Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1533: Let ’s play together

"Oh yeah yeah! Great! Let's go play! Go to the amusement park!" Xiao Yunzhu Sandu applauded each other excitedly and jumped for joy.

Su Li is older than Xiao Yunzhu and Duan Li and Duan Ya, so she didn't make a childish act of cheering and applauding when she heard something that pleased her enough.

Su Li was so excited to see Xiaoyun Zhu's trio, but she was also very excited.

You can go to the amusement park again!

However, in order to make herself look more mature, Su Li smiled at Xiaoyun Zhusan and said,

"You are so naive! Learn to be as mature as I am!"

At last, the three of them jumped forward, and the group came to the amusement park.

Richard Xu got the approval of his mother, but did not want to see Si Yi and Yun Jian close, so he didn't go to the amusement park with him.

It was surprising that Richard didn't go with him, but no one noticed it.

Yao Lili and Lin Yan followed, but before they went, they secretly said that they would be far away from Yun Jian and Si Yi when necessary, but they could not spoil the family's beautiful play.

The only people to go were Yun Jian, Si Yi, Xiao Yun Zhu, Su Li, Yao Lili, and Lin Ying.

Su Li is also the princess of country H, so she traveled by herself. Su Li called her babysitter to take Yun Jian and her party, including herself, to the nearby amusement park.

This amusement park, located near the palace of country H, is translated into Chinese of country Z and is called Happy Island Amusement Park.

Of course, Happy Island Amusement Park is only a Chinese name translated into the language of the Z country. The language of the H country is naturally not the same.

At this moment, Su Li's private nanny car had taken Su Li herself and Yun Jian to the gate of the amusement park.

Happy Island Amusement Park is a theme park with a fairy tale world. Therefore, most of the children who visit Happy Island Amusement Park are from all over the world, and their families are very wealthy.

Usually parents play here with their children.

Of course, here is Country H. In Happy Island Amusement Park, it is natural that Country H is the majority.

Happy Island Amusement Park also occupies a big influence in the world, so people from all over the world who travel to here to travel and play are not in the minority.

Even when they bought a ticket and entered the Happy Island Amusement Park, a few people in Yunjian saw a lot of tourists who were also nationals of Z were playing.

"Sister! Let's go on a pirate ship! Carousel! And ..." Xiao Yunzhu said a lot of games in a breath.

Looking at the look of Xiao Yunzhu, Yun Jian also slightly pursed his lips.

"You play, I'm waiting for you outside." Si Yi was not interested in this kind of amusement park game.

But as long as he looks at Yunjian, even if he is not interested in this kind of game, he can enjoy it.

"Don't do it! Brother Si Yi also comes! Brother Si Yi also comes ~" Xiao Yunzhu held Si Yi's hand and wobbled.

"Sister ~ Brother Si Yi refuses to go!" Seeing that Si Yi didn't compromise, Xiao Yunzhu turned his big round eyes to Yun Jian and said aggrieved.

"Let's play together." Yun Jian's red lips slightly hooked, she glanced sideways at Si Yi and let out her voice.

"Okay." Almost as soon as Yun Jian said that, Si Yi agreed.

The speed of this reply is not faster.

Xiao Yunzhu was satisfied, and he jumped happily with Duan Li and Duan Ya.

Su Li added a sentence on the side, saying to Xiao Yunzhu San: "Your brother and sister are so loving and kind to you! I can accompany you to the amusement park."

As she said this, there was a little admiration in Su Li's eyes, and an imperceptible depression and loneliness.

"Yeah! Brother Si and brother and sister are good to us!" Xiao Yunzhu answered at this time.

As he said, everyone walked towards the rides.

The first game to go is the carousel.

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