Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1614: Disagreement, always pick things

Seeing that all number plates had been randomly distributed to each member, Duanmu Qiao cleared his throat and continued to speak:

"The number on your hand is your name in the selection field. From now on, unless you are eliminated and leave the selection field, the number on your hand is your name! Have you heard it clearly?"

"Listen clearly!" Everyone in the audience answered loudly.

Listening to this, the main person in charge of the selection field, that is, Duanmu Qiao nodded gently, then turned around and handed over to another person in charge, and left here.

Duanmu Qiao is not only the main person in charge of the selection field, but also the general person in charge of the selection field.

Duanmu Qiao, as the person in charge, does not always appear in the selection field. Today is the beginning of the selection field, so Duanmu Qiao will appear here to announce the rules.

After Duanmu Qiao left, Yu Shaoluo waved to the crowd: "All enter the selection field, pack things up to the residence, and our selection contest will begin immediately."

As soon as I heard the trials started so quickly, I did not give people a chance to slow down. Everyone in the room swallowed hard, but no one said anything.

No one will wait for you to adapt to the environment. If you say one more word here, you will be kicked out of the selection field directly.

"Yunjian, what's your number?" The collection disbanded, Xu Mei asked in a little excitement when he reached Yunjian's ear.

"006." Yun Jian narrowed his eyes, and the sentence came out lightly.

006, this number is exactly the same as the number of the dark soul organization she just entered.

In the previous life, when they entered the dark soul organization, they all called each other by numbers. Later, only a few people survived, and were allowed to choose their own codes.

"Hey, good luck. Wow, my number is 099. This number is the second to last, which is enough!" Xu Wenming next to him came up with a smile and hurt himself.

"You can go in." Wang Buren, the oldest and most stable of the five, spoke.

Wang Buren spoke with a strong sense of cold field, so Wang Buren's words just came to an end, and everyone at the scene obeyed and entered the gate of the selection field.

When she was about to enter the selection gate, Yunjian's mobile phone suddenly rang. She opened the text message of her mobile phone, but when she saw the text message that Chu Ning sent to herself, she could clearly see it.

Just click and see that the text message is as follows:

Yunjianjianer! Come on! Although I can't come to the scene to cheer you on, our King Squad will silently support you behind your back! I believe you can do it! !! !!

Seeing this message, Yun Jian narrowed her eyes slightly. She didn't reply, but pinched her phone, hid it back to her pocket, and followed the steps of Xu Mei and others into the selection field.

"Everyone with a mobile phone or electronic device in hand, put things here, no mobile phones are allowed during the selection!" A man in military uniform shouted with a horn standing.

"Little sister came with us to participate in the selection? Did you say that the big guy wanted to let you, ah, ha?"

One of them was pretty good. The people in the team were all in their twenties. They were all average, but all looked at Yunjian in a different way.

One of them, who was just twenty-five years old and looked pretty good, was looking at Yunjian with some ridiculous and disdainful eyes, and said.

This group came from the same officer as the five Yunjians.

Yun Jian was ridiculed at the gate just now.

"This man's name is Zhou Duanzheng. His officer is in conflict with our headmaster Ma. He used to pick things up. You just ignore him." Wang Buren stood next to Yun Jian and said to Yun Jian.

Some people come to the selection grounds, not really to go to the hunting school, they are just to hinder people who are not in harmony with themselves.

Just like Zhou Duanzheng and others.

"Um." Yun Jian said gently to Wang Buren.

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