Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1597: Arrogant like her, unforgettable

Don't say that like Yunjian, figure out the hiding place of each sniper while dodging the sniper's bullets!

Anyone present at the scene, even if you let them stand in place, and then look at a point in the distance, let them accurately report how far that point is from where they are.

This is all a matter of guessing by luck!

Not to mention Yun Jian, while hiding the sniper's bullet, at the same time easily see the three sniper points from different locations and different locations, the exact distance from here.

Yun Jian reported accurate figures.

With just the previous hand, Yun Jian's strength has made it impossible for everyone present to use the two common words of shock.

"It's deceptive. She just said it's true and false. She just said it's the hiding place of those snipers?" Wang Duo couldn't use the words shocked to describe her feelings now.

Who is Yunjian? How could she have such terrible skills and the ability to observe and empty!

"It's amazing! She's my idol!" Hang Ziliang said loudly.

I thought I only served SS in the hacker world, but Hang Ziliang never thought that he would meet talents like Yunjian!

I thought Yunjian's hacking skills were so powerful that it was already the limit. What Hang Ziliang never expected was that Yunjian could escape the sniper's bullets!

What's more, her insight is so amazing!

Compared with the group of young people such as Hang Ziliang and Wang Duo, Yun Jian's strength seems to adults like Sun Baiwen, it's almost like watching science fiction movies.

Especially Xiaosan Song Ling, the more powerful Yun Jian, the more afraid she was.

Because Yun Jian is Qin Fangfang's niece!

"Look, what is she doing!" As the crowd was present in amazement, they saw that Yun Jian over there was quickly playing with the pistol and went to the best sniper spot of the sniper.

Until Yunjian was completely exposed to the best range that the sniper could snip.

"What is she doing! The sniper wants to snip her, she must consider the wind direction, wind speed, distance and other areas. When she goes there, she directly exposes herself to the range that the sniper can easily snip!"

Hang Ziliang was frightened and sweated for Yun Jian.

Among the people present, in addition to Hang Ziliang, everyone else, whether it was Sun Baiwen, or Wang Duo, Hang Zijie, and Duan Chengxuan, anyone present was unable to understand what Yun Jian was doing now and wanted to do.

Only Hang Ziliang knows what Yun Jian did.

Therefore, after listening to Hang Ziliang's explanation, everyone present could not help but take a breath.

Everyone thought Yunjian was crazy!

Is she out of mind or something! Actually exposed himself to the range that the sniper can snip!

Is she looking for death!

But I saw Yun Jian over there with a cold arc. She held the black pistol in her hand and did not take out her usual butterfly knife. Instead, she held the pistol in the palm of her hand very flexible and walked towards the sniper point where the sniper could snip Row.

The butterfly knife is indeed her best weapon.

But now, at this moment, she wants to tell the killers from the blood dolls something.

Butterfly knife, she is good at it, she can be flexible and free.

And the pistol, she is still handy!

"I know, she must be trying to kill the sniper! Oh my god! Standing on the ground and fighting the sniper!

"The longest range of a pistol is 50 meters! Standing on flat ground with a pistol to kill snipers, but also to protect yourself from being killed by snipers first, is an unheard of thing throughout the world!

"Did she really want to ..."

Hang Ziliang was frightened, so she shouted these words in horror.

The people around him were stunned by Hang Ziliang's words. When the crowd reacted again and looked over there, they saw that Yunjian had already acted.

The next scene is to make everyone present unforgettable-

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