Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1623: Plunge into the body, so fast

Opening Yunjian's schoolbag, Nan Linlin's heart nest tightly strewn out of the contents of the schoolbag, she was frightened by the frightening act after the chief Fang saw the wooden sandal box that slipped out of the schoolbag.

After hearing the words of Chief Fang, all of them were shocked without exception.

Wooden sandalwood box?

Wooden sandalwood box is a mysterious box. Since its birth, countless international business politicians and big brothers have been desperately fighting for it.

But the legendary wooden sandalwood box fell into the hands of the Moments of International Agents.

After the incident, some people also released pictures of wooden sandalwood boxes just excavated from ancient tombs, and also made headlines in international newspapers.

It was even released by a well-known authoritative person that the wooden sandalwood box was taken away by the first agent of the international agent ranking.

As to whether this statement is true, no one has yet known.

Therefore, the chief Fang who had seen the picture of the sandalwood box on the headlines of the international newspapers recognized the outrageous box at a glance.

He was looking at the box in front of him in astonishment.

"Why, what is a sandalwood box !?" Nan Linlin was surprised when she saw the crazy eyes of the people around her, so she suppressed her own surprise and asked.

"The sandalwood box is an antique! Its value is so high that you can't measure its value with money, and ah! Legend has it that this sandalwood box was taken away by the first Moments of the international agent ranking!"

There was a man beside him who didn't understand Nan Linlin's face, so he explained it out loud.

"It's worth it? Is this broken box?" Nan Linlin was dumbfounded. She looked at the sandalwood box that rolled out of the Yunjian schoolbag and questioned.

"Don't look at this box. If this box is a real sandalwood box, its value is not something that can be measured by money! That is not something that can be bought by billions of dollars!" Someone asked in Nanlinlin After the interface.

"A few billions are not enough to buy it !?" Nan Linlin was completely dumbfounded.

Nan Linlin's family is very rich, and it is precisely because of this that she has developed Nan Linlin's arrogant character.

But even so, billions, it is an astronomical number for Nan Linlin's family, not to mention, billions of billions can't buy this broken box! ?

"It's a high-end imitation, it's not true." As everyone looked at Yun Jian side by side, waiting for Yun Jian's explanation, Yun Jian's words spread suddenly and reached the ears of everyone present.

"High-end textiles?" Chief Fang was surprised.

"Yeah." Yunjian over there picked up the sandalwood box from the ground and quickly packed it into the schoolbag, then lied without blushing.

The sandalwood box is real. Since returning from the Royal Dragon Continent last time, she recovered part of her memory. Yunjian has taken the sandalwood box to her side at any time.

People around did not question after hearing Yun Jian's explanation.

Also, how could a real sandalwood box appear here?

"Then these knives?" Chief Fang pointed to the various butterfly knives scattered from the Yunjian schoolbag and asked.

"Given by my friend." Yun Jian picked up the things calmly, carrying his backpack on his shoulder.

Her indifferent appearance and superb lying skills deceived everyone present.

Especially Zhou Zhengzheng's group of people, he was relieved.

Zhou Duanzheng was frightened by Yun Jian just now, and his face was slightly warmed up.

When Yun Jian picked up her things, she carried her schoolbag on her back and walked to the bedroom. When she walked to the side of Nan Linlin, she made no secret to Nan Linlin:

"You should be glad that you are now in the selection field, otherwise I will pierce as many knives as possible into my bag."

As soon as Yun Jian's words came out, everyone in the room was frightened.

She didn't hide her words at all.

This time, not only was Zhou Duanzhen, who was hostile to Yun Jian, stunned, Nan Linlin exclaimed in shock at Yun Jian: "Dare you!"

"Don't you dare!" As Yun Jian's voice fell, she flipped her hand, and a butterfly knife, somehow taken out, appeared in her hand.

Then she shook the butterfly knife and waved to Nan Linlin.

I saw Nan Linlin's tail hair scattered on the side of the shoulder was immediately cut a lot, but the Yunjian knife method is accurate, except for that tail hair, the tip of the knife did not touch Nan Linlin's clothes.

After everyone responded, the butterfly knife on Yun Jian's hand had disappeared.

Seeing this, everyone's face changed suddenly.

Good fast knife!

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