout at me, small notes are not good (1800+ words)

Until the end of the dinner at Yao Lili's company, walking on the way back to the school dormitory, Lin Ying was still dragging Yun Jian's hand and couldn't believe that Richard had just invited her and Yun Jian to take a vacation in his country.

It stands to reason that Richard is a public figure and Richard usually does not invite people to visit his house.

After all, as a public figure and a well-known international film actor, Richard is most afraid of being known where his home is and his status.

But Richard had invited her and Yun Jian to play at his house, Lin Lin felt unbelievable.

"We need to hurry up and tell Mu Ying the good news! She will be ready to leave as soon as school ends next Friday. Let her pack up and pack up and get ready!"

Lin Ying said he took out his mobile phone and dialed a call to Mu Ying ...

These days Muying Tiantian is stuck with the crazy dragon. She had originally given up with the crazy dragon because she felt that she was not worthy of the crazy dragon. They are no longer a person of the world.

But these days the crazy dragon stayed in Min City, haunting Mu Ying day and night.

In the evening, Mu Ying was in Mu's big villa. When he was resting in his house, the mad dragon turned in directly from the second-floor window. When Mu Ying reacted, he felt that the window behind was opened and the cold wind hit him. The moment he passed, he was caught by the mad dragon from behind.

Then forced her and his various intimacy.

Mu Ying refused with her best efforts, but they were all invalid.

In the end Muying had to compromise.

For example, the crazy dragon hasn't eaten the piece of meat it likes most in hundreds of years, and when the best piece of meat disappeared forever, one day it suddenly found that it reappeared.

If it wasn't for Mu Ying's refusal later, Crazy Dragon would have eaten her.

Of course, even now, except for the last step, Kuanglong and Muying have already done what they should do.

At this moment Mu Ying and Kuanglong were lying naked on the bed.

The phone rang at this time.

Mu Ying hesitated for a while, before finally she took a look at the crazy dragon, put a "shush" on the crazy dragon, and then connected the phone.

Just after answering the call, Lin Yan's voice came out immediately:

"Mu Ying, let me tell you, we were invited to play in his country by international superstar Richard! Really happy, hey, I helped you also said that we would go together, would you go? Let ’s go together Go ahead, okay? "

"I ..." Mu Ying glanced at Kuanglong, and she refused: "I still won't go ..."

On the other end, Lin Ying told Mu Ying a lot of benefits. Lin Ying, who Mu Ying refused, finally had to hang up.

"She's not going to go, that's just us." Lin Ye just wanted Mu Ying to go with them, because she thought everyone liked to see the superstars, but since Mu Ying didn't want to go, then Lin Ye Naturally it is not reluctant.

"Um." Yun Jian said with a light red lips.

A week passed quickly. On Friday, school day, Yunjian ran back to Longmen City to bring Xiaoyun Zhu and the three of them together to meet Yao Lili.

Although Yao Lili, Liu Yan, and Richard were international superstars, none of them left Country Z. You don't need to guess that they are waiting for Yun Jian and Lin Ying.

Yun Jian and Lin Ying met the three of them directly at the airport with Xiao Yunzhu carrying a small schoolbag.

As soon as they met, Liu Yan glanced at Yun Jian, and then hesitated, and stood aside.

Yao Lili, Liu Yan, and Richard were armed at the airport with their entire bodies. This is also necessary. Although they are in Country Z, if they are recognized as three international superstars, it is estimated that not only will they be surrounded by three of them. Yun Jian and Lin Yan were also implicated.

Richard is the prince of country H. This time several people flew to country H together by plane.

Yun Jian brought a schoolbag with some textbooks brought by the three Yunzhu three.

Yunjian was afraid that the three Xiaozhu bamboos would be too tired, so he took some of the textbooks carried in the small schoolbags from Xiaoyunzhu and carried them on his back.

At the airport waiting room, Xiao Yunzhu rubbed his hands.

Richard saw the three Yunzhu's status in Yunjian's heart unusual, so Richard crouched down and stood in front of Xiaoyunzhu, trying to sell to Xiaoyunzhu and Duan Li and Duanya: "Little Brother, little sister, you look so cute. "

Then, Richard took three lollipops from his pants pocket and handed them to Xiaoyunzhu.

Xiao Yunzhu took the lollipop, but when Xiao Yunzhu took the lollipop, he uttered a sentence: "I still like the lollipop that Brother Syi gave us!"

This sentence Sister Brother made Richard's eyes flash twice, but Richard did not know who the Sister Brother meant specifically.

"Sister, why didn't Brother Si Yi come? Seeing my sister and Brother Si Yi play kisses!" Xiao Yunzhu muttered, and turned his head to Yun Jian.

The words made Richard tremble.

Who is this younger brother in your mouth? Have you ever kissed Yun Jian? Richard's expression sank immediately.

Just when I thought about it that way, a mellow sound came, and then Richard's eyes came to him. A man taller, more handsome, more handsome, and the perfect man and **** angry with him:

"My woman I will naturally kiss, go out to play without calling me, huh? Isn't Xiao Jian learning good?"

At the end of this remark, Richard saw that Yun Jian suddenly came over behind the handsome man who was better than himself and attracted the attention of all the women on the scene.

I saw the man reaching out and grabbing Yun Jian's thin waist, and with the other hand he took off the heavy schoolbag carried on Yun Jian's body and carried it back to himself.

It seemed like she was reluctant. She was carrying such a heavy schoolbag, fearing that she was so tired, and matched with the petite stare that had been staring at Yun Jian.

And in the end, he got close to Yun Jian's ears and said in front of everyone a few words that were a little shy.

Richard's complexion was extremely dark.

Who is this man! ?

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