Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1577: Starred in the killer

Ning Lanlan held seven tickets in her hand, beckoning to Yun Jian.

Longtengshan is a newly opened scenic area in Longmen City. Longtengshan is a natural observation platform, and there is the natural beauty of nature there.

After some artificial manufacturing in the later period, it has become the current scenic spot.

The reason why Longtengshan charges is because the scenic spot of Longtengshan is very good. There are many crews who perform TV series run to Longtengshan and take pictures.

Nowadays, TV dramas and movies have gradually become popular among ordinary people's amateur leisure space. Although it is not popular now, for people at that time, it has gradually developed into a recreational game for people to spend time in their spare time.

How did TV series and movies come? Of course it was filmed.

Therefore, the two characters of the crew have become popular.

Longtengshan has beautiful scenery. Many crews like to run to Longtengshan, which has caused many people to pay for Longtengshan now.

The purpose is to see how those amazing TV shows are filmed.

After all, in this era, for many people, high-tech things like TV series and movies are very magical.

"I have tickets here, we can't go to Longteng Mountain now." Ning Lanlan saw Yun Jian coming over and grabbed Yun Jian.

Yun Jian has no opinion.

It's a good thing to go for a walk in your spare time.

The boys and girls standing around were Xiao Zhiming's friends. Ning Lanlan loved Xiao Zhiming, Yun Jian had known for a long time.

As for the other boys and girls, Ning Lanlan actually didn't know him very well.

Foreign language middle schools also have a high school section. Unfortunately, Ning Lanlan did not enter the high school section of a foreign language middle school.

Xiao Zhiming is a student of a foreign language high school. Now Ning Lanlan and Xiao Zhiming are not classmates of a school.

But even so, Ning Lanlan still pulled Xiao Zhiming out to play with him.

However, Xiao Zhiming has a lot of friends, and there are just as many tickets to Long Teng Shan this time, so Xiao Zhi Ming brought a few classmates to Long Teng Shan

Longteng Mountain is really beautiful, which can be seen from the gate of the scenic spot.

As soon as he entered the gate of the scenic spot, Ning Lanlan took Yun Jian's hand, walked aside and said to Yun Jian mysteriously and excitedly:

"Yunjian, do you know, the senior Zhiming said that when we finished high school, he promised to be with me because he was preparing for the college entrance examination in high school, he didn't want to be distracted!"

Sometimes love is so cheap, even if you have to wait for three days, as long as there is a time limit, it is enough to make a person crazy.

Ning Lanlan is like this.

Ning Lanlan took Yun Jian secretly and said a lot, and also asked Yun Jian how he had been recently.

When the group climbed to the top of Longteng Mountain, they were exhausted, and they were not far away. The crew was filming, and a lot of people were watching around.

"Eh! There are filmmakers there, let's go and see!" Ning Lanlan quickly grabbed Yun Jian's hand and ran over.

Xiao Zhiming and the accompanying boys and girls also ran over.

But in front of the crowd, there were two men and a woman in ancient costumes doing a fight.

"Kakaka! Shuqin, you're acting as a female killer! Female killer doesn't understand! What's your tenderness like water!" The director next to him yelled, yelling at the actress.

"Director, people won't do it!" The actress stomped her feet and whispered.

Standing in the distance, Ning Lanlan and his party have never seen the filming, and they are all excited at this moment.

The girlfriend of one of Xiao Zhiming's girlfriends grunted, and said in a softer voice: "I think she performed well ..."

Xiao Zhiming's friend's girlfriend is called Situ Qing, she looks pretty good, and she's pretty good.

Just after half of Situ Qing's remarks, Yun Jian's voice came next to him. The moment everyone heard Yun Jian's voice, everyone around him looked at her.

But listening to Yun Jian's sharp words, spread throughout the audience:

"As a killer, quick accuracy is the foundation. The killer in which this actress plays does not show any similarities at all."

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