Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1516: A bad kiss, a kiss inside

Richard had already discovered Liu Yan's work when Liu Yan removed Yao Lili's mask and hat.

Liu Yan wanted to cause riots at the airport, so she tore off Yao Lili's mask and hat.

As an international superstar, Yao Lili was discovered immediately.

Richard is not stupid. Of course, he can see that Liu Yan is not happy with Yun Jian. She exposed Yao Lili to the eyes of everyone at the airport for a very obvious purpose.

Because Yun Jian and Yao Lili were friends, Liu Yan took off Yao Lili's mask, and people around him immediately found Yao Lili's identity and rushed up, so that Yun Jian would be surrounded.

Liu Yantie definitely thought that even if he could hurt Yunjian in the slightest, he felt satisfied.

Richard just saw what Liu Yan did, and he didn't stop when he was able to stop it, because he wanted the hero to save the beauty.

In that case, Yun Jian must have been scared.

Yao Lili was surrounded by fans, and Yun Jian and Si Yi who stood beside Yao Lili must have never encountered such a thing that attracted the attention of the crowd and then surrounded.

Especially Yun Jian, she would definitely be frightened.

At this time, Richard originally wanted to take Yunjian away from this riotous place while walking around and holding Yunjian's hand while he was not revealing his identity, so that Yunjian would like him.

Because Richard thinks that a girl like Yun Jian who looks exquisite and beautiful will be at a loss when she encounters such a thing.

Then he walked over and grabbed her hand, and led her out of this horrified place surrounded by the crowd while chasing her. Yun Jian would surely be attracted by his particularly handsome side.

Richard was afraid that he had thought too much, and he couldn't think of it. She could not change her face even with a large wave of people holding machine guns.

Now being surrounded by a crowd of chickens, how could they be afraid?

Richard ’s idea is wonderful, but the fact is that after Yun Jian calmly instructed how to retreat, then she turned around and Sidi took the three Yun Xiaozhu and shouted on Lin's **** and did not return before the crowd surrounded them. Evacuated.

It was as if she was properly commanded, as if she was born to be the master of the masses.

Richard originally wanted to follow Yun Jian and Si Yi's steps, but surprisingly found that Yun Jian and Si Yi left their vision after a while.

The crowd behind him quickly blocked the road Richard was following.


"No way, Yunjian. I'm going to the toilet again, and my stomach hurts." Lin Yan followed Yunjian and Si Yi as soon as he arrived at the boarding gate, covering his stomach.

"You get on the plane first, I'll be here in a few minutes." Lin Yan and Yun Jian and Si Yi said this and immediately ran to the toilet.

"Sister, fly by plane!" Xiao Yunzhu was grasped by his collar, and now he was finally put on the ground. He was excited about Yun Jian and Si Yi.

Seeing Xiao Yunzhu and Duan Li and Duan Ya so expecting, Yunjian took Duan Li and Duan Ya's hand, and Si Yi dragged Xiao Yunzhu's clothes into the plane.

Because they are traveling with the three big stars of Yao Lili, they bought the first class in Yunjian this time.

Each of Xiaoyun Bamboo has one person, and there are not many first-class passengers. Perhaps a few people in Yunjian got on the plane earlier, so not many passengers got on the plane.

Si Yi's seat was right next to Yun Jian, at which time he was holding Yun Jian's hand tightly.

Many airplanes can be seen through the window of the airplane, so the three of them have been so excited that they can't control themselves, and they can't even care about Yunjian and Siyi here.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Yao Lili and Richard finally broke through and got on the plane.

As soon as Richard got on the plane, he saw Si Yi sitting next to Yun Jian. He sat in his seat, bent over and attached to Yun Jian, and put his slender big hand around Yun Jian's back hair. , Slender body attached to Yun Jian's breast, his head slightly lowered.

Seen from a distance, Sidi looked like kissing Yun Jian with her head down.

Richard immediately fisted.

At this time, Sidi saw the figure of Richard from the reflection of the window of the side plane. His thin lips ticked, and now he was directly facing the attractive red lips of Yun Jian and kissing in front of Richards Go on.

Si Yi originally helped Yun Jian pull Yu Fa behind his ears, but he suddenly kissed, Yun Jian could not react at all, and even accidentally murmured softly: "唔 ..."

Seeing this scene, Richard was almost out of breath.

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