Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1559: If you like, worship you as a teacher

Lin Kui always felt that Yun Jian's skill seemed to have met him, but he couldn't remember his thoughts just now.

Just a moment ago, Lin Kui saw Si Yi reaching out and holding Yun Jian. The pair looked like they were all ants, and they were both kings and spirits of Purdue.

Seeing that scene, Lin Kui appeared two words in his head unconsciously.


The power king of Yunjian! ?

A person who can have the same strength as a king, Lin Kui has only faced one person in his life.

That person is the first moment of the international agent ranking!

It was a frightening, trembling, numb fingertip!

Lin Kui popped out of his mind unconsciously, he thought about it, and also directly said it.

The strength that Yunjian showed just now has exceeded the ability that a military high school student should have, but it is very similar to the horrible existence in his memory!

So Lin Kui himself was also shocked. He is now in a stupid state.

Lin Kui was shocked, but at this moment, after listening to Lin Kui's words, the classmates standing around at this moment couldn't describe it with words.

The first moment in the international agent ranking?

What kind of existence is that?

It was a scary and frightening thing. Just mentioning this name can make people tremble with shock!

Most of the students present were from military academies all over the country, and they were just the most ordinary students in military academies.

And Lin Kui ’s mouth is the number one moment in the international agent rankings. It is the existence of anyone who could not even imagine it!

It was a shocking, terrifying existence!

Therefore, when Lin Kui said that he had been on the top of the international special agent rankings, and said that the skills of the gods had actually withdrawn from Yunjian.

All the students around, including the mentor standing next to them, as long as they were present, were very frightened.

"The first Moments of the international agent ranking? The Moments of Moments and her retreat? This is really fake ..."

Lin Ziguo was so frightened that he couldn't describe it with shock. He stared, staring at the scene in front of him, and asked the sentence in amazement first.

As soon as this word came out, everyone responded, and those sharp eyes stared at Yun Jian instantly, as if waiting for Yun Jian's reply.

Seeing everyone around him looking at himself, Yun Jian's eyes flickered slightly.

"If I were the No. 1 instant **** in the international agent rankings, do you think you can still stand in front of me and talk to me?"

Yun Jian's indifferent voice came, and she said softly.

Yun Jian's indifferent voice seemed to have a magical power. Her words made everyone suddenly relieved.

I have to say that Yun Jian's effort to lie was passed on by Si Yi.

She said that she didn't even blink her eyes.

People around Yun listened to Yun Jian's words, and they were at a loss for a while.

"Yes, people do n’t look like you, maybe I'm sensitive!" Lin Kui suddenly reacted. He scratched his head, thought about it, and finally felt that Yun Jian was right.

"But even if you are not a god, you won me just now. This is an indisputable fact. I can admit it! From today on, I will remove my title of chief bodyguard!"

Lin Kui is a righteous man. He patted his arm, and spoke the words very calmly.

Having said this, the people standing not far have not recovered from the shock just now.

Lin Kui just said this, and then he looked at Yun Jian in front of the crowd and said something that surprised everyone:

"I have met countless opponents in my life, who can beat me, and they don't exceed ten, and you are one of them! If you want, I want to worship you as a teacher!"

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