Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1524: Duan Ya was killed.

Just before Yun Jian used a butterfly knife to easily cut off Marcia's long hair, everyone in the scene couldn't react quickly.

Add Yun Yun's words later, and the butterfly knife in her hand.

I said nothing else, Marcia was really frightened, even if Marcia didn't believe what Yun Jian said before.

"You despise the imperial power like this! Put your knife down! Otherwise, our soldiers in country H will find your crime of murdering the queen executed!"

Marcia was really scared, but the power of the queen radiating from her bones made Marcia unwilling to bow her head, so Marcia yelled at Yun Jian.

Marcia's backstage is the royal family of country H. Other than that, she has nothing.

In Marcia's cognition, Yun Jian is just an ordinary little girl from country Z. She has no strength to compete with her country's royal family.

As soon as the soldiers of her country's royal family go out, she still has a way out?

But I didn't know Yun Jian was not afraid at all. After listening to Marcia's words, Yun Jian's smile became more obvious. Her arc lips were raised, and a weird smile appeared in the place where everyone could clearly see.

"You can try. Is it that your soldiers in the H country have fast hands or I have cut your neck fast?" Yun Jian said coldly.

Marcia trembled as a result of Yun Jian's cold eyes.

I don't know why, she didn't believe how Yunjian could take herself, but when she faced Yunjian's sharp eyes, she felt scared!

After Marcia was expensive as a king, she couldn't afford to lose this person, so Yun Jian's words were finished, and Marcia wanted to speak out with coercion.

It was just that Marcia was still holding her shoulders before she could say a word:

"Mother, this is just a misunderstanding, misunderstanding! Yun Jian is just joking. In their country Z, she is still a minor! I do n’t know how to deal with it!"

Richard almost turned pale.

His favorite girl quarrels with his mother. Is he still hopeful?

Marcia was actually frightened by Yun Jian. As soon as Richard said this, Marcia immediately followed Richard's words and found herself under the table.

Marcia just wanted to reprimand Yun Jian with her stance as a king, but when she saw that there was a small hand holding Yun Jian, she put Yun Jian into her arms.

Seeing this scene, Marcia looked even more unhappy at Yun Jian. She turned her head to look for Liu Yan, only to find that Liu Yan was not beside her.

What about this person? Where did Liu Yanren go?

"Sister! Duan Ya doesn't know when it's time to stand on the road. I can't go up there. It's too high there. I'm afraid there will be a car coming.

Duan Li ran to Yun Jian in a hurry and spoke to Yun Jian in a hurry.

Xiao Yunzhu and Duan Li didn't notice Duan Ya for a while, Duan Ya went from the Tianli Station to the road.

I don't know how Duan Ya got up.

There are a lot of vehicles on the road, and it is very likely that a child who is not sensible stands on the road.

No one saw Liu Yan, who had just disappeared for a while while Marcia was talking to Yun Jian, came back silently.

When Yun Jian heard Duan Li's words, her heart moved slightly, and she had just turned around and saw the road. Duan Yazheng stood confused and thoughtless in the middle of the road.

Not far away, a large truck is heading towards the middle of the road at Duan Yasuo Station.

The truck was very large and the driving position was very high. The driver drove the truck and did not even notice that he was standing in the middle of the road, confused and poor, and not very tall.

"My God ..." At this moment, even Queen Marcia was scared.

If the truck crushed Duan Ya's thin body, Duan Ya would die, and even the whole person would be crushed into pieces!

"Sister!" Duan Li saw this, she screamed in shock.

"It's over, that child is over!" Even the peasants around him are covering their eyes, afraid to look at the next scene.

When everyone thought that Duan Ya was in danger of escape, they saw a small figure rushing to the other side, and in the next second, a scene that made everyone horrified suddenly appeared.

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