Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1531: Then the mother will help you

Si Yi's ability to talk nonsense with his eyes open was really not covered. He blushed Yun Jian slowly without blushing, so he was afraid that Yun Jian would fall and fall.

It's as if Yunjian is really pregnant.

After slowly holding up Yun Jian, Si Yi took Yun Jian's little hand and pulled Yun Jian into his arms with a jerk.

Then Sidi attached the slender palm to Yunjian's belly in front of Richard's face, stroking it twice as if there were really an unborn newborn in it.

"You, you ..." Richard reached out and pointed at Stewart with his pair of trembling fingers, this time he really was about to spit out blood.

However, before Richard was able to spit out the blood, Sidi grabbed Yun Jian's little hand to bypass Richard directly, and greeted Xiao Yunzhu and the three to leave.

Yun Jian's face was reddish. She ripped the corners of her mouth, but she thought to herself that her skin was getting thicker and thicker now.

I'm so afraid that one day he lied to a realm ...

Seeing Si Yi Layun's little hand leave, Richard, standing in the distance, covered his chest.

There, Richard felt as if there was a stream of blood in his chest about to be blown out.

However, this is not over yet. Xiaoyun Zhu and the three men circled around Si Yi and Yun Jian. Xu Shi just heard what Xiao Yi said, and now Xiao Yun Zhu looked at Si Yihe with full of anticipation. Cloud note.

Across the distance, Richard could still hear Xiao Yunzhu in the distance asking loudly with a loud voice:

"Brother Si Yi, when did your sister have a little Si Yi to play with us! Yeah yeah! Xiao Yi Yi must look really good!"

Xiao Yunzhu's words were like a sharp sword, and the blade almost penetrated into Richard's heart.

Richard was covering his chest. He couldn't bear the blow anymore. He knelt on the tulip field with one foot.

But Rao couldn't change Richard's thoughts about Yun Jian.

Men are mean, and nothing is wrong with this sentence.

The more things he couldn't get, the more Richard wanted.

The more he couldn't get Yunjian, the more he wanted to get her, and even to the point where he didn't get Yunjian, he vowed!

After playing for more than an hour in the tulip field in the evening, the three Yunzhu bamboos were tired, and they slept earlier in the evening.

At night, he slept in the palace. After placing the three of them in a room, Yun Jian and Si Yi returned to their bedroom.

Richard deliberately ordered them to arrange two bedrooms for both of them, but Sidi ignored them and went directly to Yun Jian's bedroom.

Richard nearly heard the news and didn't spit out dinner.


Richard has maintained the image of a prince for so many years, and it finally collapsed once. He grabbed a tea cup and smashed the tea cup directly to his servant who notified Yun Jian and Si Yi a room, and roared .

"What makes Deer so angry?" Then Queen Marcia walked in from outside Richard's house, and she waved her hand to signal the attendant to leave the house, but she stood in front of Richard.

"Mother, I ..." Richard was interrupted by Marcia as soon as she wanted to speak.

"Del, don't say it, mother knows," Marcia said.

Having said that, Marcia remembered Yun Jian's shocking performance at the time.

And Yun Jian helped her see through Liu Yan's true face.

Marcia asked Richard, "Del, mother, do you want to get her?"

"It's mother, aren't you ..." Richard said in surprise.

Before Richard could finish speaking, Marcia waved her hand.

Just listening to Marcia taking Richard's words, she resolutely said, "That mother will help you this time!"

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