Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1593: Blood doll it's about to be dispatched

Snow Eagle held Sluo's small mouth still talking, he breathed a thick breath, and kissed him so hard.

This pro has messed up Silo again.

Her lips were bitten by the snow eagle and she couldn't get rid of it, but her little hand desperately beat the snow eagle's chest, but nothing happened.

Just as Slow was anxious and couldn't wait to break away from Snow Eagle's arms, Snow Eagle suddenly let go of her lips, and said something tender to her ears:

"I like you, so don't leave me!"

Then, he reached out and naturally grasped the little hand she was beating his chest.

It was the first time that Snow Eagle had said such a thing to her, so Siluo was completely frightened.

Slaughter is not without feeling for Snow Eagle, but she doesn't know whether she is in love with Snow Eagle or not.

"So don't think about leaving me, eh?" Xueying stared at her, solemnly speaking these words.

Silo was a little surprised, but she didn't know why, she felt warm.

The ghost was terrible, Sluo actually looked at Xueying's perfect one, but there was a deep scar on the neck, and she nodded unconsciously.


Country Z, Pudong City, Gansu Province, Sun Baiwen's Family.

The rushing atmosphere continued. Sun Baiwen's face was pale. He was pulled by Song Ling. He didn't dare to go to Yunjian's side. He had to watch his mother Zhu Xixiang faint, and his thigh was slightly bloodied.

"Xiao Jian, don't kill her ..." Qin Yirou was afraid that Yun Jian really killed Zhu Xixiang.

Not afraid of Zhu Xixiang's death, but fear that Yun Jian ruined his life because of Zhu Xixiang.

After all, it is a society ruled by law.

Originally Yun Jian wanted to scare Sun Baiwen, and when Qin Yirou feared that he was in trouble, Yun Jian said it clearly.

"She can't die."

Seeing Zhu Xixiang's injuries seemed to be very serious, everyone passed out, but I don't know why. After his daughter Yun Jian said this, Qin Yirou was really not worried.

"Can't die? It's hurt like that! Do you think you're a black executioner! That's a living human life!"

Wang Duo couldn't help but speak out again. There was a kind of kindness in her tone. Yun Jian was like a big bad guy who couldn't recover.

Just then, Yun Jian's cell phone rang.

Yun Jian ignored Wang Duo's clamor for justice, and she answered the phone.

The people around me couldn't hear what the person on the phone said, but they saw Yun Jian looking down and said to the other side of the phone, "Come in."

Come in? What come in?

The people around were very puzzled.

"Yunjian, do you think this is fun? Don't you call an ambulance! This will be fatal, do you want to be so vicious!"

After listening to Yun Jian's words, Wang Duo couldn't help talking.

Just before Wang Duo finished his speech, he entered the gate with a beautiful figure.

Seeing this, everyone around was attracted to the past.

It is blue glaze.

"Who is this person?" The people around frowned as Qinglan came in from the door.

"Pretend to be a ghost!" Wang Duo rolled his eyes.

But when seeing the glazed there, she went straight to Yun Jian, and she said to Yun Jian in front of everyone:

"Sister Jian, the blood doll has acted. The master told me that they are most likely to find your trace, and may hit you at any time in the near future." So she hurried to come here from Longmen City.

The blue glaze spoke to Yun Jian word by word, his expression was quite dignified.

"Well! Blood dolls? What blood dolls? Are they playing house wine? Still hit her? She thinks she is the oldest boss of the dragon, and who organizes the boss ..."

Wang Duo heard what Qinglan said to Yun Jian, and she couldn't stop laughing.

Before Wang Duo said this, Hang Ziliang's face changed greatly. He looked at Yun Jian and Celadon in horror in front of everyone and asked:

"The blood doll you said is the latest rise of Southeast Asia, the fastest killing of all organizations in Southeast Asia, the underground killer organization that does not blink!

"You, could you have caused such a terrible existence ..."

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